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Annual Report 202410 February 2025
The International Association of Universities is pleased to present the 2024 Annual Report of activities. In 2024, IAU hosted 9 webinars, published numerous reports and policy statements, strengthened and engaged with our Membership base, and continued our advocacy work for our four priority areas: value based leadership, internationalization, sustainable development and digital transformation. Through these thematic priorities, the IAU has been able to continue project based work to facilitate international collaboration and knowledge production. To learn more about what IAU achieved in 2024, read the latest Annual Report.
HEIAS Opportunity31 January 2025
HEIAS Annual Grant
Each year the IAU reserves a budget to cover one of the HEIAS programmes for one IAU Member HEI. The grant will cover the full fee of the service; the institution will only have to cover the travel and subsistence costs (accommodation and meals) of the members of the expert panel.Eligibility criteria
In order to be eligible, a university applying for this unique grant must be:
An IAU Member in good standing.
Located in a low-income country according to the IAU membership criteria or able to demonstrate that they are facing a particularly difficult financial situation.
Application criteria
The application may be submitted by any individual working at the institution, but it must be endorsed by the academic leadership and submitted on behalf of the whole institution. A letter signed by the head of the institution demonstrating this commitment is required.
In order to apply, institutions must complete the online application from.
The deadline for submitting applications is Friday 28 February 2025.
In the application form, the applying institution must identify the HEIAS programme it would like to pursue, explain briefly the reasoning behind the choice, and detail what it aims to achieve thanks to the HEIAS grant support.
If the institution is not located in a low-income country, it must also demonstrate that it is facing difficult financial conditions and therefore in need of a grant. Failure to do so will make the application ineligible. HEIs located in low-income country are exempt from this requirement.
Selection Criteria:
For this first year, institutions will be evaluated based on their application. In successive years, criteria for selection will also consider geographic balance between the different regions of the world, the type of institution, the type of service requested and the period of the year the service would take place.Timeline:
- Applications will be evaluated in March 2025 and the selected institutions will be informed by Friday 28 March 2025 at the latest.
- The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be finalized in April 2025.
- The HEIAS service will start immediately after the signing of the MoU.
- The site visit should ideally take place during the first three months of the year 2026.
Call for Papers: IAU Horizons vol. 30.131 January 2025
Transforming Our World: Shaping the Path Forward
A decade ago, in 2015, the United Nations adopted Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), expanding the concept of sustainable development to encompass inclusive social and economic progress, environmental stewardship, and global peace and security. Designed as a universal and people-centered framework, Agenda 2030 applies to all nations and acknowledges academia as a key partner. However, it fell short of explicitly emphasizing the critical role of higher education in driving sustainable development forward.
With just five years remaining until 2030, progress toward the SDGs remains insufficient. The world continues to face mounting crises, from environmental challenges to geopolitical instability, making the need for bold action more urgent than ever.
The outcomes of the 2023 SDG Summit, the adoption of the UN Pact for the Future in 2024, and annual UN High-Level Political Forums provide valuable insights into the gaps and challenges that lie ahead. By 2027, the UN will decide on the next steps for advancing sustainable development beyond 2030.
In this critical moment, the International Association of Universities (IAU) calls on higher education leaders to reflect on their engagement with the SDGs and to share insights on both the achievements and shortcomings of the current agenda. More importantly, it is an invitation for a forward-looking discussion on the evolving role of higher education in driving transformation beyond 2030.
Key questions for reflection include:
- What changes are needed to accelerate progress toward sustainable development?
- How can universities contribute more effectively, and should their role be redefined?
- What are the lacunas of the current Agenda 2030, is there a need for new goals or refined objectives?
Leaders of higher education institutions are invited to contribute to help shape the road beyond 2030 by sharing their views, perspectives and aspirations for the future through short opinion pieces.
The time to reflect and act is now.
Practical information- The call is directed at the leaders of IAU Member institutions and organizations. Co-authors are welcome.
- Please submit the proposed abstract by 20 February 2025 (midnight CET).
- The deadline for submission of the full opinion piece (max. 800 words) is 15 March 2025.
Submit your abstract here.
Open Science: The Challenge for Universities31 January 2025
IAU Horizons Vol. 29.222 January 2025
technolo19 November 2024
Link to text: https://www.iau-aiu.net/IMG/pdf/open_science_the_challenge_for_universities.pdf.pdf
IAU 2024 International Conference12 November 2024
DATE: 22 -24 November 2024
THEME: University Values in a Changing World
IAU 2024 International Conference
The IAU 2024 International Conference will be held from 22-24 November at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan.In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving global landscape, universities find themselves navigating heightened complexity and uncertainty. Institutions and their leaders are increasingly compelled to adapt swiftly to a diverse range of expectations. Against this backdrop, this conference highlights the pivotal role of values, exploring how they provide universities with guidance for decision-making, ethical conduct, and meaningful engagement. Furthermore, conference sessions will assess the extent to which these values are used to address the grand challenges encountered by societies.
Learn more about the conference theme in the event concept note.
Call for Proposals Now Open
Framed by the above conference concept note, the IAU has opened this call for proposals to identify speakers from different regions of the world that can contribute to the important conversations during breakout sessions of the International Conference programme. Learn more and submit your proposal here.
With any questions, please contact the
IAU Events team -
Latest IAU Programme: HEIAS12 November 2024
Higher Education Internationalization Advisory Services (HEIAS)
The International Association of Universities is pleased to launch its newest programme of work under the internationalization thematic priority area: HEIAS. This programme expands on the foundation laid by the original IAU ISAS and ISAS 2.0 programmes, which were created to support higher education institutions (HEIs) in developing, reviewing, and enhancing their internationalization strategies.
Introducing HEIAS:
The HEIAS programme offers a broad array of distinct services designed for IAU Member institutions at various stages of internationalization. HEIAS aims to foster greater international collaboration, enhance institutional capacity, and inform global engagement strategies given evolving challenges and opportunities. Each service culminates with the award of an IAU internationalization and global engagement Learning Badge.
Discover the recent actions from the network...17 July 2024
Discover the latest report on SDGs activities (2023-24) carried out by the IAU HESD Cluster members:
Higher Education on the Way to 2030 (final version 09/2024)
What is the HESD cluster?
The Cluster works on all dimensions of the SDGs, combining economic, social, cultural, and environmental sustainability. Especially the cultural dimension of SD will be at the core of this Cluster, since this is an area not touched-upon a lot by others. Yet, due to the diverse nature of the IAU, the association believes that this is the key to successful partnerships and a holistic understanding of the Global Goals.
The Cluster is composed of 16 lead Institutions, each championing and working on one specific SDG while at the same time linking it to other relevant SDGs. Work on goal 17, which consists of multiple organizations working together, is led by IAU. Gradually, additional institutions will be invited on board. The Cluster will be supported, monitored and steered by the IAU Working Group on HESD. Initiatives developed by the Cluster will be made available to all IAU Members.
Read more about the Cluster here: https://www.iau-hesd.net/index.php/IAU-Global-HESD-Cluster -
Second Global Survey on the State of Digital...28 May 2024
Second Global Survey on the State of Digital Transformation of Higher Education
After several years of rapid digital transformation particularly accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the IAU is pleased to announce that the second Global Survey on Digital Transformation of Higher Education is now collecting responses. The first global survey on digital transformation was launched in 2019 and it led to the report: Higher Education in the Digital Era: The current state of transformation around the world (January 2020). This report constitutes an important source of information about the state of digital transformation prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This survey will take stock of the current state of digital transformation in higher education to monitor developments and identify key achievements as well as challenges. Our aim is to assess how ongoing technological developments are contributing to broad transformations in higher education. For the preparation of the global survey, it is essential that we work with experts from different regions of the world to ensure a sound design of the questionnaire and that it is resonating with all regions of the world.
Key details:
We kindly ask for only one reply per institution; thus we invite you to nominate a senior staff member to collect the data from across your institution and submit it online. The survey is composed of 43 questions out of which 10 are simple demographical questions. We recommend that you download this PDF version of the survey to prepare your reply and submit the survey once you have collected the data. It will take about 30 minutes to submit the data online. The deadline to complete the survey is 1 October 2024. -
IAU Horizons issue, Volume 29, no. 1, 202414 May 2024
We are pleased to announce the release of a new edition of IAU Horizons. This issue of IAU Horizons offers insights on IAU initiatives and activities and presents articles related to the strategic priorities of the Association.
The widespread distribution of generative AI has raised many questions for higher education institutions to address, spanning a wide spectrum of visions from utopian ideals to dystopian scenarios. To shed light on what is at stake for higher education, this ‘In Focus’ section is devoted to Universities and the Interplay between Human Intelligence and Generative AI.
Read the magazine >> Order printed copy or request more information
>> Previous issues -
IAU Horizons 29.2 - Call for papers on The University: Shaping Values and Shaped by Values6 May 2024
IAU Horizons 29.2 - Call for papers
IN FOCUS: The University: Shaping Values and Shaped by Values
In today’s dynamic, complex, and ever-evolving global landscape, universities often find themselves on the front lines of social tension, economic and environmental uncertainty, and political change. These challenges transcend geographical boundaries, impacting universities worldwide irrespective of their size, traditions, cultures, or operational styles. Against this backdrop, this issue of IAU Horizons wishes to investigate the pivotal role of values, exploring both the ways that universities shape the values of their students and the values that universities themselves rely on for guidance in their decision-making, ethical conduct, strategic outlook and meaningful engagement.
This issue of IAU Horizons invites contributions that discuss the values that are needed to address the great challenges of our time. It also invites reflection on whether, amid our rich and diverse set of cultures and traditions, higher education institutions around the world share a set of distinct values? What will be the future of traditional academic values, such as autonomy, academic freedom, and research integrity? What role do values play in the social trust accorded to universities?
To discuss these important questions, the IAU calls for thought pieces of a maximum 800 words.Read the full call for papers here.
Please submit a proposed abstract by 1 June 2024
The deadline for submission of the full opinion piece is 1 July 2024.
6th IAU Global Survey on Internationalization - Now Available in French!2 April 2024
IAU officially launched the 6th edition of the Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education: The Future of Internationalization of Higher Education in January 2023. The IAU accepted responses for the survey until June 2023. The survey report was published on 2 April 2024 via a live webinar. The webinar recording is available on the IAU Youtube page.
The IAU 6th Global Survey on the Internationalization of Higher Education received responses from 722 higher education institutions (HEIs) in 110 countries and territories. The resulting survey report analyses the findings in order to present both global and regional trends. Furthermore, the report compares current findings with data from the IAU’s previous Global Surveys on Internationalization in order to explore long-term changes occurring in the internationalization field. Discover first results of the survey here.
The Global Surveys are IAU flagship publications for our strategic priority on Internationalization. IAU has produced five Global Surveys to date (2003, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2019), and the reports of the surveys are of seminal importance in the internationalization of higher education. The survey has grown in breadth and detail over the years and are often cited by researchers and experts in the field, and higher education media.
WHED Country Update: USA15 March 2024
The World Higher Education Database (WHED), maintained and developed by the International Association of Universities in collaboration with UNESCO, recently finalised its most recent update of institutions in the United States.
The WHED team verified and updated information for all 2568 institutions listed in the database in the United States. This involved checks of multiple accreditor websites and the collection of detailed data on the extensive array of degree programs offered within each institution.
The outcome of this effort provided valuable insights into the US higher education sector. Notably, there are 768 public HEIs and 1800 private HEIs, each meeting stringent WHED criteria, including offering at least a four-year Bachelor’s degree and having graduated at least three cohorts of students. Digging deeper into the dynamics of higher education in the United States, the latest WHED update revealed significant reliance on private funding in a majority of higher education institutions and that leadership in the country’s higher education sector remains markedly male-dominated.
About the WHED:
The World Higher Education Database (WHED) is the IAU unique online reference portal that provides authoritative information on some 21,000 accredited higher education institutions as well as on higher education systems and credentials in 196 countries and territories. It is globally recognized as an official source of information and maintained in collaboration with UNESCO.The IAU has been collecting this data since its foundation in 1950. The WHED has evolved constantly to meet the needs of the global higher education community. The WHED team collects, processes, validates and publishes comprehensive and detailed higher education data on the portal on a continuous basis.
Work with the IAU7 March 2024
Internship Opportunities
There are currently no open internship opportunities at the IAU. Please check back later for updates.Job Opportunities
Membership Services and Events Officer
Contract Type: 1-year fixed-term (CDD), with potential renewal into a permanent position
Location: International Association of Universities (IAU), UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Application deadline: 15 March 2025 -
2023 Annual Report5 March 2024
The International Association of Universities is pleased to present the 2023 Annual Report of activities. In 2023, IAU hosted 10 webinars, published numerous reports and policy statements, strengthened and engaged with our Membership base, and continued our advocacy work for our four priority areas: value based leadership, digital transformation, internationalization, and sustainable development. Through these umbrella programmes, IAU has been able to continue project based work to facilitate international collaboration and knowledge production. To learn more about what IAU achieved in 2023, read the latest Annual Report.
Call for Papers: Universities and the Interplay of Human Intelligence and Generative AI15 January 2024
Call for Papers: Universities and the Interplay of Human Intelligence and Generative AI
In the upcoming ‘In Focus’ section of IAU Horizons, we aim to bring together multiple perspectives and reflections on how generative AI impacts higher education. We wish to demonstrate the breadth of the impacts whether it concerns the future of teaching and learning, the impact on pedagogy and cognition, and how we carry out assessments or conduct research. Likewise, the aim is to shed light on the problems around inequalities, the ethical issues related to data representation, quality, veracity, ownership and curation, and how it interweaves with academic values and codes of conduct. The purpose is to bring together both the voices of concern as well as the visionary aspirations. This is a non-exhaustive list of examples of what could be addressed.Read the full call for papers here.
To discuss the important questions relating to Universities and the Interplay of Human Intelligence and Generative AI, the IAU calls for thought pieces of a maximum 800 words.
> Please submit a proposed abstract by 8 February 2024
> Deadline for submission of the full opinion piece is 1 March 2024
For more information or questions, please contact: Trine Jensen
Warm wishes from the IAU for 2024...18 December 2023
Warm wishes from the IAU
The IAU extends its season’s greetings and wishes for a happy new year to our Members, partners, associates, affiliates, and senior fellows. Reflecting on the past year, the IAU takes pride in the accomplishments and collaborations that have enriched our endevours. Our interactions and engagements with Members and partners have been rewarding, and we look forward to continuing to engage with the higher education community and strengthening the voice of higher education in 2024.Read the full season’s greetings message here.
Learn About Open Science with the IAU at Utrecht University1 December 2023
The IAU is pleased to announce that it is organising an upcoming Institutional Site Visit to be hosted by Utrecht University in the Netherlands from 3 – 4 April 2024. The University is pleased to welcome IAU Members to learn from the extensive experience of the institution in its transition to Open Science.
Open Science is a movement which encourages collaborative and public research in which findings are shared at the earliest stage possible. The purpose of Open Science is to foster more transparent, collaborative, and inclusive scientific practices to make new knowledge more accessible and verifiable, to ensure more equitable access to science and knowledge, and to enhance international research collaboration.
Learn more about this upcoming Institutional Site Visit on Open Science or express your interest in participating today.
Visit the IAU HESD Global Portal30 November 2023
During the IAU 2023 International Conference, the Association presented the latest version of the IAU HESD Global Portal. This portal is a tool developed by the International Association of Universities (IAU) for its Members, partners and the general public. It provides access to university actions and more initiatives developed around the world to promote sustainability and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
First created in 2012 and launched at the IAU 14th General Conference in Puerto Rico, the IAU HESD Portal has come a long way. It constantly improves and integrates content submitted by IAU members and partners and collected via desk-based research. Following the 2015 adoption of the SDGs, these UN Goals were integrated into the page and search function. In 2018, the IAU HESD Cluster was created, and their work is featured on a special Cluster page on the portal. November 2023 marks the relaunch of the Portal to include new functionalities and an improved layout.
The IAU HESD Portal is updated regularly by the IAU and IAU Members, and partners are invited to contribute relevant content. While some services are offered on a priority basis for IAU-Members, the portal is openly accessible online. We look forward to receiving your contributions, questions, and input at the HESD team.
>>>Discover university actions for sustainable development and SDGs
>>>Find out how to publish your university’s actions on the IAU HESD Portal -
IAU Horizons issue, Volume 28, no. 2, 202327 November 2023
IAU 2023 International Conference27 November 2023
IAU 2023 International Conference
The IAU 2023 International Conference was held from 25-27 November at Qatar University in Doha, Qatar. The conference discussed the theme Higher Education with Impact: The Importance of Intercultural Learning and Dialogue. Read the concept note to learn more about the IAU 2023 International Conference.About the Conference
Universities provide excellent environments to foster intercultural learning and competence which embraces diversity, treasures differences and is necessary for graduates to thrive in a globalised world. It enhances their appreciation and respect for the other and leads to a more forceful commitment to human rights, democracy, the rule of law, and building peace.The IAU 2023 Global Conference explored how universities around the world promote and support intercultural learning and dialogue, the impact geopolitics is having on this goal, and the broader implications it has for our society
Learn More
The IAU 2023 International Conference website can provide all necessary information regarding the programme, speakers, registration, and conference logistics. We invite you to explore the website and register now.
Conference Website Programme and Presentations Conference Photos IAU Member Organizations were invited to also participate in the Global Meeting of Associations held immediately before the International Conference on Saturday 25 November.
With any other questions, please contact the
IAU Events team -
Launch Announcement : IAU-SOS Responsible Futures International Pilot12 October 2023
Launch Announcement : IAU-SOS Responsible Futures International Pilot
The IAU is pleased to announce its partnership with Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK), for the international adaptation of the Responsible Futures programme, that SOS-UK already has been conducting with further and higher education institutions for almost 10 years in the UK.
Responsible Futures is a whole-institution approach to embedding holistic sustainability across the formal and informal curriculum in higher education. It is a supported change programme and accreditation mark that works to put sustainability at the heart of student learning. The Responsible Futures framework assists in creating an environment for staff and students to work together, in partnership, to embed sustainability throughout teaching and learning. The programme legitimises and mainstreams education for sustainable development (ESD), ultimately helping to ensure students leave education with the knowledge, skills, and attributes needed to create a more just and sustainable society. The framework facilitates a close working partnership between student representatives and their institutions through a set of criteria drawn from good practice across the sector. Thirty-nine partnerships across the UK have joined Responsible Futures since its launch in September 2014. Collectively, they represent nearly 700,000 students. For more information see the RF programme website.
International Pilot Launch Workshops
With two workshops taking place online on 3rd and 5th October, the IAU and SOS UK successfully kicked off the international pilot of the RF programme with the first group of universities. The universities participating in the pilot are IAU members who have been invited on board in recognition of their existing commitment to sustainable development and working with an SD strategy at the whole institution. Pilot universities will play a leadership role in working with IAU and SOS to co-create an international RF framework and shape how the international programme is designed and delivered. Around 35 participants joined over the two days, next to SOS UK and IAU facilitators, staff and students from the following universities:- Mohawk College , Canada
- Murdoch University, Australia
- Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
- Queens University, Canada
- The University of the West Indies (UWI), Caribbean
- Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Women’s University of Africa (WUA), Zimbabwe
Furthermore, representatives from the University of Derby and the University of West of England, both institutions have been involved in the UK Responsible Futures for a number of years, shared how RF created new possibilities and developed initiatives with lasting impact for coordination of institution-wide sustainability engagement.
Participants reported on existing sustainability activities and challenges to reach all part of the institution. The programme aims to support them in overcoming institutional barriers and putting systems in place that will encourage the development of lasting sustainability initiatives. In addition to introducing participants and defining aims and objectives, the workshops served to review of the RF framework and exchange experiences.Erica Clother-Joseph, President of the UWI Global Campus STAT Corp, University of the West Indies, stated after the workshop: "We are looking forward to Responsible Futures pilot and the collaboration across campuses and faculties and departments on ESD. This will really bring a sense of unity to our work and bring our university closer together as we work toward this important initiative.”
Heather Aldersey, faculty member at the School of Rehabilitation Therapy and Special Advisor to the Principal on the UN SDGs, Queen’s University, believes that: “The programme will be helpful to learn from international colleagues around their efforts and through student involvement. The RF framework is useful to look at our baseline and how we’ll move forward in the coming years.”
Sarah-Jane Cullinane, ESD fellow at Trinity College Dublin, believes that “the programme [will] give us a mechanism to support our students to lead on ESD and to have some transparency around the process as well.”
Why Responsible Futures international?
In her welcome words, IAU Secretary General Hilligje van’t Land stressed how universities are already transforming towards sustainability and how this links to the RF international pilot. “The joint IAU and SOS UK Responsible Futures International Programme is an accelerator on the highway to successfully working with sustainability at the whole institution and can help students, staff and leadership at universities work more closely together” she said.The IAU strongly advocates for the role of higher education for the 2030 Agenda and for the importance of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a backdrop for action in HE. The IAU decided to endorse the Responsible Futures programme based on its focus on student engagement and co-development so as to accelerate and ensure both medium- and long-term success of sustainability initiatives at the participating universities. Thanks to the diverse group of institutions from different countries, higher education systems, and backgrounds involved in the pilot group and framework co-design process, the IAU is convinced that the international RF programme will be beneficial and help HEIs to advance their sustainably efforts.
