International Association of Universities
The Global Voice of Higher Education
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  • Online Diploma on the Management of Higher Education Internationalization

    In collaboration with the UNESCO Chair for Internationalization of Higher Education and Global Citizenship of the University of Guadalajara, the IAU is pleased to launch an online diploma on the Management of Higher Education Internationalization.

    This first edition is particularly targeted to Latin America. Consecutive editions will focus on other regions of the world.

    For more information see: (in Spanish), for the English version click here.

    For any additional questions please contact the IAU Manger for HE and Internationalization, Giorgio Marinoni.

  • 2022 Annual Report

    The International Association of Universities is pleased to present the Annual Report of activities for 2022. The year has been marked in particular by the preparation and participation of the IAU in the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education (WHEC2022) in Barcelona in May, the joint Global Forum on Higher Education Leadership for Democracy, Sustainable and Social Justice in Dublin in June; the UN Transforming Education Summit in Paris in June and in New York in September; and the IAU 16th General Conference in October.

    In 2022, IAU hosted 22 webinars, published numerous reports and policy statements, strengthened and engaged with our Membership base, and continued our advocacy work for our four priority areas: value based leadership, digital transformation, internationalization, and sustainable development. Through these umbrella programmes, IAU has been able to continue project based work to facilitate international collaboration and knowledge production. To learn more about what IAU achieved in 2022, read the latest Annual Report:

    Read the Report

  • IAU Updates

    IAU SDG 3 Cluster Meeting Barcelona, 7 - 9 March 2023

    IAU Programme Officer for HESD Isabel Toman took part in a 3-day workshop for the members of the IAU HESD Cluster on SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing, hosted by the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), IAU Member and Cluster Lead, in Barcelona. Representatives of six universities from all continents discussed how “Catalysing collaboration for an integrated approach to health in support of equity and wellbeing worldwide” can be put into action.

    IAU met with ACU and AUF in Paris, 27 - 28 March 2023

    A group of 18 colleagues, including the leadership, of the International Association of Universities (IAU), Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) met at AUF offices in Paris to strengthen our cooperation for the higher education sector and our contributions towards a more sustainable future.

    Keep Updated: Sign Up for the IAU Newsletter
    The IAU monthly newsletter reports on IAU updates, new publications, IAU in the news, opportunities to engage, upcoming webinars, and Member news. Sign up in English or French.

    IAU at Events
    Read more about IAU representation and presentation at various events here.

    IAU Webinar Series
    The IAU Webinar Series: The Future of Higher Education offers a dynamic platform for the higher education community to share insights and visions on current issues that affect higher education. In these sessions, higher education experts connect with participants to examine trending issues and the solutions our sector can provide to build more equitable, sustainable and democratic societies.

    Learn more about the webinar series here or watch recorded webinars on our Youtube Page.

    IAU Publications
    The IAU offers a series of publications of interest to the higher education community and speaks out via policy papers and regular reporting. Browse IAU Publications here.

  • Read the IAU 2022 Annual Report

    The International Association of Universities is pleased to present the Annual Report of activities for 2022. The year has been marked in particular by the preparation and participation of the IAU in the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education (WHEC2022) in Barcelona in May, the joint Global Forum on Higher Education Leadership for Democracy, Sustainable and Social Justice in Dublin in June; the UN Transforming Education Summit in Paris in June and in New York in September; and the IAU 16th General Conference in October.

    In 2022, IAU hosted 22 webinars, published numerous reports and policy statements, strengthened and engaged with our Membership base, and continued our advocacy work for our four priority areas: value based leadership, digital transformation, internationalization, and sustainable development. Through these umbrella programmes, IAU has been able to continue project based work to facilitate international collaboration and knowledge production. To learn more about what IAU achieved in 2022, read the latest Annual Report:

    Read the Report

  • Accelerating Action for the SDGs - Read the Report of the 3rd IAU Global Survey on HESD now

    The International Association of Universities (IAU) is pleased to launch the report of the third global survey on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) , which was conducted in 2022.

    In total, 464 valid responses from higher education institutions in 120 countries were collected. The findings show that higher education and partnerships are essential to address the global challenges identified in the UN Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to build a more sustainable future together. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are in a unique position to foster the engagement with sustainable development (SD) taking a whole-institution approach to Teaching and Learning, Research and Community Engagement.

    Furthermore, the survey looked closer at partnerships, leadership and strategy for SD and the relatively new concept of Climate Change Education (CCE). This report provides data and thus shows the global commitment and responsibilities of many HEIs towards the 2030 Agenda and SD more generally.

