Secretariat |
The International Universities Bureau is IAU’s permanent Secretariat and its major instrument of programme implementation, along with the Administrative Board, various Committees and Working Groups. Created by UNESCO in 1949, the Bureau was instrumental in preparing the International University Conference in Nice, 1950, at which the IAU was founded. Today, under the authority of the IAU and as a partner organization of UNESCO, its mission includes:
Hilligje van’t Land, Secretary General bio contact
Andreas Corcoran, Deputy Secretary General bio contact
Balkhisse Aidara, Accounting and Administrative Officer bio contact
Saholi Andriambololo-Nivo, WHED Data Officer bio contact
Meg Harris, Communications and Media Officer bio contact
Jessica Huang, Assistant, Administration and Membership bio contact
Trine Jensen, Manager, HE & Digital Transformation, Publication and Events bio contact
Giorgio Marinoni, Manager, HE and Internationalization policy and projects bio contact
Craig Pettifor, IT Systems Administrator contact
Nicholas Poulton, WHED Operations Coordinator bio contact
Samuel Pousson, WHED Data Officer bio contact
Isabel Toman, Programme Officer, Sustainable Development bio contact
Interns at the IAU
Laura Chinde, Leadership Intern, contact
Phương Anh Dương, HESD Intern, contact
Riu Rodriguez, Communications and Media Intern, bio, contact
International Association of Universities - International Universities Bureau
1, rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15
Tel.: (33 1) 45 68 48 00
Fax: (33 1) 47 34 76 05
Contact us here
NGO in official partnership with UNESCO in associate status |
International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France |
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