Next steps
Next steps will include further individual meetings with institutions, support consultations, and preparing a possible audit. This first round of the IAU-SOS Responsible Futures pilot will conclude in summer 2024, and its results will be presented at the IAU International Conference 2024 in November 2024 (more details will be announced shortly).
IAU Members interested in participating in the Responsible Futures International in 2024 are invited to contact Isabel Toman to receive further information on requirements and timelines.About Students Organising for Sustainability
Students Organising for Sustainability is a student-led education charity focusing on sustainability. We know environmental sustainability cannot be achieved in isolation, so our work spans across issues of social justice and wellbeing as well.Through our work we want to see...
• More students leading on, and learning for, sustainability.
• An education system repurposed around the climate emergency and ecological
• Sustainability that is more inclusive, so it is for everyone. -
IAU Interviewed | Global Citizenship Education Interview Series4 October 2023
IAU Manager for Internationalization Giorgio Marinoni was interviewed on 3 October 2023 by Dr Emiliano Bosio as part of his Global Citizenship Education Interview Series.
During the interview, the two discussed global citizenship and internationalization in higher education. Giorgio highlighted the findings of the IAU Global Survey series on the Internaitonalization of Higher Education, and discussed the internationalization advisory services that the IAU offers to Members. Their conversation emphasised the role of internationalization in transcending boarders and developing intercultural competencies.
Watch the full interview here.
IAU Partners with UWN on the SDGs Hub24 September 2023
The IAU and University World News have partnered to support the work of universities by providing them with adequate and constructive visibility though the UWN’s SDGs Hub.
In view of the critical importance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), University World News dedicates a news section of their website to highlighting the work that universities, and the higher education sector as a whole, do to contribute to the achievement of the Goals. In light of the IAU’s leadership on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD), IAU and UWN have partnered to further bring visibility to good practices, new research, and important initiatives in the sector. IAU is thus an official SDGs Hub partner.
IAU Members interested in publicizing their sustainable development achievements on the UWN SDGs Hub are invited to contact the IAU.
To learn more about IAU’s work on HESD, click here, or discover the IAU HESD Portal here.
Learn more about the IAU - UWN Partnership here.
If you wish to become engaged with the IAU’s work on HESD, write to Isabel Toman, IAU Programme Officer for Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development.
Executive Leadership Programme (ELP)7 September 2023
About the Executive Leadership Program (ELP)
The IAU Executive Leadership Programme (ELP) is unique. It is radically global in its ambition to support university leaders across all higher education systems and types focusing on common issues and challenges. It covers central aspects of higher education management for a sustainable running of the institution, and it empowers university leaders to navigate the contextual and political dimensions of university leadership. In short, the ELP provides a framework with which to confront the big managerial, ethical, economic and societal questions universities are facing or will face.Want to learn more or share this opportunity with others? Access the full programme brochure here.
Modular Topics:
Transformative Leadership
1. The Changing Mission of Universities
2. Building Partnerships Across the Global Higher Education Landscape
3. Navigating the Strategic Planning ProcessHigher Education Management
4. Effective Governance, Risk Management, and Oversight
5. Budgeting, Financial Strategy, and Administration
6. Diversifying Income Streams and Fundraising Strategies in Higher Education
7. Creating and Managing Effective TeamsValues Based Leadership
8. Leadership in the Transformation of Higher Education
9. Charting a Sustainable Future for Higher Education
10. Defining and Communicating the Role of Higher Education in SocietyLearning Outcomes:
Enhanced Strategic Thinking and Planning: Gain a new perspective on different aspects of global higher education to improve scenario thinking for the implications for your current strategy and future plans.
Understand Your Leadership Capabilities: Gain better knowledge of the different dimensions of strategic leadership to become a globally engaged leader of change.
Develop Effective Teams: Explore leadership expectations and improve interpersonal management skills to unlock the full potential of diverse high-performing teams.
Build a Global Network of Peers: Create long-term partnerships, connect with colleagues from all over the world, and share experiences to learn from each other.
Program Details:
Dates: 25 November 2023 - Autumn 2024. The first session will be held at the IAU 2023 International Conference at Qatar University in Doha.Format: In person and online
Coordinator: Dr. Andreas Corcoran, IAU Deputy Secretary General
Language of Instruction: English
Registration: Please register via the following form:
Register Here
Meet the program facilitators:Andrew Deeks, President of Murdoch University, Australia and IAU President
Pam Fredman, Former Rector Gothenburg University and IAU immediate past President
Andreas Corcoran, IAU Deputy Secretary General
Tawane Kupe, Former Vice Chancellor, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Teri Balser, Immediate past Provost and Vice President,
University of Calgary, CanadaPatrick Deane, Principal and Vice Chancellor, Queen’s University, Canada
Chris Brink, Former Vice Chancellor, Newcastle University, UK
Higher Education Partnerships to Accelerate Action for the SDGs3 August 2023
The IAU Global Cluster on HESD promotes the role and potential that HEIs globally have in order to achieve the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. The Cluster encourages collaboration and takes a holistic approach to the SDGs, focusing specifically on the whole-institution approach.
The IAU Global Cluster on HESD brings HEIs from all continents together and encourages them to develop joint initiatives and synergies.
The Cluster works on all dimensions of the SDGs, combining environmental, social, cultural, and economic dimensions of sustainability, with partnerships as the key enabler for joint action.
Peer-to-peer learning sparks new ideas and creativity among the Members of the Cluster and will encourage other universities to step up their game towards achieving a more sustainable future. The Cluster helps generate joint and collaborative projects and other initiatives.
The Cluster is composed of 16 lead Institutions, each championing and working on one specific SDG while at the same time linking it to other relevant SDGs, with additional Institutions invited on board as ‘Satellites’ around each SDG. Currently, around 70 universities (leads and subclusters) are engaged in the Cluster. Work on SDG 17: Partnerships, is led by the IAU and includes working with other organisations in the higher education and sustainable development sphere. The Cluster is supported, monitored and steered by the IAU Working Group on HESD with the Initiatives developed by the Cluster being available to all IAU Members.
Find the latest report on the activities of the IAU HESD Cluster from 2022-23 here.
Survey Closed: 6th IAU Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education27 June 2023
The sixth edition of the Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education: the Future of the Internationalization of Higher Education is now closed.
We thank the 740 Higher Education Institutions from 110 countries and territories around the world that replied to the survey.
The analysis of the results is currently being performed, and the report is expected to be published at the beginning of 2024.
Read more about the survey HERE, or contact IAU Internationalization Manager Giorgio Marinoni for more information.
IAU Horizons26 June 2023
Call for papers: Countering Global Strife through interculturality?
In his keynote address at the IAU International Conference in 1990, the UNESCO Director-General Federico Mayor Zaragoza, declared that “universality and diversity are not to be construed as opposition, but rather a dialectic, which has as its synthesis interdependence”. More than 30 years later, this message is more important than ever. We have therefore decided to dedicate the IAU 2023 International Conference to: Higher Education with Impact: The Importance of Intercultural Teaching and Dialogue.
In connection with the conference, the IAU is pleased to announce that the ‘In Focus’ section of the next issue of IAU Horizons will be devoted to the theme: Countering Global Strife through interculturality?
Universities have a key role to play in building intercultural competencies, nurturing intercultural understanding, and establishing a sense of interconnectedness in a world that seems increasingly polarised and divided, marked by the erosion of social coherence and human freedoms. How does academic responsibility figure in this context of rising geopolitical tensions and national protectionism? How do we facilitate international collaboration and foster a culture of peace? How can universities leverage their influence and stem breakdowns in civic discourse? And how does this converge with the growing demand on universities to actively engage in knowledge diplomacy? In brief, how can universities sustain and build intercultural ties and empower global citizenship and social responsibility?
To discuss these important questions, the IAU is pleased to open a call for papers in terms of a thought piece of maximum 800 words.
As usual, the IAU retains editorial oversight.This call is exclusively open to leaders (Presidents, Vice-chancellors and Rectors) of higher education institutions. However, we are open to proposals that are co-authored with a colleague.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 9 July
Deadline for submission of papers: 1 August
Please submit the abstract here.
For more information or questions, please contact: Trine Jensen
Call for Experts on Open Science21 June 2023
The recent IAU Policy Statement: Transforming Higher Education in a Digital World for the Global Common Good recognizes the principles laid out in the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, adopted by the UNESCO General Conference in 2021. The latter constitutes a normative and legal instrument adopted by the UNESCO Member States and encourages its implementation - in conformity with the constitutional practice of each State - and it thus serves to influence the development of national laws and practices. The IAU Policy Statement calls for universities to play an important role to shape the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science across the different countries of the world.
Against this backdrop, The IAU is pleased to announce that it will establish an expert group on Open Science to exchange experience and views on the role of universities in the implementation of Open Science across its different dimensions. Submit your expression of interest to take part in this global peer-learning expert group that aims to discuss opportunities and challenges of universities in the shift toward open science. The call is open until 15 July.
For more information, contact Trine Jensen, IAU Manager, HE & Digital Transformation
Online Diploma on the Management of Higher Education Internationalization31 May 2023
In collaboration with the UNESCO Chair for Internationalization of Higher Education and Global Citizenship of the University of Guadalajara, the IAU is pleased to launch an online diploma on the Management of Higher Education Internationalization.
This first edition is particularly targeted to Latin America. Consecutive editions will focus on other regions of the world.
For more information see: https://unescointernacionalizacion.cucea.udg.mx/formacion (in Spanish), for the English version click here.
For any additional questions please contact the IAU Manger for HE and Internationalization, Giorgio Marinoni.
2022 Annual Report3 April 2023
The International Association of Universities is pleased to present the Annual Report of activities for 2022. The year has been marked in particular by the preparation and participation of the IAU in the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education (WHEC2022) in Barcelona in May, the joint Global Forum on Higher Education Leadership for Democracy, Sustainable and Social Justice in Dublin in June; the UN Transforming Education Summit in Paris in June and in New York in September; and the IAU 16th General Conference in October.
In 2022, IAU hosted 22 webinars, published numerous reports and policy statements, strengthened and engaged with our Membership base, and continued our advocacy work for our four priority areas: value based leadership, digital transformation, internationalization, and sustainable development. Through these umbrella programmes, IAU has been able to continue project based work to facilitate international collaboration and knowledge production. To learn more about what IAU achieved in 2022, read the latest Annual Report:
IAU Updates1 April 2023
IAU SDG 3 Cluster Meeting Barcelona, 7 - 9 March 2023
IAU Programme Officer for HESD Isabel Toman took part in a 3-day workshop for the members of the IAU HESD Cluster on SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing, hosted by the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), IAU Member and Cluster Lead, in Barcelona. Representatives of six universities from all continents discussed how “Catalysing collaboration for an integrated approach to health in support of equity and wellbeing worldwide” can be put into action.
IAU met with ACU and AUF in Paris, 27 - 28 March 2023
A group of 18 colleagues, including the leadership, of the International Association of Universities (IAU), Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) met at AUF offices in Paris to strengthen our cooperation for the higher education sector and our contributions towards a more sustainable future.
Keep Updated: Sign Up for the IAU Newsletter
The IAU monthly newsletter reports on IAU updates, new publications, IAU in the news, opportunities to engage, upcoming webinars, and Member news. Sign up in English or French.IAU at Events
Read more about IAU representation and presentation at various events here.IAU Webinar Series
The IAU Webinar Series: The Future of Higher Education offers a dynamic platform for the higher education community to share insights and visions on current issues that affect higher education. In these sessions, higher education experts connect with participants to examine trending issues and the solutions our sector can provide to build more equitable, sustainable and democratic societies.Learn more about the webinar series here or watch recorded webinars on our Youtube Page.
IAU Publications
The IAU offers a series of publications of interest to the higher education community and speaks out via policy papers and regular reporting. Browse IAU Publications here. -
Read the IAU 2022 Annual Report27 March 2023
The International Association of Universities is pleased to present the Annual Report of activities for 2022. The year has been marked in particular by the preparation and participation of the IAU in the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education (WHEC2022) in Barcelona in May, the joint Global Forum on Higher Education Leadership for Democracy, Sustainable and Social Justice in Dublin in June; the UN Transforming Education Summit in Paris in June and in New York in September; and the IAU 16th General Conference in October.
In 2022, IAU hosted 22 webinars, published numerous reports and policy statements, strengthened and engaged with our Membership base, and continued our advocacy work for our four priority areas: value based leadership, digital transformation, internationalization, and sustainable development. Through these umbrella programmes, IAU has been able to continue project based work to facilitate international collaboration and knowledge production. To learn more about what IAU achieved in 2022, read the latest Annual Report:
Accelerating Action for the SDGs - Read the Report of the 3rd IAU Global Survey on HESD now31 January 2023
The International Association of Universities (IAU) is pleased to launch the report of the third global survey on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) , which was conducted in 2022.
In total, 464 valid responses from higher education institutions in 120 countries were collected. The findings show that higher education and partnerships are essential to address the global challenges identified in the UN Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to build a more sustainable future together. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are in a unique position to foster the engagement with sustainable development (SD) taking a whole-institution approach to Teaching and Learning, Research and Community Engagement.
Furthermore, the survey looked closer at partnerships, leadership and strategy for SD and the relatively new concept of Climate Change Education (CCE). This report provides data and thus shows the global commitment and responsibilities of many HEIs towards the 2030 Agenda and SD more generally.
The survey was conducted in collaboration with the following partners:
- ASEF (Asia-Europe Foundation)
- Crue (Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas)
- MECCE (The Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education Project)
The virtual launch event on 31st January presented the report and experts from different countries were invited to discuss the results and its implications for universities working with sustainable development, in particular the SDGs. The recording of the session can be found here on the IAU Youtube channel.
Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) has been a key priority for the International Association of Universities since 1993. Over the last few years, sustainable development has become increasingly important, not only for the Association and Higher Education but for societies globally.
For any comments or questions, please contact
Isabel Toman -
The IAU 16th General Conference took place in Dublin in October. Discover the Conference outcomes29 November 2022
The 16th IAU General Conference took place at University College Dublin, Ireland, on 25 – 28 October. 2022 IAU was pleased to welcome over 300 participants from all world regions, 86 countries, 131 institutions and organisations to this event.
IAU, the global voice of higher education, called on its Members and the extended global higher education community to rethink and reimagine higher education for the future.
We are very pleased to announce that a new IAU Administrative Board 2022-2026 was elected.
Learn more here.Discover the photos from the event #IAUDublin2022 at this link.
The latest issue of IAU Horizons22 November 2022
IAU is pleased to announce the release the new edition of IAU Horizons (vol 27, n° 2). The first part of the magazine contains information about IAU initiatives, events and strategic priorities. The In Focus section is devoted to the theme of the IAU 16th General Conference: Relevance and Value of Universities to Future Society.
Authors from all regions of the world, representing different institutions and organizations, have accepted this bold challenge of outlining what they believe is essential for the future of universities. The collection of 22 articles brings together a variety of different perspectives, ideas and challenges. It presents priorities and solutions from multiple angles, yet what they all share is the unwavering belief that universities constitute an essential pillar in society.
They demonstrate the complex and intertwined processes that take place simultaneously and contribute to the continuous shaping of higher education. They offer thought-provoking perspectives and warn us that the overarching value of higher education in society reveals itself in demonstrating not only what universities are good at, but what they are good for. Although the challenges and solutions may be different from one institution to another, from one country to another, the collection of these diverse voices gives us ample indication of what is at stake for the future of higher education.
Download the electronic version of the magazine here.
The hard copy is sent to all IAU Members
Contact: Trine Jensen
New IAU Policy Statement10 November 2022
During a time that has seen an unprecedented acceleration of digital transformation at universities around the world, the IAU is pleased to announce the official endorsement of the new IAU Policy Statement on Transforming Higher Education in a Digital World for the Global Common Good at the IAU 16th General Conference (25-28 October 2022).
This Policy Statement outlines essential values and principles that must underpin the digital transformation. The work on the policy statement began in 2018 when an Expert Advisory Group (EAG) was established, bringing together experts and Administrative Board members from different regions of the world. This group steered the development of the statement, with numerous exchanges on priorities to be outlined and the essential values and principles common to all, irrespective of backgrounds and local contexts.
The Policy Statement has gone through an extensive consultative process from a Membership consultation where all IAU Members were invited to provide comments and feedback, to consultation with student leaders and associations to ensure that student perspectives were well addressed; we are grateful to all those who took part and contributed to the development of the Policy Statement.
In brief, IAU will continue to nurture a shared commitment to build a humanistic, ethical, inclusive and purpose-based digital transformation of higher education for the global common good and the Policy Statement will guide the work of the IAU in the area of digital transformation as part of its new Strategy 2030.
Click here to read the Policy Statement.
Contact: Trine Jensen
MRU Honorary Doctorate Awarded to IAU President Prof. Dr. Fredman23 September 2022
The Senate of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) has agreed to confer an honorary doctorate to International Association of Universities (IAU) President Prof. Dr. Pam Fredman, IAU President.
The MRU Honorary Doctorate is awarded for a significant contribution to increasing the role of higher education in the processes of strengthening democracy and sustainable development of society, forming an education and science policy based on humanism, promoting equal opportunities for all to pursue education, reducing regional and social segregation in education and in the field of science.
IAU-UOC PUBLICATION: Improving Online Teaching: Practical Guide for Quality Online Education14 September 2022
In complement to the IAU-UOC Innovative Education for Unshaped Futures (IE4UF) Series, IAU is happy to announce the publication of Improving Online Teaching: Practical Guide for Quality Online Education. After two years of pandemic related educational disruption, the need for strong and sustainable digital solutions for higher education is critically clear. The IAU-UOC collaboration to study the effects of and necessary solutions for online higher education learning has culminated in the publication.
UNESCO Transforming Education Pre-Summit5 September 2022
On 28-30 June, IAU attended the UNESCO Transforming Education Pre-Summit to represent the voice of higher education. IAU staff took part in the global dialogue on the actions needed to reinvigorate progress towards SDG4, reinforce lessons learnt during the pandemic, and reimagine education systems in a post-COVID world. Members of the IAU Global Cluster on HESD actively participated in this event.
On 30 June, Trine Jensen, IAU Manager Digital Transformation in and of Higher Education, spoke in the session on Transforming Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) with FAIR OEERs, Digital Innovation, and Diamond Partnerships. The Summit united speakers from the UN, government, academia and the private sector to discuss the importance of Digital Innovation and Diamond Partnerships around FAIR Open Educational Resource Repositories (OERRs). Recommendations will be made on implementing these initiatives as the basis for achieving SDG Target 4.7, creating access to SDG education and training at any stage of life around the world.
Furthermore, the Pre-Summit presented an opportunity to exchange with colleagues from the IAU Global Cluster on HESD, including from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and York University, and partnering organizations such as the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).
Photo (left to right): Gemma Xarles, Director of the Globalization and Cooperation, Katrin Kohl, Executive Coordinator, York University, Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair, York University, Hilligje van’t Land, IAU Secretary General, Pastora Martínez Samper, Vice President for Globalization and Cooperation, UOC, Isabel Toman, IAU Programme Officer, Sustainable Development, Giorgio Marinoni, Manager, HE and Internationalization policy and projects
©IAU 2022 -
Analysis francophone and francophile HEIs answers23 August 2022
5th Global Survey on the Internationalization of HE:
Analysis francophone and francophile HEIs answersIAU and the Academy for Research and Higher Education (ARES) joined forces to conduct a comparative analysis of general global trends observed within francophone institutions and francophile institutions. This collaboration follows the 5th Global Survey on the Internationalization of Higher Education completed by the IAU in 2019.
The report highlights differences between the trends found in the francophone/francophile target group and the overall global or regional trends detailed in the IAU report and also between the francophone and francophile sub-groups. The 5th IAU Global Survey collected 907 replies, with 254 answers from francophone and francophile institutions. The analysis described in this report is based on these 254 answers. The report is available in French for download.
IAU at the UN HLPF22 August 2022
HLPF 2022 takes place between 5 to 15 July with the theme “Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. The HLPF will review in-depth Sustainable Development Goals 4 on quality education, 5 on gender equality, 14 on life below water, 15 on life on land, and 17 on partnerships for the Goals.
IAU will continue to engage around the HLPF this year, virtually for side-events as announced by UN DESA. The Association has also co-organized a UNITAR workshop with ACU/AUF, SDSN/Global Schools, My World Mexico, and York University on Transformative Education, Digital Learning, and Partnerships toward a more Sustainable and Equitable Future. The workshop will be moderated by Hilligje van’t Land, PhD, IAU Secretary-General.
Learn more about IAU at HLPF 2022 and our strategic priority on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD).