    The survey was conducted in collaboration with the following partners:

    • ASEF (Asia-Europe Foundation)
    • Crue (Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas)
    • MECCE (The Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education Project)

    >>> Download the Report here

    The virtual launch event on 31st January presented the report and experts from different countries were invited to discuss the results and its implications for universities working with sustainable development, in particular the SDGs. The recording of the session can be found here on the IAU Youtube channel.

    Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) has been a key priority for the International Association of Universities since 1993. Over the last few years, sustainable development has become increasingly important, not only for the Association and Higher Education but for societies globally.

    For any comments or questions, please contact Isabel Toman

  • The IAU 16th General Conference took place in Dublin in October. Discover the Conference outcomes

    The 16th IAU General Conference took place at University College Dublin, Ireland, on 25 – 28 October. 2022 IAU was pleased to welcome over 300 participants from all world regions, 86 countries, 131 institutions and organisations to this event.

    IAU, the global voice of higher education, called on its Members and the extended global higher education community to rethink and reimagine higher education for the future.

    We are very pleased to announce that a new IAU Administrative Board 2022-2026 was elected.
    Learn more here.

    Discover the photos from the event #IAUDublin2022 at this link.

    Learn more about the 16th IAU General Conference

  • The latest issue of IAU Horizons

    IAU is pleased to announce the release the new edition of IAU Horizons (vol 27, n° 2). The first part of the magazine contains information about IAU initiatives, events and strategic priorities. The In Focus section is devoted to the theme of the IAU 16th General Conference: Relevance and Value of Universities to Future Society.

    Authors from all regions of the world, representing different institutions and organizations, have accepted this bold challenge of outlining what they believe is essential for the future of universities. The collection of 22 articles brings together a variety of different perspectives, ideas and challenges. It presents priorities and solutions from multiple angles, yet what they all share is the unwavering belief that universities constitute an essential pillar in society.

    They demonstrate the complex and intertwined processes that take place simultaneously and contribute to the continuous shaping of higher education. They offer thought-provoking perspectives and warn us that the overarching value of higher education in society reveals itself in demonstrating not only what universities are good at, but what they are good for. Although the challenges and solutions may be different from one institution to another, from one country to another, the collection of these diverse voices gives us ample indication of what is at stake for the future of higher education.

    Download the electronic version of the magazine here.

    The hard copy is sent to all IAU Members

    Contact: Trine Jensen

  • New IAU Policy Statement

    During a time that has seen an unprecedented acceleration of digital transformation at universities around the world, the IAU is pleased to announce the official endorsement of the new IAU Policy Statement on Transforming Higher Education in a Digital World for the Global Common Good at the IAU 16th General Conference (25-28 October 2022).

    This Policy Statement outlines essential values and principles that must underpin the digital transformation. The work on the policy statement began in 2018 when an Expert Advisory Group (EAG) was established, bringing together experts and Administrative Board members from different regions of the world. This group steered the development of the statement, with numerous exchanges on priorities to be outlined and the essential values and principles common to all, irrespective of backgrounds and local contexts.

    The Policy Statement has gone through an extensive consultative process from a Membership consultation where all IAU Members were invited to provide comments and feedback, to consultation with student leaders and associations to ensure that student perspectives were well addressed; we are grateful to all those who took part and contributed to the development of the Policy Statement.

    In brief, IAU will continue to nurture a shared commitment to build a humanistic, ethical, inclusive and purpose-based digital transformation of higher education for the global common good and the Policy Statement will guide the work of the IAU in the area of digital transformation as part of its new Strategy 2030.

    Click here to read the Policy Statement.

    Contact: Trine Jensen

  • MRU Honorary Doctorate Awarded to IAU President Prof. Dr. Fredman

    The Senate of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) has agreed to confer an honorary doctorate to International Association of Universities (IAU) President Prof. Dr. Pam Fredman, IAU President.

    The MRU Honorary Doctorate is awarded for a significant contribution to increasing the role of higher education in the processes of strengthening democracy and sustainable development of society, forming an education and science policy based on humanism, promoting equal opportunities for all to pursue education, reducing regional and social segregation in education and in the field of science.

    Read more

  • IAU-UOC PUBLICATION: Improving Online Teaching: Practical Guide for Quality Online Education

    In complement to the IAU-UOC Innovative Education for Unshaped Futures (IE4UF) Series, IAU is happy to announce the publication of Improving Online Teaching: Practical Guide for Quality Online Education. After two years of pandemic related educational disruption, the need for strong and sustainable digital solutions for higher education is critically clear. The IAU-UOC collaboration to study the effects of and necessary solutions for online higher education learning has culminated in the publication.

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International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France
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