Global Forum 202222 August 2022
As part of the Global Cooperation for the Democratic Mission of Higher Education, IAU will co-organise the Higher Education Leadership for Democracy, Sustainability, and Social Justice global forum hosted 16-17 June 2022 at Dublin City University.
The Global Cooperation for the Democratic Mission of Higher Education works to build a global movement to fulfil higher education’s democratic mission and strengthen the role of higher education. It does this by in developing, maintaining, and sustaining democracy on campus, in the community, and the wider society. The cooperation comprises four pillar organizations: the Council of Europe (CoE); the IAU; the International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility, and Democracy; and the Organization of American States.
The Global Cooperation has undertaken cross-national research projects. Member states have taken on research projects and joint meetings to share best practices to advance higher education’s contributions to the development of democratic societies. The 2022 Global Forum is the seventh global forum and will result in a volume of the CoE higher education series.
IAU at UNESCO WHEC202223 May 2022
Barcelona, Spain | 18-20 May 2022 The IAU engages with higher education (HE) stakeholders worldwide and shares our expertise on strategic issues for higher education and society. The actions in this section showcase how the Association actively contributed to the UNESCO WHEC2022 by offering university perspectives on leading-edge themes.
Download the proposed WHEC2022 Roadmap for higher education - Beyond Limits: New Ways to Reinvent Higher Education.
IAU activities at UNESCO WHEC2022
Aside from the inclusion of various IAU written contributions such as Open Knowledge Products and a Policy Brief, and as a key partner in WHEC2022, an event that serves to shape the future of higher education, the IAU organized three sessions at the conference.
- TEG Round Table Theme 9: International cooperation to enhance synergies, with the participation of the IAU President, Pam Fredman,
18 May | 10:15-11:45 CEST
- Reimagining the Futures of Higher Education organized, with the participation of the IAU Secretary General, Hilligje van’t Land,
18 May | 14:30-16:00 CEST - IAU Round Table, Leading universities into the future - finding pathways to Transformation
19 May | 14:30-16:00 CEST - Joint UNESCO, IAU, SDSN/Mission4.7 Session: Higher Education’s role in securing the future - a more equitable, peaceful and sustainable society. Are universities ready to assume their full responsibility?
20 May | 9:30-11:00 CEST
In addition, Remus Pricopie, IAU Vice-President and President of FAP ALC-UE, was a keynote speaker at:
Hybrid Seminar (in Spanish), The role of universities in compliance with the 2030 agenda, human security and the culture of peace - a Euro-Latin American perspective
You will find our contributions detailed below. The conference concept note is available for download here.
Two IAU pre-WHEC 2022 sessions: Launch of IAU Horizons - Reinventing Higher Education? How does the pandemic shape the future of higher education? The WHEC2022 concept note introduces the complex context in which higher education institutions operate worldwide. The assumption is that a new vision is needed, a reinvention of what higher education will mean in the future and for society’s future. During the launch webinarof IAU Horizons May 2022 issue, the authors discussed what is at stake for the future of higher education. Download the May Issue of IAU Horizons 27.1. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a transformative moment in history, mainly generating new challenges and new opportunities. This webinar investigates higher education in this new reality, drawing from the results of the second Global Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education: “Higher Education One Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic” by the International Association of Universities (IAU). Covid-19: Higher Education Challenges & Responses UNESCO Futures of Education initiative The IAU continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation globally. Actions and initiatives include the Report on the Second Global Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education published in March 2022 and submitted to the WHEC2022 as an Open Knowledge Product. The Report will also be presented at a virtual-side event at the WHEC2022. Additional resources provide information on developments on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on universities, recommendations and initiatives, opportunities to engage or exchange, and a selection of recent country-based and international news items on the subject. The IAU sits on the Advisory Board of the Futures of Education, a global initiative to reimagine how knowledge and learning can shape the future of humanity and the planet. The initiative catalyzes an international debate on how knowledge, education and learning need to be reimagined in a world of increasing complexity, uncertainty, and precarity. The Futures Report “Reimagining our futures together: a new social contract for education” launched during the UNESCO General Conference in November 2021 can be accessed here. Transforming Higher Education in a Digital World Future of Higher Education Digital transformation is one of the four strategic priorities of the IAU. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of higher education, and now is an opportune moment to reflect on to shape the future of higher education in an increasingly digital world. This Policy Statement outlines essential values and principles that must underpin the digital transformation. The final draft will be submitted for official endorsement at the IAU 16th General Conference in Dublin on 25-28 October 2022 in Dublin, Ireland. The IAU Webinar Series: The Future of Higher Education, launched in May 2020, offers a platform for exchange on key higher education topics. IAU has hosted and co-hosted over 40 webinars on a variety of themes, including leadership, internationalization, digital transformation, and sustainable development. This series gives an overview of historical developments in the HE sector and introduces emerging trends. the Association continues to pursue these important exchanges across borders. IAU WHED The Continuing Need for Internationalization of Higher Education The World Higher Education Database (WHED) is a unique resource for the practical implementation of the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications. The WHED supports global academic recognition and international cooperation while reinforcing quality assurance and credentialing. It provides authoritative information on some 19,800 accredited higher education institutions and higher education systems and credentials in 196 countries and territories. The Network of International Education Associations (NIEA) submitted a Policy Brief on “The Continuing Need for Internationalization of Higher Education” to the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022). IAU is a coordinator of NIEA, composed of 15 leading organisations in the internationalization of higher education. This Policy Brief underlines the importance of international cooperation and exchange in tackling the challenges humankind faces today, as expressed in the UN Agenda 2030 and the SDGs. UNESCO Futures of Education Initiative Higher Education Institutions & Lifelong Learning In highlighting SDG 4 on quality education and the cross-cutting nature of all SDGs, universities are regarded as key actors in achieving the 17 goals set out by Agenda 2030. Accordingly, the University of Bergen and UNESCO established the Global Independent Expert Group on the Universities and the 2030 Agenda (EGU2030). Together with ISC, IAU is a partner in this initiative and contributed to the EGU2030 Report. The Report to be presented at the WHEC2022 can be accessed here. UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) is one of UNESCO’s key education-related institutes and holds a global mandate for lifelong learning. In 2020 - 2021 IAU and UIL collaborated on the elaboration and dissemination of a Global Survey on the role of HE for LLL. The outcomes report will be presented at the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference 2022. About the WHEC 2022 UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022) aims at reshaping ideas and practices in higher education to ensure sustainable development for the planet and humanity. The third UNESCO World HE Conference in Barcelona on 18-20 May 2022 will be an opportunity to deepen and expand joint knowledge production, policy dialogue, exchange, and networking. UNESCO considers the process of collective construction as the greatest richness of this conference, which aims to become a global conversation nurtured by diverse narratives on higher education. - TEG Round Table Theme 9: International cooperation to enhance synergies, with the participation of the IAU President, Pam Fredman,
IAU at the UNESCO #WHEC202217 May 2022
The third UNESCO World Higher Education Conference took place in Barcelona on 18-20 May 2022. The conference provided an opportunity to deepen and expand joint knowledge production, policy dialogue, exchange, and networking.
The IAU engaged with HE stakeholders worldwide and shared our expertise on strategic issues for higher education and society. In addition, the Association actively contributed to the UNESCO WHEC 2022 by offering university perspectives on selected themes. You will find all this and more in our dedicated webpage on the IAU website.
The latest issue of IAU Horizons offers...10 May 2022
The latest issue of IAU Horizons contains an in-depth look at the theme of the IAU 16th General Conference, ’Relevance and Value of Universities to Future Society’ and the elections for the IAU Administrative Board 2022-2026 at the conference. Additional topics cover IAU strategic priorities on internationalization, HESD and digital transformation.
The In Focus section features a rich selection of papers on the overarching WHEC2022 theme — ‘Reinventing Higher Education for a Sustainable Future’. The papers will take you from East to West, from South to North. This ’journey’ will demonstrate the diversity and specificity of the contexts in which we operate and illustrate similarities in the challenges confronting us and the opportunities we are leveraging.
Read the magazine -
IAU’s statement on the recent developments in Ukraine22 March 2022
The International Association of Universities (IAU) is strongly committed to the promotion of international dialogue and collaboration. The Association respects diverse perspectives and promotes social responsibility and academic values. IAU is deeply concerned about the war unfolding in Ukraine and the escalation of violence. As stated by the UN Secretary General such operations are violations of the territorial integrity and sovereignty and are inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations.
With UNESCO, IAU calls for respect for international humanitarian law and the protection of teachers, educators, schools and university personnel and for the right to education to be upheld. We stand by the universities around the world as they build bridges for peace and understanding through teaching, research and community engagement; we stand by the universities in countries at war. IAU Members are assisting students and staff stranded in foreign countries everywhere around the world. We place our hope in education and research, in academic diplomacy, in free speech, human rights and democracy. These are essential foundations for building a better future and contribute to the protection of civilians and society at large.
Call for proposals for the IAU General Conference open!1 March 2022
The call for proposals for the IAU 16th General Conference is open! The submission deadline is 15 April 2022.
The event, hosted by University College Dublin (UCD), addresses the theme: Relevance and Value of Universities to Future Society. Learn more -
Higher Education One Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic18 February 2022
Tuesday, 1 March | 13:30 - 15:00 UTC | 14:30 - 16:00 CET
In February 2021, one year into the pandemic, the IAU launched the second edition of The Global Survey on The Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education to monitor the situation. This webinar officially launches the report, presenting an overview and focusing on the main results of the survey.
Call for Papers: IAU Horizons Magazine - Reinventing Higher Education?18 January 2022
Call for Papers: Reinventing Higher Education?
In May 2022 UNESCO is convening the third World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022)) under the overarching theme: Reinventing Higher Education for a Sustainable Future.
The conference concept note introduces the very complex context in which higher education institutions operate worldwide. This context is one of rapidly changing economies, one faced with important environmental challenges, one shaped by the rapid pace of technological developments.
These are just some of the current trends that require new solutions to shape a sustainable future. In this rapidly changing context, the: “WHEC2022 aims to break away from the traditional models of higher education, opening doors to new, innovative, creative, and visionary conceptions that not only serve current agendas for sustainable development but also pave the way for future learning”.
The assumption is that a new vision is needed, a reinvention of what higher education will mean in the future and for society’s future. UNESCO is framing the conversation around the following questions: If higher education and the university appeared today – What would they look like? Who would participate and complete their higher education? How would participants learn? Where would they learn? What knowledge, skills, competencies, and values would they need to develop to work, become global citizens, and live with dignity? What would meaningful research and knowledge production involve? Who would guide these changes: institutional leaders, policy makers, researchers, students, professors, employers, community leaders, civil society groups?
The UNESCO World Higher Education Conference is a multi-stakeholder event, yet, it remains a governmental process. As such, the International Association of Universities (IAU) contributes to this conversation and discussion in the next In Focus section of the Association’s magazine, IAU Horizons, by offering university perspectives on the selected themes.
What needs to change to shape higher education for the future? How would you reinvent higher education? Or question the need to reinvent it? What are the key issues that policy makers must address when they discuss and re-imagine higher education? This is an opportunity for Members worldwide to contribute to the conversation about the future of higher education, which will be part of the IAU response to the World Higher Education Conference.
The articles can address issues related to the governance of higher education at the national or international policy level or discuss topics to be addressed at the institutional level.
Contribute to shaping the conversation on the future of higher education by sharing your aspirations and views or by identifying key challenges. Please submit a short abstract (100 words) explaining the focus of the article.
The deadline for the expression of interest is 15 January 2022. The articles are short opinion pieces of a maximum of 800 words. They are to be submitted to IAU no later than 15 February 2022.
Submit the expression of interest here -
2020- 2021 IAU Annual Report now available12 January 2022
The IAU Annual Report provides an overview of our activities and initiatives developed in 2020-2021, together with relevant facts and figures.
This Annual Report illustrates the quality services and opportunities to engage with the global higher education community IAU Members receive under the four pillars of Leadership, Internationalization, Sustainable Development, and Digital Transformation. These include the launch of the 2nd Global Survey, the drafting of a new policy statement on Transforming Higher Education in The Digital World and the advancement of Agenda 2030 through the global IAU Cluster on Higher Education for Sustainable Development (HESD). You will find details on all our actions, which we continue to build, and in which your voice and participation are welcome.
The report also details our accomplishments during the 70 years celebrations of IAU as the voice of higher education. The year also brought challenges with the ongoing pandemic and possibilities for IAU to adapt, change and grow our global presence.
Download the 2020 - 2021 IAU Annual Report in pdf format
AUN, EUA, and IAU call for continuation and enhancement of the ASEM Education Process13 December 2021
On 13-15 December, IAU will participate in the 8th Asia Europe Education Ministers Meeting (ASEMME8) under the theme “ASEM Education 2030: Towards more resilient, prosperous and sustainable futures” as well as the preparatory 2nd Senior Officials Meeting (SOM2). Both events are hosted virtually by the Government of Thailand. On this occasion, the ASEAN University Network (AUN), the European University Association (EUA) and the International Association of Universities (IAU), reiterate their commitment towards the ASEM Education Process and call for its continuation and enhancement. Read more
The December issue of IAU Horizons offers...9 December 2021
The December issue of IAU Horizons offers insights on value-based leadership in higher education, internationalization and strategies in the (post)-Covid era. Additional topics cover the role of HE and research in sustainable development and the disparities of digital transformation in HE.
The In Focus section features a collection of inspiring papers on Leadership for a Sustainable Future – Higher Education and Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals with contributions from HE leaders from 25 countries worldwide.
Download IAU Horizons December issue 26.2 Previous issues -
Download the Publication with papers from young scholars23 November 2021
The International Association of Universities (IAU) is an Implementing Partner for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and the two organisations have a longstanding partnership through which they stress the important role higher education can play in promoting and enhancing the rule of law and sustainable development, in particular SDG 16.
Through strong and innovative collaboration, and dynamics in higher education and between higher education and society in general, we can address the global challenges identified in the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and build a more sustainable future together.
Within the framework of the UNODC Education for Justice (E4J) initiative the two organisations developed a Research Grant programme, encouraging young scholars to carry out research linked to SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Thirteen scholars from twelve countries, respecting both regional and gender balance, were selected for the grants, and their papers are organized under three broad themes. Each theme provides a different perspectives on how research, education and overall engagement with SDG 16 can foster sustainability:
1. Inequality, Sustainable Recovery and SDG 16
2. Environment, Legal Frameworks and SDG 16
3. Challenges To Peace and Sustainable Societies and SDG 16The publication was launched on 23 November 2021 during a virtual event with UNODC and IAU representatives, and then discussed with the authors and webinar participants.
Download your free copy here...17 September 2021
IAU Webinar Series - The Future of Higher Education17 September 2021
New Internationalization Partnership Development Grant31 May 2021
IAU is pleased to announce a new Partnership Development Grant awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
A new Partnership Development Grant awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) brings together The Center for International Higher Education (CIHE) at Boston College, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto, and the IAU.
Led by Project Director Dr. Elizabeth Buckner, an Assistant Professor in Higher Education at the University of Toronto, this Future of Internationalization Partnership (FIP) aims to deepen theoretical understanding of how internationalization is changing in response to global pressures.
Through mixed methods research, the three-year project will design a new survey module on external pressures to internationalization and conduct case studies of institutional innovations. The project will also engage scholars and practitioners to discuss effective, equitable, and sustainable forms of internationalization in higher education. One of the most important aspects of the grant will be to translate research findings into profiles of good practice and resources for institutional leaders.
SSHRC Partnership Development Grants provide one to three years of support to institutional and organizational partners to foster innovative research, training and the co-creation of new knowledge, while promoting quality training, mentoring and employability opportunities for students and emerging scholars.
Learn more about IAU Internationalization activities
Click here for more information about the Partnership Development Grant.
Learn more about higher education’s role in sustainable development12 May 2021
IAU is proud to have contributed to the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development
To achieve a more sustainable world, education needs to engage fully with Agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals; higher education’s role in this respect is crucial.
The UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development was held as a virtual conference from 17 to 19 May 2021, organised in cooperation with and supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, and with the German Commission for UNESCO as an advisory partner. It looked at how education could best be harnessed to address interconnected global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, green and circular economies - and participants were called upon to commit to the Berlin Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development that outlines a range of policy measures encompassing teaching, learning, professional training and civic engagement. The Declaration was officially adopted by UNESCO during the Conference.
READ THE DECLARATION IAU led the session on higher education’s role for ESD and its link to the UN SDGs. In this session, university representatives, including those from the IAU Global HESD Cluster and IAU partners, presented wholistic institution approaches to sustainable development and the role of associations and alliances. Building on the discussion in previous sessions, this session focused on concrete ESD actions that could be undertaken by specific stakeholder groups around the five Priority Action Areas of ESD for 2030 and provided best practices and tools that could facilitate the work of the various stakeholders involved. The session recording will be made available soon on the IAU HESD Portal.
New Book in the Council of Europe’s Higher Education Series10 May 2021
Get Your Copy of Higher Education’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Building a More Sustainable and Democratic Future
We invite you to read the book Higher Education’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Building a More Sustainable and Democratic Future , co-edited with the Council of Europe and published in its higher education series. It includes some 31 chapters by more than 40 authors across the globe, including many IAU Members. The book was launched by CoE and IAU during three webinars:
• A first Webinar as part of the IAU Series: Higher Education’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic on 16 March 2021 - watch recording and read closing remarks by Ira Harkavy, AVP and Founding Director, Netter Center for Community Partnerships, University of Pennsylvania; Chair, International Consortium.
• Launch Webinar in Ireland on 21 April 2021, with opening remarks by Minister for Higher Education, Simon Harris, on the role and contributions of HE to society - watch recording.
• Launch in Latin America, in Spanish, on 21 April 2021 - watch recording.In addition, the publication was also announced in University World News.
Read the new edition of our biannual magazine - IAU Horizons6 May 2021
Presenting the new issue of IAU Horizons and inviting you to a launch webinar on 18 May
The magazine presents you with a series of articles related to the IAU key priority areas of work, including new projects and initiatives.
In particular the In Focus section of this volume is dedicated to the theme Democratising Knowledge: Open Science in a Closed World? and features a series of thought-provoking papers discussing different aspects of Open Science from the perspective of universities around the world. This resonates with the preparation by UNESCO of a Recommendation on Open Science representing a global commitment towards the subject, while also contributing to creating a common understanding of what it implies.
The magazine was officially launched in a webinar on Open Science in a Closed World co-organised by IAU and the Center for International Higher Education (CIHE), Boston College, on 18 May. Four of the authors who have contributed to the magazine shared their thoughts on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead on the road to Open Science.
ISAS Impact Evaluation Survey 2020 Report2 April 2021
ISAS Impact Evaluation Survey Report is now available
Conducted in partnership between IAU and the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, the ISAS impact evaluation study investigates the efficacy of the Internationalization Strategy Advisory Services (ISAS) and its successor ISAS (2.0) on internationalization initiatives at higher education institutions. Research objectives of this study are three-fold:
1) To identify progress institutions have made at the suggestion of ISAS;
2) To identify the reason for gaps between recommendations and implementation, defined as barriers to internationalization;
3) To analyze and share results that inform the development of IAU’s future advisory services.Twelve of the 17 institutions that undertook an ISAS or ISAS (2.0) service participated in the study. The results show that all of them found ISAS to be useful in advancing their internationalization initiatives, which is a clear endorsement of the program on their part. In their quest for internationalization, all institutions inevitably face challenges. Overcoming those challenges requires a clear, strategic approach, one that is responsive and in alignment with the core mission and values of the institution. IAU through its advisory services stands ready to help institutions in refining or progressing their internationalization priorities built on an inclusive, fair, and ethical process.
For further details, please contact Giorgio Marinoni at g.marinoni@iau-aiu.net.
New Publication on SDG 5: Gender Equality8 March 2021
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, IAU presents a new publication focusing on SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Gender Equality is a crucial issue for society in the 21st century, with more than half of the world’s population being women. Around the globe, universities and other higher education institutions, their leadership, academic and administrative staff, and students, are increasingly mobilised for the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 5, in particular, is receiving more and more attention, due to its crucial role for the advancement of all of the SDGs and society. IAU and the University of Bologna, Italy, SDG 5 Lead in the IAU Global HESD Cluster, have jointly collected examples of best practices undertaken by universities around the world on this topic. The publication is part of a series of publications on university actions for the SDGs, with the overall aim of building new synergies and capacities to act while informing higher education more broadly. Furthermore, it provides evidence to policy and other decision makers in order to stress the important role of higher education for the SDGs.
Deadline extended! Call For Papers: IAU – E4J Grants Programme for Young Researchers24 February 2021
IAU - UNODC joint call for papers for young researchers working on issues related to SDG 16: peace, justice and strong institutions
The International Association of Universities (IAU) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) are delighted to announce the launch of the IAU – E4J Paper Competition for Young Researchers: Higher Education engages with SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, within the framework of the Education for Justice (E4J) initiative. This grants programme aims to support young scholars (up to the age of 35 years) to conduct research on topics related to SDG 16 and the rule of law, to provide them with a platform to present their research, and to foster networking between young scholars working on related themes at the international level, while at the same time strengthening cooperation between academia and the United Nations.
Interested young scholars are invited to submit a short paper outlining the core idea latest by Sunday, 14 March 2021. Only authors of selected abstracts will be notified latest by 19 March 2021. Full papers (6000-8000 words, including graphs and tables, excluding references) need to be submitted by 23 April 2021. All submissions will undergo review by a team of academics selected by UNODC and IAU. Up to 15 proposals will be accepted, and each selected proposal will receive 500 US$ upon submission of the full paper. Authors will be recognised in a press release and the awarded papers will be featured in a special issue of the IAU HESD publication series on SDG16.
Please carefully consult the eligibility criteria, submission and selection process. Incomplete submissions will be disregarded.
Contribute to the Next Edition of IAU Horizons26 January 2021
Contribute to the Next Edition of IAU Horizons
The In Focus section of the next issue of IAU Horizons will be dedicated to the topic Democratizing Knowledge: Open Science in a Closed World?
In these unprecedented times, the use of digital technologies in higher education has increased massively. The question then arises whether the process of discovery and development of solutions around the world could be accelerated if scientific results and data were shared more openly. Has the current context accelerated progress towards more Open Science initiatives? What opportunities and challenges can one expect moving forward? Who are or should be the key actors of transformation in the field and what levels of action or systemic changes are required if Open Science is to move from ideal to action within universities?
We invite Higher Education leaders to share your thoughts and opinions on the subject by submitting a paper, which will be featured in the magazine. Please send your expression of interest in submitting a paper to Trine Jensen by Friday, 19 February. This should include a brief abstract outlining the scope and angle of the proposed article. Authors retained for publication will be informed by Wednesday, 24 February.
The articles are short opinion pieces of maximum 800 words. Deadline for submission of contributions is Monday, 15 March. More information available here.
Read the Celebratory Edition of IAU Horizons26 January 2021
Special Edition of IAU Horizons
On 9 December 2020, we celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the International Association of Universities! Within the context of ongoing festivities, we are pleased to present this collector’s edition of IAU Horizons – a special issue dedicated to each of the remarkable seven decades that paved the way to what IAU has become today, also featuring a series of papers by Higher Education leaders from around the world on Imagining Higher Education in a Post-pandemic World.
Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education: Resources26 January 2021
Update - 24 April 2020
IAU is closely monitoring the various impacts of COVID-19 on the higher education community. In order to better do so, IAU has developed a Global Survey on the Impact of Covid-19 in Higher Education - the survey is now closed and the data is being analyzed by the IAU team.
IAU also developed a Resources page (pdf format) to keep our Members and the HE community at large abreast of the latest developments regarding the outbreak. We know institutions around the world are taking critical measures to respond to the current situation. This Resources page will be updated regularly as we gather more information from our Members and from the broader higher education community.
If you are an IAU Member institution or organisation and have information about your response to Covid-19 that you would like us to share on IAU website, please email it to: s.andriambololo@iau-aiu.net.
Follow us on Twitter @IAU_IAU and tweet about your institution’s initiatives to fight Covid-19 #IAUCOVID19
IAU, ACU and AUF advocate for Higher Education at the Global Education Meeting30 October 2020
IAU, ACU and AUF contributed a position paper advocating for higher education
One of IAU’s main missions is to advocate for solid higher education worldwide. IAU and its partners - the Association of Common Wealth Universities (ACU) and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) - contributed a joint position paper to advocate for higher education and urge UN governments and stakeholders to include higher education in the Global Education Meeting (GEM) Declaration adopted at the GEM Extraordinary session on Education post-COVID-19 on 22 October 2020.>> Learn more about the GEM Extraordinary session and read the GEM declaration
Share your initiatives – Deadline extended until 23 November!13 October 2020
Share your initiatives on SDG14: Life below water
In the framework of its activities dedicated to Higher Education & Reasearch for Sustainable Development, the IAU has launched, in partnership with members of the IAU Global Cluster on HESD, a series of publications promoting the work undertaken by universities from around the world to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals identified in Agenda 2030 – Transforming our World.
The first publication in the series was dedicated to SDG13: Climate Action. Published in July 2019 "Higher Education and SDG 13 : Climate Action Through University Teaching, Research and Community Engagement " gathered 15 concrete examples of meaningful initiatives towards climate action. A publication on SDG 5 - Gender Equality will also be released soon.
A call for contributions on SDG14 - Life Below Water - Deadline extended!
To coincide with the UN Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030), the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the University of Bergen (UiB), the university leading the work on SDG 14 in the Global Cluster on HESD, will jointly produce a publication on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 -Life below Water- to present examples of activities, best practices and to show how universities engage in Science and Higher Education, and build back sustainably after COVID-19.
The publication will avoid the silo thinking prevalent in society and encourage thinking across the SDGs, disciplines, borders and of course, across the Ocean.The resulting publication will include a wide variety of initiatives representing all world regions and the diversity of higher education institutions.
Together with UiB, IAU invites its Members to submit papers on the topic “Higher Education engages with SDG 14: Life below water".
- IAU Members can submit their expression of interest/abstract by Monday, 23 November 2020, midnight CET.
- Abstracts are to reflect the topics specified in the extended call for papers and demonstrate a clear link to the role of Higher Education for SDG 14
- All submissions to the publication will undergo review by a team of academics from the University of Bergen and IAU. Final decision on the publication will be taken by the editorial committee.
- Authors will be notified by 1 December 2020 if their abstract is accepted.
- Full papers are expected by 15 February 2021.
Read details and submit a proposal
Join IAU at the 2020 UNESCO Mobile Learning Week12 October 2020
Join IAU at the 2020 UNESCO Mobile Learning Week!
Mobile Learning Week (MLW) is the United Nations’ flagship event on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education, and has been organized by UNESCO and its partners for eight years consecutively. This year the event is held online from 12 - 14 October 2020 and is dedicated to the theme "Beyond Disruption - Technology Enabled Learning Futures". IAU Manager, HE & Technology, Trine Jensen, is chairing the session on Resources for Distance Learning in Higher Education.
Conference Agenda:
Day 1: Effective Policies – Sharing policies and evaluating effectiveness
Day 2: Innovative Solutions – Showcasing innovative distance learning solutions
Day 3: The Future – Setting out policy and research agendas to build back betterThe event is free and open to all!
IAU presents Draft Policy Statement on Transformation of HE in the Digital Era23 September 2020
IAU Members are invited to get involved in the final stage of the development of a new Policy Statement on Transformation of HE in the Digital Era
Digital transformation in higher education is one of the key strategic priorities of the International Association of Universities (IAU). The pandemic has accelerated in an unprecedented way this transformation and we find ourselves in an important moment in time that requires careful reflections on how it will impact the future of higher education and how to best prepare for an ethical and responsible transformation.
Over the past two years, IAU has worked with the IAU Expert Advisory Group (EAG) - composed of experts and members of the IAU Administrative Board from different parts of the world - to develop a Policy Statement to distil the values and principles that can find a universal breeding ground. It can be viewed as the ethical, responsible, yet aspiring backbone or compass that must underpin and guide the digital transformation of higher education and society.
Today, IAU is delighted to present the draft Statement and invite all IAU Members to review it and provide their feedback by 1 November 2020. All details are provided on the cover page of the draft statement.
IAU HESD Cluster and the UN Global Goals Week17 September 2020
For more than two decades, the International Association of Universities has supported the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN Agenda 2030. In 2018, the Association launched the IAU HESD Cluster which promotes the role of higher education institutions in building more Sustainable societies. The IAU HESD Cluster is a consortium of IAU Member universities from all parts of the world, working in collaboration to develop existing and new exciting initiatives to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The IAU Global Cluster on HESD promotes the role and potential that HEIs have globally in order to achieve Agenda 2030.
During the 75th UN General Assembly (15-30 Sep. 2020), a unique forum for multilateral negotiation, IAU, its Members and the IAU HESD Cluster leaders are getting active for a media campaign, showing their contributions in teaching, research, community engagement and more. The 75th General Assembly deals with several themes such as peace, disarmament, promotion of human rights. When it comes to sustainable development the UN General Assembly will work among other things on protecting global climate for present and future generations and on implementing Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Most sessions can be followed live, we invite you to visit the UN General Assembly website to know more.
>>Get involved in the Global Goals week!
The Global Goals Week brings together different actors and events around the UN General Assembly. IAU is following the high-level event from distance and communicating on its twitter account @IAU_HESD and invites the IAU HESD Cluster and all IAU Members to share their initiatives related to higher education for the SDGs, using the hashtag #IAUClusterSDGs and tagging @IAU_HESD.>> Want to know more about the IAU HESD Cluster and its initiatives? Visit the IAU HESD portal!
IAU & ESN’s joint paper on COVID-19 impact on HE: Institutional and Students’ Perspectives10 September 2020
A joint paper on the COVID-19 impact on Higher Education: Institutional and Students’ Perspectives
The International Association of Universities (IAU) and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) release a joint paper providing a reflection on the impact of COVID-19 on student exchange, based on the outcomes of the 1st IAU Global Survey Report on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education and the ESN’s Research Report on the impact of COVID-19 on student exchanges in Europe.
The authors draw a parallel between the students’ responses and the higher education institutions (HEIs)’ responses, and come to the conclusion that even though both perspectives are different they remain complementary. This joint reflection explores several aspects of the impact of COVID-19 in higher education including: student exchange, communication between HEIs and students, the shift to online learning, and student support.
We thank Joana Ribau Leite, Liaison Officer for Quality Education, Erasmus Student Network and Giorgio Marinoni, Manager, HE and Internationalization, International Association of Universities for their contribution to this paper.
A new Podcast on ’the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and higher education’8 September 2020
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), an IAU partner, has launched a new podcast series - Voices of Academia - as part of their Education for Justice (E4J) initiative. " Voices of Academia ” is a platform for academics to share their views and showcase the important role of higher education in advancing policy-making and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN 2030 Agenda.
IAU Secretary General, Hilligje van’t Land, and César Wasen, Director of the International Affairs Office at Qatar University (an IAU Member) were invited to take part in the very first episode of the series dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and higher education. They discussed the initiatives undertaken by different universities around the world to help society achieve the SDGs, and explained why the SDGs are as important for higher education as higher education is for the advancement of the SDGs.
This episode is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Soundcloud and Youtube!
Pam Fredman, President of the International Association of Universities, interviewed in a Podcast28 August 2020
Interlace PODCAST is a podcast platform aiming to encourage and facilitate debate among professionals and bring together people with an interest in internationalization of higher education.
IAU President, Pam Fredman was invited to present the work of the International Association of Universities and explain the history of the Association, its mission and values but also why its role is of paramount importance in this time of global crisis. Pam Fredman also highlighted the importance of networking and mobility – Higher Education, Research and Knowledge must be connected.
"By becoming a Member of the International Association, higher education institutions and organizations can be an active part of building the higher education community worldwide." - Pam Fredman, IAU President
>> Not yet an IAU Member?
Sign up for a Free webinar on the future of higher education - digital dimension: exploring the different modes of learning21 August 2020
IAU is pleased to continue its series of free webinars on the future of higher education. These webinars offer a unique opportunity to engage with higher education leaders and experts.
Next webinar session:
The future of higher education - digital dimension: exploring the different modes of learning
15 September 2020 - 11:00am-12:30pm CEST (Paris Time)
This webinar will discuss the lessons learnt from the experience of remote teaching and learning. What are the opportunities deriving from this experience and how can it contribute to innovation in teaching and learning?
Discussion panel:
- Dr. Àngels Fitó, Vice-President for Competitivity and Employability, Open University of Catalonia
- Dr. Kamila Ghazali, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International), University of Malaya
- Prof. Liz Johnson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Education at Deakin University
>>>> Register now <<<<
IAU joins UNESCO Global Education Coalition13 August 2020
The International Association of Universities joins the Global Education Coalition launched by UNESCO
IAU joins forces with UNESCO and partners from around the world to ensure that #LearningNeverStops. UNESCO Global Education Coalition seeks to facilitate inclusive learning opportunities for children and youth during this period of sudden and unprecedented educational disruption through three main objectives: supporting the equitable continuation of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring a full and fair return to education following the pandemic, strengthening learning systems for the future.IAU supports leaders of universities and other higher education institutions around the world by facilitating collaboration and exchange on solutions to the challenges encountered during the pandemic; IAU monitors impacts on the higher education sector, shares solutions and identifies key issues for higher education in the post-pandemic world.
Amongst its activities to support the higher education sector during the pandemic, IAU published a first Global Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education and recently published a new report on Regional/National Perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education
IAU also developed a series of webpages gathering resources related to COVID-19.
>>> Learn more about the Global Education Coalition
New IAU Report: Regional & National Perspectives on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education12 August 2020
The International Association of Universities publishes a new report on Regional & National Perspectives on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education
Following the publication of its First Global Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education, the International Association of Universities (IAU) releases a new report providing Regional and National Perspectives on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education .
The IAU’s first Global Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education was conceived to better understand the disruption caused by COVID-19 across higher education institutions worldwide and to investigate the first measures undertaken by them. It aimed to capture a description of the impact of COVID-19 at the global level and on higher education in the broader sense, including all areas: teaching & learning, research, and community engagement.
In order to complement the report and shed some light on the above mentioned topics, IAU called its member organizations to contribute to a new report focusing on Regional/National perspectives by contextualizing the results of the IAU global survey in their local realities and providing additional information.
The report presents success stories at regional and national level in Asia, Europe, and North America.
A new statement to reaffirm the importance of international Higher Education24 July 2020
The International Association of Universities contributes to the publication of a new Statement on the importance of international higher education and research
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Network of International Education Associations (NIEA) whose IAU is the coordinator, publishes a statement reaffirming the importance of international higher education and research, calling for governments and higher education institutions around the world to support international collaboration as an essential means to finding solutions to global issues, which manifest differently in various local contexts.
The statement calls for:
National governments to:
- Ensure higher education entities are considered key stakeholders in achieving sustainable development;
- Support international higher education and research;
- Increase access to international higher education opportunities globally;
- Ensure equality;
- Increase openness to and promote innovation in cooperation in research and internationalization of higher education
Higher Education Institutions to:
- Promote and participate in cross-sectoral collaboration;
- Improve knowledge development and dissemination;
- Increase diversity and eliminate discrimination;
- Develop co-curricular programmes and implement Internationalization at Home;
- Make an Institutional commitment to society.
The International Association of Universities (IAU):
Fully supports the NIEA call towards national governments around the world;
Invites its members to implement the NIEA actions called for, to foster the advancement of international higher education and research.
>> Not a Member of IAU yet?
Join IAU at the Virtual High Level Political Forum!10 July 2020
The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) is the yearly conference of the United Nations where governments, UN Agencies and civil society come together to discuss the achievements that have been made towards Agenda 2030.
This year, the event will be held virtually and will be dedicated to the theme: "Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development." IAU holds the Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) which allows the Association to take an active part in this high level event. The Consultative Status is the highest status granted by the United Nations to non-governmental organizations.
In the framework of the HLPF, IAU will take part in various virtual side events and will co-organize a series of virtual events, together with partners and Members. Amongst these, IAU is co-organizing a workshop on 13 July 2020 from 9:00 to 10:30am EST on the theme Teaching, Learning and Integrating the SDGs at universities and beyond - Linking to the Decade of Action with ACU/AUF, ICAE and The SDG Academy. You can register to attend the workshop and other events!
>>> Learn more about IAU at the HLPF!<<<
Sign up for a free webinar on Internationalization strategies post-COVID-1918 June 2020
IAU Webinar on The Future of higher Education: Internationalization strategies post COVID-19
IAU, in collaboration with Boston College International Centre for Higher Education, offers a unique opportunity to attend a webinar with higher education experts from different regions of the world who will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on internationalization and the kind of internationalization strategies that higher education institutions may have to develop in the post COVID-19 era.
Date: Tuesday, 30 June, 2020
Time: 8:00 am ET – 9:30 am ET / 14:00 - 15:30 CEST (Paris time)The webinar will address questions such as:
• What is the future of internationalization?
• Is the post-COVID-19 world an opportunity to rethink and reorient internationalization?
• Will internationalization become more inclusive?
• Is the post-COVID-19 world an opportunity to foster collaboration rather than competition in research?>> Speakers:
• Chika Seehole, Pretoria University, South Africa, on perspectives from Africa
• Vidya Yeravdekar, Symbiosis University, India, on perspectives from Asia
• Irina Ferencz, Academic Cooperation Association, on perspectives from Europe
• José Celso Freire Junior, UNESP, Brazil, on perspectives from Latin America
• Robin Helms, American Council on Education, on perspectives from North America>> Moderators:
• Hilligje van’t Land, Secretary General, International Association of Universities
• Hans de Wit, Director, Centre for International Higher Education, Boston College
• Giorgio Marinoni, Manager, HE and Internationalization, International Association of UniversitiesRecordings and presentations from past webinars are available here.
Call for papers in IAU Horizons: Imagining Higher Education in a Post-Pandemic World16 June 2020
Contribute to the "In Focus" section of the next issue of IAU Horizons (25.2) dedicated to the theme "Imagining Higher Education in a Post-Pandemic World"
While it is impossible to predict the future, it is important to assess and discuss the risks and opportunities deriving from the disruption and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. From one day to another higher education institutions had to adapt to a completely different situation in order to carry out their mission. They had to rely on agility, goodwill, and innovation alongside digital means in order to minimise the disruptions and continue activities to the extent possible despite drastically changed working conditions. In most cases, the lockdown measures have impacted all levels of activities at institutions from the overall governance, teaching & learning, research, student recruitment and enrolment, assessments and exams to community engagement activities (cf. IAU Global Impact Survey).
The purpose of this ‘In Focus’ section is not to showcase the temporary measures put in place to deal with the crisis, but rather:
to provide reflections and analytical perspectives about how the crisis will influence the future of higher education in a post pandemic world; look at what will be the key priorities emerging from the health crisis and addressing the economic and social crisis that it has triggered.
a call for higher education leaders to express their concerns and views on the major risks the sector will be facing moving forward as well as the opportunities emerging from this time of change.
The degree of the disruptions, the consequences and the long term impact will be diverse in different parts of the world - yet, we believe it is crucial to bring together voices from all regions of the world to discuss what is at stake for higher education moving forward.
If you wish to contribute to the ’In Focus’ section of the next issue of IAU Horizons, please send your expression of interest (max. 800 words) to Trine Jensen explaining what topic you wish to address and share a few lines about the scope of the article.Deadline for expression of interest: 6 July 2020
Deadline for submission of full article: 15 August 2020 -
Register for a webinar on the Future of Academic Freedom11 June 2020
Join IAU’s next webinar, in partnership with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation/CIGQ, on the Future of Acamedic Freedom!
Academic freedom has emerged as an issue of profound importance during the past few years, especially as we have seen changes in governments around the world. It is receiving even more attention now, given the Covid-19 pandemic and the current social unrest around race and equity.
The Webinar will debate the contours of academic freedom both as it relates to institutions and quality assurance: What rights and obligations are attached to it from a European, Latin American and Scholars at risk perspectives, and how these concepts are being challenged today?
Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Time: 8:00 am ET – 9:30 am ET / 14:00 - 15:30 CEST
Speakers: Robert Quinn, Scholars at Risk; Marcelo Knobel, Rector, University of Campinas, Brazil; Sjur Bergen, Head of Education Department, Council of Europe
The webinar is free of charge.
Presentations and recordings from previous webinars are available here.
For more information about the Council for Higher Education Accreditation/CIGQ, please visit www.chea.org.
IAU and UNESCO IESALC tie-up to boost the use of evidence in higher education policymaking4 June 2020
The International Association of Universities (IAU) and the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO IESALC) have teamed up to boost quality and equity in higher education, through a series of joint activities in globally and in particular in Latin America and the Caribbean. The activities are intended to increase the evidence base for better policy-making on higher education, both at national and institutional level.
UNESCO IESALC and the IAU will cooperate on the publication of regional reports drawing on IAU’s global surveys and thus disseminating the available evidence in critical areas such as the contribution of higher education to the Sustainable Development Goals, the digitalization of higher education, the internationalization of higher education, and the impact of COVID-19 on higher education, among others.
The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) was created by the UNESCO General Conference in 1997, replacing the Regional Center for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (CRESALC for its Spanish abbreviation) established in 1974. It is the sole specialized institute of the United Nations system with the mission to contribute to the improvement of higher education in member States. Its biennial work program and budget are approved at the UNESCO General Conference. The Institute, established in Caracas (Venezuela) since its inception, is governed by a Governing Board whose members are appointed by the Director General of UNESCO.
The International Association of Universities (IAU) was founded in 1950, under the auspices of UNESCO. It is the leading global association of higher education institutions and organisations from around the world. IAU brings together its Members from more than 130 countries for reflection and action on common priorities. IAU is an independent, non-governmental organization. It acts as the global voice of higher education to UNESCO and other international higher education organizations, and provides a global forum for leaders of institutions and associations. Its services are available on the priority basis to Members but also to organisations, institutions and authorities concerned with higher education, as well as to individual policy and decision-makers, specialists, administrators, teachers, researchers and students. IAU is an official partner of UNESCO (Associate status) and has been given special consultative status by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
IAU 16th General Conference Postponed - New dates announced!3 June 2020
IAU 16th General Conference: New dates announced!
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the International Association of Universities has made the difficult decision to postpone the IAU 16th General Conference initially scheduled to take place from 3 to 6 November 2020. The new dates announced are 26 to 29 October 2021.
The high degree of uncertainty about the future, about travel opportunities, and about organizing safe gatherings entails that the current conditions do not allow IAU to ensure wide participation from around the world in November this year. The IAU was formed to foster exchange and international collaboration among universities and other higher education institutions. Being able to offer a truly global and inclusive event to leaders of higher education worldwide is thus essential to IAU!
Please mark the new dates in your calendar and make sure to attend this important event. The theme of the Conference, Relevance and value of universities to future society, remains of utmost importance as we prepare to confront the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Together with their fantastic team, we look forward to welcoming you to University College Dublin (UCD), an IAU Member, in 2021!
More information about the IAU 16th General Conference will be made available on the IAU Global Events page page in due time. In the meantime, make sure that you are registered for the IAU Newsletter or Twitter to receive the information to attend webinars planned to unfold throughout the year allowing IAU Members and beyond to continue to exchange and discuss important topics of concern online.
New webinar on the Future of Higher Education: Sign up now!2 June 2020
New webinar on the Future of Higher Education: Sign up now!
The International Association of Universities (IAU) is pleased to continue its series of free webinars on the Future of Higher Education.
Results of the 1st IAU Global Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education will be presented by Giorgio Marinoni, IAU Manager, HE and Internationalization.
When? Tuesday 9 June 2020 - 15:30 - 17:00 CEST (Paris time).
A panel of HE experts will comment on the results of the IAU Global Survey. The panel members are:
Hans de Wit, Director, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College
Michael Gaebel, Higher Education Policy Director, European University Association
Marta Losada, Dean of Science, New York University Abu Dhabi
Attendees will have the opportunity to exchange in real time during the webinar!
Recordings and presentations from previous webinar sessions are available here.
IAU Webinar Series on the Future of Higher Education!27 May 2020
The International Association of Universities, in collaboration with the Boston College Center for International Higher Education, conducted a first series of three webinars on the future of higher education in the light of the global COVID-19 crisis. A new webinar series will take place in June - more information will be available soon.
If you did not have a chance to attend the webinars you can access the presentations and recordings below:
Session #1 (05/05/20): The future of higher education: short, medium and long-term perspectives around the worldSpeakers: Roberta Bassett, World Bank Group; Ahmed Bawa, CEO of Universities South Africa; Ellen Hazelkorn, HE consultant
Download presentation / Watch recording
Session #2 (12/05/20): The future of higher education: short, medium and long-term perspectives in mid- and low-income countriesSpeakers: Marcelo Knobel, Rector, University of Campinas, Brazil; Eden Woon, President, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand; Wondwosen Tamarat, President founder, St. Mary University, Ethiopia
Download presentation / Watch the recording
Session #3 (19/05/20):The future of internationalisation of higher education: short, medium and long-term perspectives
Speakers: Marta Losada, Dean of Science, New York University in Abu Dhabi; Saburo Aoki, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba; Eva Egron-Polak, IAU Senior Fellow and former Secretary General
Download presentation / Watch the recording
For more information, please contact Giorgio Marinoni g.marinoni@iau-aiu.netAll presentations and recordings from previous webinars are available here.
IAU Offers Free Access to the WHED and HEDBIB!26 May 2020
In these times of global health crisis due to COVID-19, IAU wishes to show its solidarity and support to the higher education community by offering free access to the advanced search function of the World Higher Education Database [1] and the International Bibliographic Database on Higher Education [2] which are normally reserved to IAU Members only, until the end of August 2020.
Use the credentials below and explore all assets of the WHED and HEDBIB!
Login: FreeAccess Password: IAU2020 A short survey is also available here to help improve the WHED. Your opinion matters, please share it with IAU!
[1] The IAU World Higher Education Database (WHED) is a unique online reference portal that provides authoritative information on some 19,400 accredited higher education institutions and on higher education systems and degrees in 196 countries and territories. The WHED has been developed and maintained in collaboration with UNESCO. It is also an important tool for the implementation of the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications.
[2] The International Bibliographic Database on Higher Education (HEDBIB) is a unique resource of references and publications on higher education systems, administration, planning, policy and evaluation from around the world.
IAU releases Global Survey Report on Impact of Covid-19 in Higher Education26 May 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented health and socio-economic crisis which will mark our times for long. It has thus also severely impacted the entire higher education sector around the world. In order to deliver an overview of the state of play worldwide, IAU launched a Global Survey on the impact of COVID-19 in March 2020.
The IAU Global Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education around the World was conducted online from 25 March to 17 April 2020. It received 576 replies from 424 universities and other Higher Education Institutions based in 111 countries and territories, especially thanks to Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), European University Association (EUA), Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional (CIN) in Argentina and the Hungarian Rectors Conference and Higher School of Economics in Moscow, which provided much appreciated assistance by promoting the questionnaire among their Members.
Results of the survey were analysed both at the global level and at the regional level in four regions of the world (the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe).
IAU Horizons: the New Edition is Out!16 April 2020
The latest issue of IAU Horizons (25.1) has just been published.
This issue offers detailed information about IAU’s most recent activities and suggests ways to get involved. It also presents the highlights of the 2019 International Conference that took place in Puebla, Mexico on 13-15 November, as well as the topic of the upcoming 16th General Conference in Dublin, Ireland on 26-29 October 2021 and the celebration of IAU’s 70th anniversary.
The In Focus section features contributions from all world regions on the theme ‘ How funding models are influencing the future of higher education’.
Join UIL Webinar on HEIs supporting local communities during COVID-1914 April 2020
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) invites all interested representatives from the higher education sector to a webinar on ’ Higher Education Institutions supporting local communities during COVID-19 ’ on 15 April 2020.
Many of the 173 UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) members around the world are facing severe challenges due to the coronavirus, including challenges caused by the closure of higher education institutions (HEI). This affects traditional student populations pursuing their undergraduate and postgraduate degrees as well as the ’lifelong learning’ activities of HEIs, including learning provision for local communities and learners of all ages.
Higher education institutions supporting local communities during COVID-19
Date: 15 April 2020
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar https://zoom.us/j/849793306, Webinar ID: 849 793 306 -
IAU releases 2019 Annual Report6 April 2020
IAU is pleased to share its 2019 annual report. The report is available in digital format and provides an overview of IAU activities and accomplishments, for the IAU financial year starting on 1 October 2018 and ending on 31 September 2019.
Download the report. -
IAU takes active part in the UNESCO Futures of Education project26 March 2020
In the current context of Covid-19 pandemic, the future of education is more than ever a question to be addressed. The UNESCO Futures of Education initiative is thus particularly relevant as it aims to rethink education and shape the future of humanity. IAU was pleased to take part in the first virtual Advisory Board Meeting on 12 March 2020. Dr. Hilligje van’t Land, Secretary General of IAU, reminded participants that “values need to underpin the education we want.”
The UNESCO Futures of Education initiative was launched in September 2019 with the intent to open broad global consultations, foster co-creation, catalyze collective intelligence and generate global and inclusive debates on various education-related themes. In the context of this comprehensive initiative, a global report on the Futures of Education will be released in November 2021.
More info about the UNESCO Futures of Education: https://en.unesco.org/futuresofeducation/
Covid-19 : Enquête mondiale et ressources pour les Membres de l’AIU25 March 2020
L’AIU surveille de près les divers impacts du Covid-19 sur la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur. Dans cette optique, l’AIU a développé une enquête mondiale sur l’impact du Covid-19. Partagez votre expérience avec la communauté, répondez à l’enquête ! (Disponible en français, anglais et espagnol)
L’AIU a aussi développé une page de ressources(pdf) pour garder les Membres de l’AIU et toute la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur informés des derniers développements mis en place pendant la pandémie. Nous savons que les université à travers le monde prennent des mesures critiques pour répondre à la situation actuelle. Cette page de ressources sera mise à jour régulièrement au fur et à mesure que nous récoltons plus d’informations.
Si vous êtes Membre de l’AIU et que vous souhaitez partager les mesures prises par votre établissement pour lutter contre le Covid-19 sur le site de l’AIU, envoyez un email à : s.andriambololo@iau-aiu.net.
Suivez-nous sur Twitter @IAU_IAU et utilisez #IAUCOVID19 dans vos tweets.
IAU’s 70th anniversary celebratory book: call for contributions!4 March 2020
2020 is a very special year for the International Association of Universities as it marks its 70th anniversary! To celebrate these 70 years of international collaboration, IAU wishes to publish a collection of essays focusing on relevant themes and challenges in higher education by revisiting the past, analyzing the present, and looking into the future.
To participate in this unique project, submit your abstract by 10 April 2020!
IAU 16th General Conference 2020 : call for contributions21 February 2020
Updated: 02-Apr-20
IAU is pleased to announce the 16th IAU General Conference to be held at University College Dublin in Ireland, from November 3-6, 2020. The theme of the conference is ’Relevance and value of universities to future society.’ Registrations will open in May 2020. IAU invites you to contribute to the break-out sessions by submitting a proposal by 15 May 2020 (new deadline) on one the following questions which will be discussed during the conference:
- Do the fundamental principles thought to underpin higher education in 1950 remain relevant today? What are the challenges facing university autonomy, academic freedom and scientific integrity, and how can they be addressed?
- How can universities contribute to the creation of a sustainable global society?
- How do we ensure that universities provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to become the leaders, critical thinkers, decision-makers, innovators, specialists, researchers and responsible citizens who will build a better future society?
- What does the digital transformation of society mean for how universities function as organisations and how they educate their students?
- How does internationalization support the relevance of universities to society?
- What responsibility do universities have to enhance health and well-being, and how can this responsibility be fulfilled?
- What is the role of universities with respect to innovation ecosystems nationally, regionally and globally?
More info about the conference and the call for proposals here.
New Site Visit : Asian Institute of Technology3 February 2020
IAU is delighted to announce the second site visit since the launch of the "IAU Institutional Site Visits" programme in 2019. This year, the visit will take place at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand on 30 Nov - 3 Dec 2020 and the main topic will be "Social Impact with Innovation".
Don’t miss out this unique oportunity to discover an innovative institute and learn about leveraging technologies for a sustainable world! Learn more and register here. The site visits are open to IAU Members only. -
IAU releases new global survey report on HESD28 January 2020
IAU is delighted to announce the release of its 2nd Global Survey Report on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development conducted in June-July 2019. This report shows the importance of Universities and other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and where issues still exist. It is also proof of the commitment and responsibilities of many Higher Education Institutions globally towards the 2030 Agenda.
IAU received over 530 valid responses from all world regions during the six-week survey. The report analyses how universities engage with the SDGs in particular and how they promote sustainable development more broadly speaking. It is the only survey that maps the contributions of the higher education sector towards the 2030 Agenda at a global level.
The new edition of IAU’s International Handbook of Universities is out!23 January 2020
IAU is pleased to announce the publication of the 29th edition of the International Handbook of Universities (IHU) describing national higher education systems in 196 countries and listing more than 18,400 acccredited higher education institutions (HEIs) that offer at least a 4-year degree or a 4-year professional diploma.
This new edition of the IHU is available in print on demand and, new this year - it is also available in e-format! You can order your copy now on the website of our publishers Palgrave Macmillan.
IAU Members benefit from a preferential rate both on the print and e-book. To get your Member discount code, please contact whed@iau-aiu.net.
Sign up for a free webinar on Internationalization of higher education !13 January 2020
Discover a unique programme : the IAU Internationalization Strategy Advisory Service (ISAS 2.0), designed to help higher education institutions develop their internationalization policies, strategies and programmes.
IAU invites you to learn more about this advisory service through a free webinar that will present the latest ISAS undertaken at Toyo University, an IAU Member institution in Japan. The speakers will share the internal process that led to a critical self-analysis of the institution’s current internationalization activities, as well as the ways in which ISAS 2.0 encouraged progress towards the goals set in Toyo’s strategy.
The webinar will include direct testimonials of:Prof. Betty Leask, ISAS expert panel member and Visiting Professor at the Centre for International Higher Education (CIHE), Boston College, USA
Prof. Shingo Ashizawa, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Toyo University, Japan.
Tuesday 28 January at 18:00 CET (Paris time)The webinar is open exclusively to IAU Members. It is free of charge, but places are limited.
To join, IAU, click here.Engage with top experts, who will provide you with tools and insights on how to enhance your internationalization activities!
Registrations are now closed (maximum number of participants reached). -
Discover IAU’s 2019-2020 achievements and perspectives30 December 2019
Discover IAU’s 2019-2020 Achievements and Perspectives30 December 2019
IAU, ACU and AUF strengthen joint collaboration to advance higher education9 December 2019
The International Association of Universities (IAU), the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), and the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) have agreed to strengthen joint collaboration to advance and promote the contribution of higher education to meeting our shared global challenges, with a view to signing a formal memorandum of understanding (MOU) in 2020.
Education – from cradle to grave, including higher education – is the necessary solution to most complex and intractable issues of our time, from climate change to inequality, migration to lack of access to education. None of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identified in the UN Agenda 2030 can be achieved without the contribution of higher education and research.
The need for equitable quality higher education is arguably greater than ever, as is the need to advocate the role of higher education in sustainable development at the highest levels, such as the United Nations. This requires a global response enabled by international cooperation.
The three associations have a complementary membership and together represent more than 2,000 higher education institutions from across all continents, and thanks to the IAU World Higher Education Database (WHED.net) they can reach out to more than 20,000 institutions. This diverse membership reaches out to higher education institutions, research institutes and associations internationally.
The associations share a commitment to improving higher education, including access, equity and inclusion in higher education, and a belief that international collaboration is essential to the health and vitality of the sector globally.
This partnership builds on recent collaboration between the associations, including the release of a joint statement on higher education’s essential contribution to the SDGs at the 2019 UN High-level Political Forum in New York. Jointly the associations will advocate for the role of higher education for sustainable development in global for and develop joint events, projects and initiatives to address higher education issues and in particular to harness higher education’s contribution to the SDGs.
IAU releases its first report on higher education and technology29 November 2019
In collaboration with an Expert Advisory Committee composed of Board members and experts from around the world, IAU undertook from November 2018 to April 2019 a large consultation process in order to collect global views on the current state of play of the digital transformation of higher education. The results of this survey are presented in a report:
Higher Education in the Digital Era: The Current State of Transformation Around the World. The report brings together views and experiences from different parts of the world, highlighting that there is no ’one size that fits all’ to digital transformation in higher education and society. " It is essential to build bridges and create mutual understanding of local as well as global challenges to determine the key principles that are pivotal to shape a meaningful, human-centred digital future, regardless of where in the world we are physically based. " says Trine Jensen, IAU Manager for Technology in Higher education and author of the report.
This is precisely the aim of this first stock-taking exercise for IAU in the field: to discuss the current landscape, risk of inequalities, ethical implications and ways to jointly leverage the potential of technological developments for a sustainable future. The outcomes of this report will inform a new Policy Statement that IAU is currently developing on the values that must accompany the digital transformation so that it contributes to the global common good.
>> Interested in receiving tailored updates and initiatives on Technology and Higher Education? Subscribe to IAU’s dedicated list -
Takeaways from #IAU2019 International Conference28 November 2019
The IAU 2019 International Conference has just ended in Puebla, Mexico. Higher education leaders and experts from around the globe came together to discuss the necessary transformations of higher education for the future. Organized in cooperation with the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, the Conference drew around 250 participants from 60 countries.
Many insightful discussions took place, bringing new perspectives on the role of higher education today, the one we want for tomorrow and its relevance to societal development. Higher education is constantly shifting: IAU believes that the outcomes of the conference confirm the need to meet across borders to exchange on ways in which higher education can adapt to the changing society and more importantly, on how we wish to shape these transformations for the future.
The presentations are now being uploaded on the conference website.
IAU is pleased to announce the dates of next year’s event to be hosted by University College Dublin in Ireland, from 3 to 6 November 2020, on the theme “Relevance and Value of Higher Education to future Society”. This will be a General Conference where Members elect the IAU President and Administrative Board and adopt the next strategic plan. IAU will also be celebrating 70 years since its first General Conference which was held in Nice, France in 1950.
A call for paper/case studies will open in February 2020. Do not hesitate to contact us in case you are interested in being part of the programme or have suggestions for topics. -
IAU Horizons: the latest issue is out!13 November 2019
We are hiring !13 November 2019
Discover the programme and register for #IAU201914 October 2019
Discover the trailer of IAU documentary series : IAU AIMING HIGHER2 October 2019
Call for Papers on Gender Equality in Higher Education27 September 2019
Share your initiatives on gender equality in higher education !
In the framework of the IAU Global Cluster on HESD, IAU has launched a series of publications promoting the work undertaken by universities from around the world to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals identified in Agenda 2030 – Transforming our World.
The first publication in the series was dedicated to SDG13: Climate Action. Published in July, "Higher Education and SDG 13 : Climate Action Through University Teaching, Research and Community Engagement " gathered 15 concrete examples of meaningful initatives towards climate action.
A call is now open for contributions on SDG5 - Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls!
Together with the University of Bologna, the institution leading the work on SDG5 in the Global Cluster on HESD, IAU invites Members to submit a paper or a case study that showcases what their institution is doing to promote gender equality.The resulting publication will include a wide variety of initiatives to represent all world regions and the diversity of higher education institutions.
- IAU Members should make their submissions (in English or French) using the dedicated application form and send it to Amanda Sudic
- Submissions should present a research topic, a student initiative, a programme, a MOOC, a community initiative, or any other action specifically targeting SDG-5
- Each member can submit a maximum of 2 initiatives
- The University of Bologna and IAU will make a selection among the submissions received for the publication. However, all initiatives will also be published online on the IAU HESD Global Portal.
Deadline for submissions : 15 November 2019
Submit a case study!
IAU releases the 5th Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education13 September 2019
IAU publishes Internationalization of Higher Education: An Evolving Landscape, Locally and GloballyKnowing how the process of internationalization is evolving is paramount to gain a thorough understanding of its potential benefits and risks. Researching global trends is essential for IAU to continue providing the required support to higher education institutions (HEIs), governments and individuals as they develop their internationalization strategies, policies and activities.
Based on input from some 1,000 HEIs in 126 different countries, the IAU 5th Global Survey Report is the most geographically comprehensive collection and analysis of primary data on internationalization of higher education. It covers all aspects of internationalization from policy and activities to research, human resources and staff development, student mobility and the design of curricula.
>> Learn more about the IAU Global Survey, read the Executive Summary and order your copy here !
IAU at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development31 July 2019
IAU Panel of experts in internationalization visited Toyo University, Japan23 July 2019
On 1-3 July 2019, an IAU panel of experts visited Toyo University in Tokyo, Japan, in the framework of an "Assessing Strategy and Monitoring Achievements" strand of service of the IAU ISAS (2.0) programme.
The panel was chaired by Eva Egron-Polak, IAU Former Secretary-General and Senior Fellow, and included Giorgio Marinoni, IAU Manager for Internationalization, Betty Leask, Prof. Emerita, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia and Visiting Professor, Centre for International Higher Education (CIHE), Boston College, USA, and Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Vice-Director, International Strategy Office, Tohoku University, Japan,
This IAU advisory service generated an internal process of critical self-analysis of the current internationalization strategy at Toyo University, an IAU member institution. This reflection has already resulted in immediate improvements but will also inform strategic developments for the future. The Expert Panel is currently working on a final report, which will provide external qualitative feedback on Toyo University’ internationalization strategy and achievements. This assessment will include constructive recommendations for Toyo university to address current and future challenges and will encourage further progress towards the goals set in the internationalization strategy of the institution.
>> Learn more about IAU’s advisory services in internationalization
First issue of the IAU HESD Publication Series - Higher Education & SDG 1322 July 2019
Universities around the world are mobilizing for climate action !
Higher education institutions’ leadership, academic and administrative staff and students are stepping up their action.The International Association of Universities (IAU) has gathered 15 concrete examples of meaningful initatives towards climate action, undertaken by higher education institutions and organizations from all over the world, from Cyprus to Malaysia, from Peru to India, Lithuania, Costa Rica, Uganda, Ireland, Japan, USA, Jamaica and Australia.
The publication " Higher Education and SDG 13 : Climate Action Through University Teaching, Research and Community Engagement " is the first of a series of IAU publications dedicated to Member institutions’ contribution to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
With this series of publications, IAU hopes to inspire other universities to join the effort and take action to transform the world for the better through higher education.
>> Download the HESD Publication in pdf
Your institution is undertaking exciting initiatives towards SDG 5 - Gender Equality ? Send information on your innovative projects to be part of the next publication of the series and gain visibility worldwide for your good work !
Contact: contact[@]iau-hesd.net>> More information about IAU’s work on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development.
Call for papers in IAU Horizons: Transforming Higher Education for the Future18 July 2019
In preparation for the upcoming IAU 2019 International Conference in Puebla, Mexico, in November 2019, the ‘In Focus’ section of the next issue of IAU Horizons magazine, will be devoted to the theme of the conference: ‘Transforming Higher Education for the Future’ . In this In Focus, we aim to:
Imagine different scenarios for the future of higher education and its relation to societal development
Discuss different key challenges as well as opportunities for these transformations of higher education
Present current initiatives and research being carried out to transform higher education and promote sustainable solutions for future societies.
The section will be divided into 4 parts:
1- The future of universities : anticipation and foresight
This part introduces the topic, questions the status quo and proposes possible perspectives on what higher education could look like in the future2- Financing higher education
This part discusses how the shifts in higher education financing models impact the future of higher education and if these changes will be an obstacle to/ an opportunity for the transformation of higher education3- Higher education and Technology
This part aims to analyse how best to take advantage of the digital transformation that is already happening and harness the potential of technology for the benefit of higher education quality and increased access to knowledge4- Societal engagement
This part examines the role of higher education in addressing the big societal challenges of today and tomorrow and how it has to adapt to remain relevant locallyIf you are interested in contributing a paper related to this topic, please send a message expressing your interest and explaining briefly how you wish to address this topic in your paper.
Deadline for expressions interest: 5 August 2019
Deadline for submission of paper (max 800 words): 2 September 2019 -
IAU at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development2 July 2019
The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) is the yearly conference of the United Nations where governments, UN Agencies and civil society come together to discuss the achievements that have been made towards Agenda 2030. This year, the HLPF 2019 will be dedicated to “ Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality ”.
As the most global university association contributing to Sustainable Development and having the Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council, IAU will take an active part in the debates and will organize a series of side events, together with 8 IAU Member Universities.
Follow the discussions and learn more about IAU’s contribution to the HLPF!
Registration is now open for #IAU2019!2 July 2019
Hosted by Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), the IAU 2019 International Conference will take place in Puebla Mexico from 13-15 November 2019.
With a view to exploring how leaders and experts of higher education institutions envisage higher education in the future, Transforming Higher Education for the Future is the theme of this year’s conference. The conference will constitute a platform not only for discussing opportunities, but also for outlining major challenges facing higher education today. Recognizing that higher education is exposed to a multitude of challenges in increasingly complex societies, this conference will, among others, consider the impact of technological advancements, and discuss the responsibility of higher education in the pursuit of sustainable development in a world where populations are increasingly impacted by the consequences of climate change.
IAU believes that higher education has an essential role to play in proposing solutions as well as highlighting the ethical dimensions and social responsibility in relation to these transformations. Research can inform decisions-makers and community engagement can enable inclusive and innovative solutions to address societal challenges. As the global association of higher education institutions and organisations, we seek to generate a meaningful dialogue and mutual understanding about advancing higher education for sustainable societies.
For thorough information on the theme, speakers and programme, visit the conference website!
Register now and benefit from the early bird rate!
Discover Puebla!
See some highlights from the 2018 conference in Kuala Lumpur.Global Meeting of Associations (GMA)
Hosted by Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) and co-organized with the Association of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUAL), the Global Meeting of Associations (GMA) will precede the International Conference, taking place on 12-13 November. This meeting is open exclusively to leaders of higher education associations, organizations and networks. It will offer the opportunity for peers to exchange on emerging trends in higher education in the different regions of the world, and to discuss opportunities for future partnerships.
Registrations open in April and you may select the option "GMA" when you register for the IAU 2019 International Conference.
For more information, please contact Trine Jensen.
Call for nominations - 2019 UNESCO ICT in Education Prize2 July 2019
The UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the use of ICT in education is now accepting candidatures. The theme of the 2019 edition is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to innovate education, teaching and learning .
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advancements in neuroscience have the potential to enhance teaching methodologies, support lifelong learning and personalize learning through various ways, as well as propel and accelerate the discovery of new delivering modes of education. Keeping in with Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education, UNESCO with its partners is aiming to explore the effective and ethical use of AI applications to reduce barriers to access education and optimize learning processes with a view to improve learning outcomes.
In 2019, the Prize will award AI-powered solutions as well as applications of neuroscience in AI aiming to improve learning outcomes, to empower teachers and to enhance the delivery of education services, while advocating for inclusive and equitable use of these technologies in education.
As an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO and active in the field covered by the Prize, the International Association of Universities can submit up to three nominations to UNESCO, who will then select the two best projects among all nominations received. Two awards will be granted, and each recipient will receive a monetary award of USD 25,000 during the Award Ceremony at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.
Should you wish to submit a nomination to IAU, please contact
Trine Jensen before 1 October 2019.APPLICATION PROCESS
For more detailed information on eligibility criteria, submission and nomination process, please see the flyer and visit UNESCO ICT in education Prize webpage.
Discover our new article in University World News19 June 2019
Discover the article in University World News from June 2019, presenting the preliminary trends arising from IAU’s 5th Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education,By Giorgio Marinoni, IAU Manager, Internationalisation policy and projects, and Hans de Wit, Director of the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, United States, and member of the IAU Advisory Committee for the 5th IAU Global Survey on Internationalisation of Higher Education.
Is inequality in internationalisation of HE on the rise?The internationalisation of higher education is a phenomenon that has implications far beyond the domain of higher education; it impacts society at large.
According to the definition of Jane Knight, updated in 2015 by Hans de Wit and others, internationalisation is “an intentional process undertaken by higher education institutions in order to enhance the quality of education and research for all students and staff, and to make a meaningful contribution to society”.
Assuming that internationalisation is an intentional process, the question arising is: how strategic is this process? In other words, is internationalisation at higher education institutions supported by a defined strategy, with clear objectives, actions, and point persons, framed within a realistic timeline and supported by the necessary (human and financial) resources?
Is this strategy monitored and are outcomes evaluated? And in the current political climate of anti-globalisation, anti-immigration and increasing nationalism, to what extent is this strategy still relevant and up to date?
The results of the 5th Global Survey on Internationalisation of Higher Education, an online survey conducted by the International Association of Universities (IAU) in 2018, help us address these questions.
Congratulations to our new LGEU graduates!10 June 2019
Last week, the 7th session of IAU’s leadership development programme, Leading Globally Engaged Universities (LGEU), took place in Paris, France. Led by Dr. Tom Kennie, leadership expert in HE, and the IAU Secretary General Dr. Hilligje van’t Land, the programme addresses the challenges of leading a university in today’s world—integrating at once local and global perspectives.
ISIT - Institut de Management et de Communication Interculturels, an IAU Member, hosted the five-day seminar for socially engaged university leaders from all over the world: Bangladesh, Botswana, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Kenya, Romania, Turkey and the United Kingdom. LGEU participants included Heads of Institutions, Vice-Presidents, Deans as well as Academic Department Heads and senior professional service leaders.
Throughout the week, attendees participated in leadership development exercises, sharing their own insights and institutional approaches to global engagement. They also had the opportunity to learn about the French higher education system, through meetings with Campus France, Conference des Grandes Ecoles and the Association of Francophone Universities, as well as through a visit to the renowned Ecole Normale Supérieure.
Look out for the LGEU#8 in Hong Kong !
More information and dates will be communicated soon. -
Take part in the 2nd Global Survey on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development!27 May 2019
As Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are at the core of discussions about how universities can shape future societies, the International Association of Universities (IAU) has developed the 2nd Global Survey on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD).
The main goal of the survey is to demonstrate the contribution of higher education to Agenda 2030 and to wider societal transformation. We aim to identify the ways in which universities incorporate sustainable development into teaching, learning and research, as well as into their day-to-day running, in order to provide a comparative analysis of HESD trends around the world, highlighting the diversity in the approaches to sustainable development.
IAU will present the initial findings at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in New York, USA, to highlight the key role that higher education is playing in achieving the SDGs. It will next be presented at the IAU 2019 Conference in Puebla.
Participants will also be able to use the results to inform their own decision-making, and benchmark their own institutions against others, in order to develop new and innovative strategies. The survey report will be published by the end of this year.
The survey will only take 15-20 minutes to complete and is available in
English ;French ;Portuguese andSpanish To ensure that we collect as many diverse perspectives as possible, we have designed the survey in such a way that anyone within an institution can contribute.
Deadline : 1 July 2019.For more information, contact Isabel Toman.
IAU Horizons: The New Edition Is Out!13 May 2019
The latest issue of IAU Horizons (24.1) has just been published.
This issue offers detailed information about IAU’s most recent activities and suggests ways to get involved. It presents the topic of the IAU 2019 International Conference on 13-15 November and the Global Meeting of Associations on 12-13 November in Puebla, Mexico: Transforming Higher Education for the Future.
The In Focus section features contributions to sustainable development from the lead institutions in the IAU Global Cluster on HESD. We hope that this will inspire other universities to join the effort towards achieving a more sustainable present and future.
The IAU workshop on Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education19 April 2019
In the beginning of March, IAU held a workshop on Leveraging AI for Higher Education during the UNESCO’s flagship event “Mobile Learning Week” (MLW). IAU’s Members from Spain, Malaysia and South Africa described distinct opportunities and research to use AI for the benefit of higher education. The main aim of the workshop was to explore how to leverage AI for good— augmenting human intelligence through the support provided by machines and artificial intelligence.
Agata Lapedriza, Professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain and Visiting Researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Medialab, introduced the state of the art in Emotional Artificial Intelligence. She explained the role of emotional recognition in analyzing students’ experiences in the learning process. This tool has the potential to support student-centered learning and to tailor the learning process to the specific needs of individual students.Ram Gopal Raj, Deputy Director of the Centre for Academic Strategic Planning at the University of Malaya, spoke about its challenge to ensure employability of students. The university is therefore developing a Virtual Assistant Teacher service with a view to tracking the progress of student learning and competences and then linking this to the needs of employers. It thus hopes to ensure a more seamless transition from university to the world of work. Raj also underlined the necessity to continuously update the syllabus to reflect the rapid changes in technology and fluctuations of the labor market.
Mandla Makhanya, Vice-Chancellor of the University of South Africa (UNISA), shared his experience at the largest online and distance learning university in Africa, with 800,000 students enrolled (75 % in Africa and 25 % in other regions). UNISA uses AI to process student applications in order to match the necessary requirements for enrollment with the information provided in the application form. Furthermore, they are testing how to better use this technology to assess when students are underperforming, so that university can offer them greater support.
Daniel Burgos, Director of the Research Institute for Innovation & Technology in Education at the International University of Rioja (UNIR), Spain introduced the potential of learning analytics using big data to enhance learning. He made a case for the use of OERs as a tool to make higher education more accessible and for more openness in education at large. He explained that 40 % of UNIR’s modules and support material is freely available whereas the remaining 60 % is fee-paying in order to sustain the work of the university.
The session was well received by the audience and IAU was also pleased to ensure that the MLW included considerations specifically related to higher education. In effect, AI concerns society as a whole and will have an impact all fields, but the education sector, including higher education, plays a particularly important role as it plays a key role in shaping minds and preparing students for the life of work.
Take part in IAU Documentary Series!18 April 2019
Dear Members,
I am excited to announce that BBC StoryWorks, the commercial creative arm of BBC Global News, will produce a series on higher education for the IAU and the wider higher education community. The purpose is to reaffirm the fundamental values of higher education and its role in transforming societies. In order to do this, we will spotlight the work of IAU Member institutions contributing to this effort around the world.
Higher education is instrumental to the development of sustainable and democratic societies; shaping minds, promoting diversity, leadership and social responsibility. In light of increasing global challenges, HEIs play a key role in addressing the societal transformations that lie ahead.
• Highlight the importance of core values being implemented at universities to contribute to sustainable and fair societies
• Understand and communicate how universities are central to prosperity, innovation and social change
• Promote strong and diverse higher education systems and institutionsYOUR STORIES:
As part of this process, I would like to invite you to share your impactful and innovative work. We’d like to know about the case studies and stories occurring within your institutions that translate core university values into action.
In order to have real impact with viewers, it is vital that we bring to life work in the areas of internationalisation, technology, leadership and sustainable development. These are not only in line with the IAU’s strategic priorities, but also at the forefront of transformations in higher education today.
BBC StoryWorks will produce mini documentary-style films that tell these meaningful stories. Their creative teams will work with various institutions around the world, to capture their work in a compelling and visually engaging way. Those involved in the project will be able to use this content in their communication, advocacy and fundraising efforts.
Please express your interest in this project by responding to the three questions below. Selected institutions will be asked to fund the production costs of a mini-documentary. They will have the opportunity to shape the film’s creative treatment using BBC StoryWorks teams’ expertise and knowledge. The series will be distributed to relevant audiences across the globe in a cross-platform campaign managed by BBC StoryWorks.
IAU is committed to ensuring the diversity of voices in this project. Whilst we understand the terms of this project might not be suitable for all IAU Members, we have worked to develop an approach that we hope will enable a broad range of institutions to participate.
This opportunity is open exclusively to IAU Members. We welcome non-member institutions to discover IAU’s membership benefits and join the Association, in order to participate. For more information, please contact Juliette Becker.
The deadline for expressions of interest from institutions is April 30. Please respond with the requested information and details before this date, after which point the BBC StoryWorks team will be in contact with those expressing an interest.
Production will then be conducted in advance of the series launch at the IAU 2019 International Conference on 13-15 November in Puebla, Mexico.
We hope this is not only an exciting opportunity for you to profile important initiatives of your institution on a global scale, but also for the higher education sector as a whole.
I look forward to seeing your stories brought to screen, demonstrating the important role of higher education in societal development!
Hilligje van’t Land, PhD
IAU Secretary General
Executive DirectorEXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST:To express your interest in participating in the series, please respond to the following in an email to Elan Shuker:
1. How are IAU’s core values reflected in your institution’s philosophy and overarching mission?
2. Please describe one or two specific projects that contribute to positive change in society through internationalisation, technology, leadership and sustainable development (past, present or future)
3. Please include any relevant links/URLs to supporting information or content.Please provide contact details for the leader of your institution (e.g. Chancellor / Vice Chancellor /President) as well as the Head of Marketing and Communications. Please include phone number and email address.
For all IAU queries, please contact:
Juliette Becker
Programme & Membership Development Officer
Juliette Becker
Outcomes of the 1st UNICA-IAU Master Class on Internationalization16 April 2019On 7-10 April, IAU held its first joint Master Class on Internationalziation with UNICA in Dubrovnik, Croatia. We welcomed 35 university leaders from 24 countries at University of Zagreb’s Center of Advanced Academic Studies. Beyond the geographic diversity, participants represented a great mixture of positions and professional backgrounds, which allowed for dynamic and nuanced discussions. The goal of the Master Class was to address the needs of today’s Vice-Rectors/-Presidents for internationalization, in order to achieve comprehensive and values-based internationalization. It combined plenary and interactive peer-learning sessions on a variety of topics, including strategic planning, global engagement, regional networks and language policy.
“We were pleased to welcome such a diverse group of internationalization leaders. They not only exchanged on specific challenges and opportunities in their local contexts, but also critically discussed the latest trends in internationalization globally, based on the results of the IAU 5th Global Survey. For IAU, the Master Class also provided an opportunity to strengthen our collaboration with UNICA and promote our vision of fair and ethical internationalization,” said Giorgio Marinoni, the Manager of Internationalization Policy and Projects at IAU.
Participants were encouraged to shape the agenda of the Master Class and themselves led several sessions presenting the experience of their home institutions. When it came to global trends, Marinoni presented the preliminary results from the IAU 5th Global Survey on Internationalization, which takes place every four years to identify and analyze emerging internationalization trends worldwide. The results—particularly about geographic priorities and perceptions of risks, benefits, drivers and obstacles to internationalization—helped inform the participants’ own strategic plans.
“It was a real privilege to participate in the UNICA-IAU Master Class and exchange with decision-makers from universities around the world. I feel inspired and have found a renewed sense of motivation for my own role and daily tasks", said Prof. Gerhard Berchtold, Dean of European Programmes, UCN Universidad Central de Nicaragua.
In their feedback participants indicated that they found the discussions enriching and networking allowed for potential partnerships, which they would like to develop further. IAU and UNICA to build on the positive outcomes of this initiative to strengthen the community spirit and continue promoting values-based internationalization.
IAU will continue to offer Members and beyond opportunities for peer-learning and exchange, as we believe that these are key to making international interactions more equal and respectful of the diverse contents in which higher education institutions operate.
To learn more about IAU’s work in internationalization, click here.
Contact: Giorgio Marinoni
IAU’s first Institutional Site Visit on Tech & Higher Ed was a success!10 April 2019On 27-28 March, IAU held its first Institutional Site Visit on technology in higher education at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) in Barcelona, Spain. We welcomed 24 participants from 16 countries, both online and onsite universities. The visit combined plenary and interactive sessions on a variety of tech-related solutions for enhancing higher education and achieving SDG 4. Participants were able to shape the agenda of the visit by choosing topics of their interest. These included: accreditation of online universities, online student mobility, doing an internship online, virtual labs, chatbots and AI for student-centered learning.
"It was a true pleasure for IAU to bring together representatives from 5 regions to discuss how to leverage the potential of technology. Beyond geographic diversity, we also had a mixture of online and onsite universities and this allowed for dynamic and nuanced discussions. Finally, I’d like to commend UOC for its openness and eagerness to share its extensive experience. At IAU, we believe that collaborative approach is essential for shaping the future of higher education", said Trine Jensen, Lead on Higher Education & Technology at IAU.
IAU chose UOC as the first host for Institutional Site Visits, as it is the world’s first 100% online university with nearly 25 years of experience. It thus provided participants with invaluable insights on the operations of online education and how technology in general can enhance higher education.
"To share experiences is to support learning, so it is a pleasure for UOC to host IAU’s first site visit on technology! We also look forward to learning from participants joining us from around the world", the UOC President Josep A. Planell said at the opening of the IAU Institutional Site Visit.
In their feedback participants indicated that they came away with concrete tools and practices, which they can take back and adapt to their home institutions. Based on the positive outcomes, IAU is now considering a follow-up capacity-building project that would draw on the expertise of open and onsite universities for digital transformations.
IAU will continue offering annual Institutional Site Visits – open exclusively to IAU Members – to create opportunities for peer-learning and to foster innovation and institutional partnerships. We believe that multilateral and intercultural dialogues are central to finding viable ways of harnessing digital innovations for the benefit of learning, teaching and research. Members are welcome to suggest topics that they would like to see covered in future site visits.
Sign-up to receive invitations to future site visits and to be informed about IAU’s work on Higher Education & Technology!
To learn more about IAU’s activities on technology in higher education, click here.
Contact: Trine Jensen
IAU awards Cardiff Met Uni with the Comprehensive Internationalization Learning Badge25 March 2019IAU awarded Cardiff Metropolitan University with the IAU Comprehensive Internationalization Learning Badge in recognition of successfully embedding internationalization in all its institutional strategies and activities. Giorgio Marinoni, IAU’s Manager of Higher Education and Internationalization policy and projects, visited Cardiff Metropolitan University on 7 March to award the institution with the Learning Badge. It was received by Professor Leigh Robinson, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Cyncoed Campus) and the Dean of the School of Sport and Health Sciences. Cardiff Metropolitan University expressed its gratitude through the words of Baroness Finlay of Llandaff, chair of the Board of Governors: "We are absolutely delighted with this award. It recognises our deep commitment to internationalisation and diversity across all activities of this University. We value our close links and shared values with our international partners".
In 2017, Cardiff Metropolitan University undertook an "ISAS (2.0)- Achieving Comprehensive Internationalization" service in order to assess the progress of the university in implementing a holistic approach to internationalization. The IAU Expert Panel visited Cardiff Metropolitan University on 9-11 October 2017. The members of the IAU Expert Panel were Madeleine Green, Senior Fellow, International Association of Universities (chair), Eva Egron-Polak, Senior Fellow and former Secretary-General and Executive Director, International Association of Universities, Tim Gore, Chief Executive Officer, University of London Institute in Paris and Giorgio Marinoni, Manager, Higher Education and Internationalization Policy and Projects, International Association of Universities. Cardiff Metropolitan University met all criteria to be awarded the Learning Badge. IAU also provided the university with relevant recommendations to enhance their internationalization process. The Learning Badge is valid for five years (2017 - 2021).
IAU’s approach to internationalization of higher education focuses on the equitable and collaborative nature of the process, and recognises that international interactions take place in highly unequal and diverse contexts among Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with different, resources, needs and interests. IAU thus promotes values-based internationalization by offering ISAS (2.0) tailor-made advisory services to HEIs, relevant individuals at HEIs, national governments and organizations. In particular, ISAS (2.0) consists of three services:
• Advancing strategic internationalization at HEIs (for HEIs)
• Facilitating individual learning for internationalization for HEIs and individuals working at HEIs. (for HEIs and individuals at HEIs)
• National advisory service for strategy or policy development for HE internationalization (for national governments, agencies and organizations)Since the launch of ISAS (2.0) in 2016, four universities from four different countries have benefited from ISAS (2.0) services and three more institutions are in the process of undertaking them.
If you are interested in benefiting from IAU’s tailor-made advisory service in the field of internationalization, please do not hesitate to contact Giorgio Marinoni (g.marinoni@iau-aiu.net)
Higher Education Policy: the new issue is out!1 March 2019The new edition of Higher Education Policy (HEP), IAU’s quarterly journal, has just been released. This special issue is entitled Taking Account of 20 years of Quality Assurance in German Higher Education and features peer-reviewed papers with distinct research methodologies.
IAU’s Annual Report is out!18 February 2019IAU has just published its 2018 Annual Report, which provides an overview of past year’s achievements. IAU has enhanced its engagement with Members, strengthened partnerships and launched new initiatives for the benefit of higher education. Special thanks goes out to our partners and Members for supporting IAU’s vision and mission. Members are at the heart of all IAU does - we remain committed to incorporating your feedback and working with you closely for a better future of higher education worldwide!
IAU to Lead a Workshop during UNESCO MLW8 February 2019Join IAU at the UNESCO the Mobile Learning Week, which takes place from 4-8 March in Paris, France. It is dedicated to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Sustainable Development. On 5 March, IAU will hold a session on Leveraging AI for Higher Education. Members from Spain, Malaysia and South Africa will present innovative initiatives that seek to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. IAU’s participation will ensure that the higher education sector will also be represented in the discussions that will take place during the MLW. You can attend the session free of charge. To register, click here. For further information, please contact Trine Jensen.
IAU’s two new articles on University World News8 February 2019IAU has published two articles on the University World News — "Is internationalisation creating inequality in higher education?" and "A changing view of the benefits of HE internationalisation". Both articles are based on the initial results from the 5th edition of the IAU Global Survey on Internationalization. IAU has received 986 full responses from 907 institutions in 126 countries and will publish the survey report later this year (Members will receive a free copy). For further inquiries, please contact Giorgio Marinoni.
The IAU Global HESD Cluster Members Meet at UNESCO7 February 2019On 28-30 January, IAU hosted the first IAU Global Higher Education and Sustainable Development Cluster meeting at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. IAU brought together 15 universities from around the world, each of which acts as a lead institution on a particular Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). It also organised meetings with the UNESCO delegation representatives, in order to raise awareness about the role of universities in achieving the SDGs and to develop future partnerships.
The meeting primarily served to set the Cluster’s strategic priorities. The members confirmed their commitment to the Cluster and will soon finalise the strategic plan. The next step will be to participate at the UN High Level Political Forum in July 2019, in order to highlight and strengthen the position of higher education institutions in Agenda 2030. The Cluster Members will continue to meet every two years.
IAU is grateful to the UNESCO Section on Education for Sustainable Development, which supported the Cluster meeting.
For inquiries, please contact Isabel Toman.
IAU at the THE Emerging Economies Summit7 February 2019On 14-16 January 2019, the IAU Secretary General Dr. Hilligje van’t Land participated in the Times Higher Education (THE) Emerging Economies Summit, which was hosted in Doha by our Member, Qatar University. Dr van’t Land spoke on the panel about "Can the SDGs form the new dominant measure for higher education impact?" See more here. When engaging with THE’s planned ranking on Sustainable Development Goals, IAU encourages its Members to to ensure that the indicators are comprehensive and well-adapted to their needs.
Discover IAU’s 2018-2019 Achievements and Perspectives4 January 2019IAU is pleased to have had a productive year and looks forward to the upcoming endeavors. Let’s look back at what we have accomplished together in 2018 and have a glance at what’s coming up! Please click here.
IAU at the UNESCO Global Education Meeting 201821 December 2018On 3-5 December 2018, IAU attended the UNESCO Global Education Meeting (GEM 2018), in Brussels, Belgium. The IAU Secretary General Dr Hilligje van’t Land contributed to two important debates on higher education and pedagogical training.
UNESCO, as the lead agency and coordinator of the Global Education 2030 Agenda, convened the GEM 2018 and the Government of Belgium hosted it. The Meeting brought together stakeholders from the global education community to take stock of progress and identify strategic priority areas requiring political guidance and intervention to achieve the Global Education 2030 Agenda.
IAU Secretary General, Dr Hilligje van ‘t Land, spoke at the workshop on Higher Education, Lifelong Learning and the World of Work, organized by the World Bank and UNESCO, and a panel on Teachers and Educators in a Changing Landscape. The former highlighted the ways in which higher education can respond to the rapidly changing world of work, while the latter discussed emerging challenges for future teachers and educators to effectively address societal needs.
"Teachers and professors are constantly challenged by the changing classroom setting and the technological transformations, which impact both teaching and learning mechanisms. In addition, they are expected to be at the forefront of what the world of work requires in terms of skills and competences. On the one hand, this generates uncertainty, but it could also create opportunities for change and innovation in teacher training," said Dr van’t Land. In both sessions, she urged for the recognition of the key roles that higher education plays in developing all levels of education that correspond to today’s challenges and securing a better future for all.
The GEM 2018 resulted in the drafting and adoption of the Brussels Declaration, which sets the course for education for the next four years through eight priority areas:
1. Making education and training systems more equitable and inclusive “leaving no one behind”
2. Eradicating illiteracy
3. Including migrants, displaced persons and refugees in our education and training systems
4. Providing quality gender-responsive education and training
5. Strengthening education for global citizenship and for sustainable development
6. Providing open, flexible and responsive education and training systems to meet new skill needs
7. Improving teachers, educators, trainers and school leaders
8. Increasing investment in educationFor GEM 2018 Programme and Meeting Documents, click here.
IAU supports and informs Agenda 2030 through research and advocacy, building synergies among universities and other stakeholders, promoting peer learning and exchange.
On 24 October 2018, IAU took part in the Europe and North America 2030 Education Consultation jointly convened by UNESCO in close cooperation with the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Commission, at the CoE, in Strasbourg, France. In July 2019, IAU will participate in the UN High Level Political Forum in New York, where it will facilitate a workshop on the role of higher education and research in achieving Agenda 2030.
IAU and BC collaborate on research about English language instruction in higher education21 December 2018IAU and Boston College collaborated on a research project about the role of English language instruction in higher education institutions(HEIs) around the world. IAU and the Boston College Center for International Higher Education (CIHE) co-supervised research undertaken by Xinyan (Sissi) Liu, a student in CIHE’s Master of Arts program in International Higher Education. This program requires that all students participate in a course titled “Field Experience in International Higher Education.” The course combines practical experience at higher education organizations, such as the IAU, with an in-depth research project.
Sissi’s report explores the national policies and role of English language instruction at HEIs in Brazil, France, Malaysia, South Africa and Spain. This is a particularly timely topic at the time when English language has become dominant in many fields, including in highly cited research and scholarship more broadly.
To learn more about IAU’s activities in internationalization, please click here.
IAU launches a Global Higher Education Cluster to address Agenda 20304 December 2018The International Association of Universities (IAU) has launched a Global Cluster on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) to advocate for the key role that higher education institutions play in achieving Agenda 2030. This global endeavor directly engages universities in addressing all 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs).
The IAU HESD Cluster consists of 16 lead universities, one for each SDG; IAU leads the work on SDG 17 on global partnerships. The lead universities, which are based in all world regions, will work with ‘satellite’ universities to advance a particular SDG, all the while ensuring synergies among all goals. Professor Pornchai Mongkhonvanit, President of Siam University, in Thailand, chairs the IAU work on HESD, including the Cluster.
The Cluster has two main objectives. First, it will serve as a resource and networking hub for universities around the world. Universities that are already engaged in SDGs locally can establish partnerships through the Cluster and scale up their activities. Those who are just starting this line of work will be able to turn to the Cluster for collaboration and guidance on best practices to translate and advance SDGs in local, national and international contexts.
Second, the Cluster aims to be a global voice for higher education in sustainable development debates (including at the UN High Level Political Forum, HLPF), informing international organizations and national governments about the role of universities in achieving the SDGs. It will foster collaboration and exchange among all stakeholders and inform decision-making at local and global policy levels. In 2019, IAU plans to attend and present a paper at the HLPF in New York to highlight and strengthen the position of higher education institutions in Agenda 2030.
“We are not seeking to duplicate the existing work in this field, but rather to find new ways to effectively join forces and work together,” explained the IAU Secretary General Hilligje van’t Land.
IAU and its Member universities presented the initiative on November 15 at the IAU 2018 International Conference on Higher Education Partnerships for Societal Impact in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Dag Rune Olsen, the rector of the University of Bergen that leads on SDG 14 ‘Life Below Water’, spoke at the conference, noting, “Research and education are key; and academia needs to inform policy development. We must work across borders, across disciplines and across the 17 goals.”
The Cluster adopts a holistic and transformative approach to sustainable development, attending not only to its environmental, but also cultural, economic and social aspects. It promotes the Whole Institution Approach—embedding sustainable development concepts and principles at all levels of university operations, including teaching, learning, research and community engagement.
In January 2019, the Cluster leaders together with the UNESCO country delegation representatives will meet in Paris at the UNESCO headquarters to discuss further steps and finalize the strategic plan.
Sustainable Development is one of IAU’s four thematic priorities and the association has been advocating for the importance of higher education for sustainable development and now Agenda 2030 since the early 90s. IAU is part of the UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development (GAP ESD) and partners with many organizations in the field, including the UN Higher Education for Sustainability Initiative (HESI), Regional Centers of Expertise Network, SDG Accord and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) among others.
For further information on the IAU HESD Cluster and ways to get involved, visit the IAU HESD Portal or contact: Isabel Toman, Programme Officer.
Takeaways from #IAU2018 International Conference16 November 2018The IAU 2018 International Conference has just ended in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Higher Education scholars, researchers and experts from around the globe came together for three days to discuss Higher Education Partnerships for Societal Impact. The conference drew around 300 participants from 68 countries, including 67 heads of institutions and 63 speakers. The conference was organized in cooperation with the University of Malaya.
Participants discussed some of the most pressing issues facing today’s higher education community, such as digital transformation, community engagement, responsible research and sustainable development.
In addition, at the conference IAU launched the Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Cluster, which includes 16 lead universities worldwide per Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and aims to advocate for Higher Education Institutions’ role in achieving Agenda 2030. IAU also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Union of Students in the United Kingdom that will enable us to develop joint projects on the SDGs.
Please consult the conference programme and IAU’s twitter account to learn more about the discussions that took place at the conference.
IAU is pleased to announce that its 2019 International Conference will take place from 13-15 November in Puebla, Mexico.
IAU Horizons: The New Edition Is Out!16 November 2018The latest issue of IAU Horizons (23.2) has just been published. It offers detailed information about IAU’s most recent activities and suggests ways to get involved. The In Focus section gathers 10 contributions from higher education scholars and university leaders worldwide discussing "Higher Education Partnerships for Societal Impact", which was also the topic of the IAU 2018 annual conference on 13-15 November in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Take Part in IAU’s Open Consultation on ICTs7 November 2018In light of rapid technological changes, IAU is developing a new policy statement outlining the key principles and values that must underpin this transformation. IAU is committed to making the process inclusive and ensuring that the voices of its Members and the wider higher education community are heard.
This is why we have launched an open consultation on the topic, allowing both university leaders and relevant staff to share information about how they experience the digital transformation of higher education. The consultation takes place in the form of a survey and is open until 1 April 2019.
IAU encourages all Members and beyond to contribute to shaping the policy statement and thereby learning more about tech-related initiatives and trends in higher education around the world.
LGEU#7: Applications are Open for the Session in Paris!7 November 2018Applications have just opened for the 7th session of Leading Globally Engaged Universities, IAU’s unique professional development programme for socially engaged university leaders!
This five-day seminar provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about the theory and innovative practices of institutional leadership and management. Participants will engage in peer-to-peer learning, build new partnerships and gain insights about challenges and opportunities for higher education leaders worldwide.
Hosted by Institut de Management et de Communication interculturelsONLINE APPLICATION
The deadline for applications is 5 May 2019. The programme is limited to 20 persons. Apply now!
LGEU#6 kicks off in Romania18 October 2018This week the 6th session of IAU’s leadership development programme, Leading Globally Engaged Universities (LGEU), opened in Bucharest, Romania. Led by Dr Tom Kennie, leadership expert in HE, and the IAU Secretary General Dr Hilligje van’t Land, the programme addresses the challenges of leading a university in today’s world—integrating at once local and global perspectives.
The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), an IAU Member, is hosting the five-day seminar for socially engaged university leaders. On this occasion, the university Senate rewarded IAU with the anniversary gold medal ’SNSPA 25 plus 1’, for its contribution to the modernisation of international higher education.
LGEU participants come from all around the world and include Heads of Institutions, Vice-Presidents, Deans as well as Academic Department Heads, Registrars and senior professional service leaders. The current LGEU session brings together participants from Afghanistan, Egypt, France, Ghana, Moldova, Pakistan, Palestine and Romania. Throughout the week, attendees participate in leadership development exercises, sharing their own insights and institutional approaches to global engagement.
Mark your calendars for the LGEU#7 – Paris, France!
IAU is pleased to announce that on 2-7 June 2019 Institut de Management et de Communication interculturels (ISIT) will host LGEU-7.
Join the UNICA-IAU Masterclass on Internationalization!18 October 2018IAU is pleased to launch its first joint master class together with the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) on internationalization of Higher Education.
What does it mean to be a Vice-Rector for Internationalization in today’s moving world?
In the era of globalization, internationalization of higher education has become inevitable. Institutions develop deliberate internationalisation strategies to improve the quality of education, research and service to society. This requires the full engagement of the academic leadership as it is gaining increasing relevance in the strategic decision-making process.
The master class targets Vice-Presidents /Vice-Rectors for internationalization as well as academic leaders involved in internationalization policies/strategies. Combining keynote presentations with interactive group sessions, the master class will give participants a set of practical tools and techniques in order to effectively plan, monitor and evaluate internationalization activities as well as analyse local and global trends in international higher education.
Deadline: 1 March 2019
The number of participants is limited to 30 people.
Apply now by filling out this online form!PRACTICAL INFORMATION:
Dates: 7-10 April 2019 (duration: 3,5 days)
Host institution: Centre for Advanced Academic Studies, University of Zagreb in Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, CroatiaREGISTRATION FEES:
€700 for IAU or UNICA Members
€800 for non-Members
Please note that fees include accommodation at CAAS Residence (3 nights), lunches, breaks, and the social programme. Fees do not cover travel expenses.CONTACT:
If you have any queries or need additional information, please contact:
Mr Giorgio Marinoni (IAU Office, Paris): g.marinoni@iau-aiu.net, + 33 1 45 68 48 04
Ms Aurelie Duchateau (UNICA Office, Brussels): aurelie.duchateau@unica-network.eu, +32 2 514 79 00
IAU launches its Institutional Site Visits on technology - Apply now!17 October 2018IAU is pleased to announce that Open University of Catalonia will host its first Institutional Site Visit on technology and higher education. The visit will be dedicated to e-learning and student-centered learning, and will take place on 27-28 March in Barcelona, Spain.
The purpose of the annual Institutional Site Visits is to create opportunities for Members to exchange and learn from host universities about how to improve higher education using digital technologies. IAU thus seeks to support its Members and build their capacity of adaptation in the ever-changing landscape. The visits will generate new ideas, tools and insights on harnessing digital innovations for the benefit of universities.
The Institutional Site Visits are exclusively open to IAU Members (all categories) and target those engaged in the digital transformation. IAU charges a coordination fee of 150 € which covers the material and catering during the 2 day meeting. The fee does not include accomodation and travel.
Applications are being accepted until 8 March 2019. Apply now!
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, IAU Deputy Board Member, Passes Away18 September 2018It is with great sadness that IAU has learned of the tragic passing away of Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Founder UMT and esteemed Deputy Board Member of the IAU. We convey our sincere condolences to the Members on staff at the University of Management and Technology and also to his Family and friends. He will be missed in the international higher education community and by the Members of the Board of the IAU. We much appreciated his valuable contributions to the advancement for higher education in Pakistan and the world.
Tabriz University Celebrates 70th anniversary11 September 2018Tabriz University celebrated its 70th anniversary on 29 August 2018. It is the second oldest university in Iran and one of IAU’s founding members. Giorgio Marinoni, IAU’s manager for internationalization, delivered a speech at the conference dedicated to this occasion. He thanked the Prof.Dr. Pourmohammadi, the President of Tabriz University and IAU Deputy Board Member, for having invited IAU and congratulated the institution on 70 years of dedication to advancing higher education. IAU will continue collaborating closely with Tabriz University for the development of higher education in Iran and abroad.
Image source: www.tabrizu.ac.ir
Only a few days left to register for IAU leadership programme in Romania!11 September 2018There is only a few days left to register the 6th session of IAU leadership development programme
LEADING GLOBALLY ENGAGED UNIVERSITIES (LGEU)Bringing together a cohort of 15-20 university representatives from all parts of the world, LGEU provides a unique opportunity for higher education leaders with an international outlook to engage in peer-to-peer learning in a distinctive, internationally-oriented leadership development programme. LGEU offers a real opportunity to gain new insights into higher education trends and practices in a wide range of countries as well as a chance to build new institutional connections.
hosted by The National University of Political Studies and Public AdministrationONLINE APPLICATION
The programme is limited to 20 persons - so don’t miss this opportunity! Apply here
Register to the first ISAS (2.0) webinar!6 September 2018As part of its offer of services in the field of internationalization of higher education, IAU is developing a series of webinars in English and French, each dedicated to a specific topic of importance in the current global agenda. These webinars will expand the range of learning opportunities available to individuals and higher institutions and draw on the knowledge of internationalization experts from different parts of the world.
The first ever ISAS (2.0) webinar will focus on ‘Developing a Strategic Approach to Internationalization’.
Participants will be given access to all materials used during the presentation and the opportunity to ask questions live to the speakers.The first seminar in English will take place on 4 October at 17:00 CET and be broadcast again on 9 October at 9:00 CET to enable participants from other time zones to take part.
The number of participants is limited, so please choose your preferred date and register as soon as possible at:https://goo.gl/forms/jtN65DqLKc7W2o3D3
Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan passes away27 August 2018The IAU joins the worldwide higher education community in extending our condolences to the family and colleagues of Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General from 1997 to 2006. Committed to the cause of education as a foundation for progress in society, Kofi Annan was Chancellor of the University of Ghana, a long-standing IAU Member, from 2008 to 2018.
“Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.” Kofi Annan.
IAU 5th Global Survey is collecting responses!19 July 2018IAU Global Surveys on Internationalization provide a unique analysis of global trends on internationalization of higher education. It is the longest running internationalization survey of its type, with the first survey being undertaken in 2003. It has become an invaluable resource for those interested in internationalization of higher education.
IAU is now conducting its 5th Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education and invites all Higher Education Institutions around the world to take the questionnaire and allow IAU to collect the most relevant data internationally and share with all of you a clear and accurate picture of the global higher education landscape today.
>> Read more about the IAU Global Surveys
>> Read the instructions to complete the Survey in:
IAU LYNX July 2018 - Find out about the HE news from 26 countries in this month’s edition!17 July 2018IAU Lynx provides you with a monthly overview of international, regional and national policies and initiatives in higher education around the world.
This month’s edition covers HE news from 26 countries.
Find out about the UN’s new technology programme for development; universities’ responses to Horizons Europe, the sucessor to Horizon 2020; the outcomes of CRES - the Regional Conference for HE in Latin America and the Caribbean; and the launch of the first Arabic Citation Index.
Discover the Baltic Recognition Agreement; the new Chinese plan to promote artificial intelligence in universities; Mexico’s agreement for a higher education Gender Equality Observatory; and South Korea’s plans for academic exchanges with North Korea.
Learn about India’s new regulations for university teachers qualifications; Ghana’s policy to upgrade teacher training institutes; Indonesia’s strategy for preventing radicalism in universities and how minority serving institutions in the USA increase upward mobility ... and much more!
Sign up now for the 6th session of IAU leadership development programme9 July 2018Registrations are now open for the 6th session of IAU leadership development programme LEADING GLOBALLY ENGAGED UNIVERSITIES (LGEU).
Bringing together a cohort of 15-20 university representatives from all aprts of the world, LGEU provides a unique opportunity for higher education leaders with an international outlook to engage in peer-to-peer learning in a distinctive, internationally-oriented leadership development programme. LGEU offers a real opportunity to gain new insights into higher education trends and practices in a wide range of countries as well as a chance to build new institutional connections.
hosted by The National University of Political Studies and Public AdministrationONLINE APPLICATION
The programme is limited to 20 persons - so don’t miss this opportunity! Apply here
Stephen Freedman, IAU Board Member, passes away6 July 2018Dear Members of the IAU Community,
It is with great sadness that IAU announces the sudden passing of Stephen Freedman, Provost of Fordham University, New York, on 2 July 2018.
Stephen, a Member of the IAU Administrative Board since 2008, was a strong supporter of the work of the IAU, sharing the values, the mission and vision upheld by the Association. Stephen was a very dedicated, passionate, open-minded and caring man, who was truly committed to teaching, research and community engagement and to what a global, inclusive and diversity-minded university should stand for.
His absence from the IAU Administrative Board will be greatly felt, and he will be sorely missed, not only by his fellow Board Members but also by the IAU Secretariat, and Members of IAU who had the privilege to have known him and worked with him.
You will find a tribute to Stephen on Fordham University website
IAU would like to express its deepest condolences to his family, friends and colleagues at Fordham University,
Yours sincerely,
Hilligje van’t Land, PhD
Secretary General, International Association of Universities (IAU)
Executive Director, International Universities Bureau
Take part in IAU 5th Global Survey on Internationalization2 July 2018The International Association of Universities (IAU) is conducting its 5th Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education. Each IAU Global Survey provides a unique analysis of global trends on internationalization of higher education. It is the longest running internationalization survey of its type, with the first survey being undertaken in 2003. The IAU Global Surveys have become an invaluable resource for those interested in internationalization of higher education.
The International Association of Universities has reached out to the Higher Education Institutions around the world, including to some 50 higher education organisations inviting them to take the 5th Global Survey Questionnaire on the Internationalization of Higher Education. Responses will all and always be treated as completely confidential:
- We do not report or share individual results or identifying characteristics with the IAU Membership or higher education community.
- We only report average results to the global higher education community unless specific agreements have been officially been agreed upon for specific issues to be highlighted. Your response will be averaged with other responses to protect the identity of all individual respondents.
If you’d like to learn more about how IAU shares the results of the Survey, please contact g.marinoni@iau-aiu.net
You can take the survey in English or French or Spanish.
The deadline to fill in the survey is 31 July.
Sponsoring partners of the 5th edition of the Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education:
Salamanca celebrates 800 Years - IAU President attends IVth Rectors’ Meeting7 June 2018Pam Fredman, IAU President, represented IAU at the Inaugural Panel of the IV International Rectors’ Meeting Universia 2018. The Meeting took place on 21 - 22 May at the University of Salamanca, Spain.
An IAU founding Member since 1950, University of Salamanca celebrates its 8th centenary. Themed ‘University, Society, and Future’, the Meeting, attended by rectors, deans and academic leaders from over 600 universities in 26 countries, focused on training and learning in the digital world; research at the university; and universities’ contribution to social and territorial development.
Prof. Fredman emphasized the importance of academic values and academic competences students acquire during their studies, themes which were brought up by many speakers. The Meeting concluded with the release of the Declaration of Salamanca.The event has been covered by various newspapers around the world:
- Vanguardia – Spain (21 May 2018)
- El Economista – Spain (21 May 2018)
- Salamanca 24 horas – Spain (21 May 2018)
- La Nacion - Argentina (23 May 2018)
- Never - Japan 21 May 2018
IAU Blog on the role of technology in higher education6 June 2018IAU is pleased to launch a blog dedicated to the role of technology in higher education and to the transformation of higher education in the digital era. The aim of this blog is to share experiences and information about the digital transformation in higher education with perspectives from all regions of the world. IAU Members and beyond can share innovative initiatives and best practices or voice concern about developments in this field. IAU believes that through exchange and cooperation, we can contribute to shaping the digital transformation in higher education.
Click here to discover the blog
The IAU Horizons magazine (23.1) dedicated the ’In Focus’ section to the topic "Technology and higher education: opportunities for bridging divides?" The authors of the 11 articles coming from around the world also agreed to share their thinking and articles on the blog in order to kick-start the discussion.
IAU invites its Members to consider contributing and submitting a contribution to IAU (max 800 words).
Please contact Trine Jensen for expressions of interest.
IAU Expert Advisory Group meeting on digital transformation in Bucharest, Romania4 June 2018Hosted by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), the IAU Expert Advisory Group was officially established and started drafting a new IAU Policy Statement on the digital transformation in higher education on 28-29 May 2018 in Bucharest, Romania. Members from around the world discussed the structure and the essential principles and values that must guide the digital transformation in higher education for the common good.
The drafting process will take place over the next two years and include several stakeholder consultations. The final statement will be submitted for adoption to the IAU 16th General Conference, which will take place in Dublin, Ireland in 2020.
A survey will be developed and disseminated to all IAU Members and beyond in order to collect information that will serve the drafting of the statement.
Contact Trine Jensen for more information.
IAU Horizons 23.1: Technology in Higher Education & Call for papers next edition31 May 2018The first 2018 edition of IAU Horizons (23.1) presents information about the activities of the Association, the upcoming IAU 2018 International Conference in Kuala Lumpur. The In Focus section gathers 11 articles from around the world discussing the important topic: “Technology in Higher Education: Opportunities for Bridging Divides’ Click here to read the magazine.
Call for papers for IAU Horizons (23.2): higher education partnerships for societal impact
In preparation of the upcoming conference, the next issue of IAU Horizons, the ‘In Focus’ will be devoted to the theme of the conference: ‘Higher education partnerships for societal impact’
If you are interested in contributing a paper related to this topic, please send a message expressing your interest and explaining briefly how you wish to address this topic in your paper.Deadline for expressions interest: 30 June 2018
Deadline for submission of paper (max 800 words): 31 July 2018
Contact: Juliette Becker
IAU took part in the EHEA Ministerial Conference in May31 May 2018IAU took part in the Ministerial Conference celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Bologna Process. It was held in Paris, on May 24-25, 2018. Opened to European Higher Education Area (EHEA) delegations, it included a Bologna Policy Forum that provided an opportunity to pursue a dialogue between EHEA and non-EHEA countries. The Paris Conference thus offered an opportunity to reinforce international cooperation for a better future of higher education.
The Ministerial Communiqué stresses the need to improve the implementation of fundamental values, especially democracy, since the standards of higher education convey notions of peace and freedom.
IAU Vice President Remus Pricopie, Rector SNSPA, and Hilligje van’t Land, IAU Secretary General represented the IAU during these events. The SG chaired the round table on Higher Education social responsibility: the civic role of higher education institutions.
Professor Justin Thorens Former President IAU receives the IAU President Award30 May 2018On 4 May 2018, the IAU was honored to present the IAU President’s Award in Higher Education to Professor Justin Thorens, Former IAU President (1985-1990), Former President University of Geneva, for his outstanding contributions to IAU’s life and work and his full commitment to the higher education values promoted by the IAU. The Award was presented by IAU past Secretary General Eva Egron-Polak and the current Secretary General and in the presence of the IAU Secretariat.
Please click here for more information on Professor Justin Thorens’ career and his contributions to development of the IAU statement on Academic Freedom and University Autonomy.
#LGEU5 - 5th session of Leading Globally Engaged Universities in Canada30 May 2018The 5th session of Leading Globally Engaged Universities (LGEU), the IAU unique leadership training programme, was hosted for the first time ever in North America, by McMaster University in Canada, from 13 to 18 May 2018.
The week-long event gathered representatives from Canada, Colombia, Haiti, Ghana, Romania, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States and Thailand. Participants particularly enjoyed the excellent hosting of the event and the unique opportunity provided to connect and learn to trust each other on sensitive issues relating to leadership in very different contexts yet presenting similarities conducive to unique exchanges.
Mark your calendars to attend the next session, learn more about the kind of leader you are and how best to engage globally!
LGEU-6 will be hosted by the prestigious National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, in Bucharest, Romania on 14-19 October 2018.
UNESCO GLOBAL ACTION PROGRAMME ON EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT26 April 2018IAU takes part in UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) meeting in Costa Rica to help define the future of the post gap agenda. It is also the opportunity for IAU to present its work in promoting higher education and research for sustainable development globally.
The Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD, the follow- up programme to the Decade of ESD (2005-2014), seeks to generate and scale-up ESD and to accelerate progress towards sustainable development. The GAP aims to contribute substantially to the 2030 agenda.
Apply now for Rockefeller Bellagio Center Academic Residency!6 March 2018You are an academic willing to share your commitment to the development of society ? Seize this unique opportunity to carry out your project and make connections! The call for applications to the Academic Writing Residency Programme in Bellagio Center is open. By assisting the Rockefeller Foundation with the global outreach development of this beautiful programme, IAU is proud to encourage to apply individuals who shape thinking and catalyze action around projects that align with the Foundation’s mission of promoting the well-being of humanity, particularly through issues that have direct impact on the lives of poor and vulnerable populations. These issues include but are not limited to health, economic opportunity, urban resilience, as well as food and agriculture.
This Residency Programme welcomes university and think tank-based academics, researchers, professors, and scientists from a wide array of backgrounds, disciplines and geographies, during a month in a serene but stimulating environment, combining uninterrupted individual day-time and evenings spent with innovative practitioners, writers and artists.
The Call for application is now open until May 1, 2018 for residencies in 2019.
Last chance to register for LGEU-5 Canada23 February 2018McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, will host the 5th session of the LGEU PROGRAMME. It will take place 13 - 18 May 2018. from LGEU provides an international peer-learning space to help higher education leaders prepare for the multiple and complex responsibilities they take on in a challenging global context. Bringing together an international cohort of university representatives, to recognise and address local and regional opportunities and constraints, each LGEU session also offers a unique opportunity to learn about the local higher education system. Apply to work with colleagues from different institutions and countries. Join the growing LGEU alumni group. The programme is limited to 20 persons - so don’t miss this opportunity!
IAU 2018 International Conference - Call for case studies16 February 2018IAU 2018 International Conference, co-organized with the University of Malaya, will take place from 13-15 November 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It will be dedicated to the theme Higher education partnership for societal impact.
IAU believes that higher education institutions (HEIs) play an important role in the development of societies. HEIs engage with society in a variety of ways. Partnerships with civil society, the private sector, local authorities and decision-makers or between HEIs take on numerous forms and shapes. Therefore, the conference will discuss and showcase how universities contribute to societal development around the world.
IAU is launching a call for case studies to collect innovative partnerships for societal impact pursued by universities and other higher education institutions. Universities, which initiatives will be selected, will be invited to present their work at the conference.
>> Call for case studies
Mark your calendar, conference registrations will open on 3 April 2018!
IAU Horizons Magazine : Academic Freedom and University Autonomy under Threat13 February 2018This issue presents IAU projects and initiatives, focuses on the results of IAU 2017 Conference. It details results and opportunities linked to the IAU key thematic priorities of work; presents the new Members and the various projects IAU is involved in. The In Focus section offers a series of papers on « Academic Freedom and University Autonomy under Threat » of authors from around the world.
>> Read the magazine
>> Order printed copy
>> Request more information
IAU President & Secretary General at SDG Conference Bergen9 February 2018From 8 to 9 February, IAU President (Pam Fredman) and IAU Secretary General (Hilligje van’t Land) took part in the SDG Conference on Knowledge for Our Common Future organized by the University of Bergen in Norway, an IAU member. The objective of the conference was to engage Norway’s research and higher education communities, politicians, government officials, NGOs and industry in a discussion on how universities can contribute towards implementation of the SDGs.
"It is important that your own institution lives the goals!”, said Pam Fredman IAU President. As former Former Vice-Rector of Gothenburg University in Sweden, Pam Fredman talked about her own experience. She stressed the importance of engaging the whole staff as well as students in order to efficiently implement the SDGs. She invited universities to share successful initiatives to inspire others.
“We must take diversity in culture and knowledge systems into account when working towards the SDGs”, declared Hilligje van’t Land, IAU Secretary General. She stressed that we can only achieve the goals by working together. She reminded that IAU always been committed to sustainable development and that the association will continue to play a key role in supporting higher education institutions to achieve the SDGs.
IAU Secretary General at CHEA Conference on Quality Assurance8 February 2018Last week, CHEA 2018 Annual Conference & CIQG 2018 Annual Meeting took place in Washington DC, USA. Gathered within a global Forum, Higher education stakeholders debated on Quality assurance.
Hilligje van’t Land, IAU Secretary General, chaired the session on ’Are Institutional Autonomy and Social Accountability Mutually Exclusive?’.
ISAS (2.0) Planning & Strategy : Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology29 January 2018Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology is undertaking an ISAS (2.0) Planning and Strategy to put in place an internationalization strategy. The Expert Panel, set up by IAU to provide guidance for the elaboration of the strategy, undertook a site visit to Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) in India. It took place from 17 to 19 January 2018. During the three-day site visit, the Expert Panel consulted with members of the whole academic community of Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT). During the next six months, IAU together with the Expert Panel will provide the institution with advice on how to develop their internationalization strategy.
The Expert Panel, chaired by Eva Egron-Polak (IAU Senior Fellow), comprises Hans-Georg van Liempd (Managing Director, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg University, The Netherlands), Giorgio Marinoni (IAU Manager, HE and Internationalization Policy and Projects), and Manoranjan Prasad Sinha (Vice-Chancellor, Sido Kanhu Murmu University, Dumka, India).
Call for papers for IAU Horizons: Technology in Higher Education26 January 2018The next issue of IAU Horizons will focus on: Technology in higher education: opportunities for bridging divides? The rapid development technology and the digital transformation of society bring changes and new opportunities. The ‘In Focus’ section will consider how these changes impact higher education. What are the new opportunities that the digital transformation offer and how can they contribute to bridging rather than exacerbating already existing divides at the international, national and local level.
IAU Members and beyond are invited to submit a paper sharing their experiences and views on the topic. Please send an email to IAU to indicate your interest and specify which aspect of the topic you wish to address.
• Deadline for expression of interest: 5 March 2018
• Deadline for full paper (max 800 words): 26 March 2018Contact: Trine Jensen
IAU Annual Report 2017 is now available18 January 2018The latest IAU Annual report will provide you with a yearly overview of IAU work, including both the IAU 16th General Conference in Thailand and the IAU 2017 International Conference in Ghana.
NEW EDITION HIGHER EDUCATION POLICY JOURNAL11 December 2017The latest edition of Higher Education Policy (HEP), IAU’s quarterly peer-reviewed journal has just been released. A special edition, entitled The Role of Higher Education in the Socio-Economic Development of Peripheral Regions, it features papers looking at developments and issues in two distinct national settings within a broader European context, namely Norway and Czech Republic. Papers include a literature review and framework of analysis, the role of institutions in fostering industry clusters in peripheral regions, lifelong learning, cultural preconditions, and third mission.
New Publication IAU-UNESCO IIEP: Quality Management in Higher Education8 December 2017The UNESCO Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO), in collaboration with the International Association of Universities (IAU), has just published Quality Management in higher education: Developments and drivers. This publication fills a knowledge gap on the state of quality management in higher education institutions. The Authors, Michaela Martin and Shreya Parikh, draw on the responses of over 300 institutions worldwide to map recent developments, drivers, and obstacles in quality management today. As the first truly global survey of its kind, it provides first-hand primary data on this salient issue in higher education reform.
Decision-makers in higher education are increasingly seeking models for state-of-the-art quality management systems, which can help pave the way to improved academic quality and graduate employability. This publication explains the dynamics of quality management, including its various actors, structures, tools, and much more, from a global perspective. Its wealth of insight aims at supporting the implementation of policies enabling higher education to act as a driver for socioeconomic progress and overall sustainable development.
This publication is part of a larger international IIEP research project helping countries develop stronger capacities for more effective quality assurance. It follows the publication of eight case studies from universities with innovative practices who share in great detail the evolution and impact of their quality management systems.
The publication i available in print, and online on the IIEP-UNESCO website.
ISAS (2.0) Planning and Strategy site visit at Shigakkan University6 December 2017The site visit by the ISAS Expert Panel to Shigakkan University in Japan took place on 29 November - 1 December 2017. The Expert Panel was chaired by Eva Egron-Polak, IAU Senior Fellow, and included Anna Ciccarelli, Fellow of The University of South Australia, Riyuki Takemura, former Senior Coordinator, Office of International Affairs, Hokkaido University, Japan, and Giorgio Marinoni, IAU Internationalization Manager. During the three day site visit, the Expert Panel had very fruitful discussions with members of the whole academic community of Shigakkan University. Based on these discussions, the Expert Panel will submit a report to the university at the beginning of January 2018. During the next six months, the Expert Panel will provide the institution with advice on how to develop an internationalization strategy. Once the university has developed its internationalization strategy, the University will receive the IAU learning badge “Planning and Strategy”.
Welcome to IAU New website22 November 2017IAU is proud to welcome you on its brand new website showcasing more efficiently IAU activities and partnerships. It also provides more visibility for IAU members’ latest initiatives.
Navigate to discover IAU:
Strategic priorities
Latest publications
Global events
5th Global Survey on Internationalization22 November 2017On Friday 17 November 2017, the IAU Secretary General, Hilligje Van’t Land and the Rector of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), Jean-Paul de Gaudemar, signed a Memorandum of Understanding detailing the contribution of AUF to the development of the IAU 5th Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education. AUF will help disseminate the questionnaire in the Francophone world and will translate the final report into French. The IAU is very pleased with this cooperation as it will allow to increase the visibility of this important survey, which will help understand the importance and significance of internationalization of higher education world round. This Memorandum of Understanding is an initial step which will lead to a deeper collaboration between both Associations.
IAU Global Meeting of Associations & International Conference took place in Ghana in October10 November 2017IAU 2017 International Conference and Global Meeting of Associations (GMA) ended after a week of fruitful discussions on challenges relating to funding of higher education. 170 people coming from 45 countries took part in these events hosted by the University of Ghana in Accra.
The GMA offered the opportunity to 70 representatives from Associations of Universities to share their specific challenges through group discussions.
During the conference, the speakers presented views from different countries and higher education systems to 170 representatives of higher education institutions around the globe.Discover more on the conference website including programme and speakers presentations.
Take a look at the pictures of the Global Meeting of Associations and IAU International Conference.
Contact: Trine Jensen
Apply now to the Bellagio Center Writing Residency!9 November 2017IAU is pleased to offer its members a unique opportunity to expand their work and put forward the value of academics’ contributions to the development of society.
IAU supports the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Academic Writing Residency Programme which welcomes scholars, researchers, professors, and scientists from a wide array of backgrounds, disciplines and geographies, during a month in a serene and stimulating environment, combining uninterrupted individual day-time and evenings spent with innovative practitioners, writers and artists.
The call for application is now open until 1 December 2017 for residencies in 2018 and early 2019.
New IAU Publication: Higher Education Paving the Way to Sustainable Development9 November 2017The IAU launches the report of its 2016 global survey on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD).
With this publication, the International Association of Universities wants to underline the key role higher education plays in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By sharing knowledge and promoting international cooperation, the IAU aims at supporting and inspiring higher education leaders to develop HESD strategies. The findings of this publication are based on an IAU survey conducted in 2016, in which 120 higher education institutions worlwide took part. The results underline that universites are involved in sustainable development and integrate it in their strategic development plans. However, there is still room for progress. In the publication, you will find inspiring sustainability initiatives undertaken by IAU Members worlwide. Get inspired and commit to the SDGs!
Download the publication and share it with your networks!
ISAS (2.0) “Achieving Comprehensive Internationalization” at Cardiff Metropolitan University7 November 2017Cardiff Metropolitan University is the first institution that will be awarded the ISAS (2.0) “Comprehensive Internationalization” badge. The decision was taken after the positive opinion expressed by the Expert Panel that accomplished a site visit to institution on 9 - 11 October 2017. The Expert Panel was chaired by Dr. Madeleine Green, IAU Senior Fellow and included Tim Gore, Chief Executive Officer, University of London Institute in Paris, Eva Egron-Polak, IAU Senior Fellow and Giorgio Marinoni, IAU Manager, HE and Internationalization Policy and Projects. The Expert Panel provided the institution with a final report underlying the accomplishment achieved and suggesting improvements for the future. The badge will be officially awarded to the institution during the 2018 IAU international conference.
Call for applications for the position of Deputy Secretary General6 November 2017IAU is pleased to announce the opening of a call for applications for the position of Deputy Secretary General. The person to be hired will work in close collaboration with Dr van‘t Land, IAU Secretary General. The Deputy Secretary General will collaborate on the development, implementation and coordination of the ongoing and theme-focused activities of the Secretariat as well as the overall management of personnel. To learn more about this position, please read the full Call for Applications, available here.
Call for papers next issue IAU Horizons, December 20176 November 2017Theme: the next issue of the magazine focuses on Academic Freedom and University Autonomy under Threat.
Contributions: Authors interested in contributing a paper are invited to submit a proposal including a three line description of the focus of the paper they would wish to contribute.
Deadlines for Abstracts: 29 September 2017
Deadlines for Full paper (700 words max. magazine style): 23 October 20170 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | ... | 180 | Show all