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  • IAU Horizons issue, Volume 28, no. 2, 2023

  • IAU 2023 International Conference

    IAU 2023 International Conference
    The IAU 2023 International Conference was held from 25-27 November at Qatar University in Doha, Qatar. The conference discussed the theme Higher Education with Impact: The Importance of Intercultural Learning and Dialogue. Read the concept note to learn more about the IAU 2023 International Conference.

    About the Conference
    Universities provide excellent environments to foster intercultural learning and competence which embraces diversity, treasures differences and is necessary for graduates to thrive in a globalised world. It enhances their appreciation and respect for the other and leads to a more forceful commitment to human rights, democracy, the rule of law, and building peace.

    The IAU 2023 Global Conference explored how universities around the world promote and support intercultural learning and dialogue, the impact geopolitics is having on this goal, and the broader implications it has for our society

    Learn More
    The IAU 2023 International Conference website can provide all necessary information regarding the programme, speakers, registration, and conference logistics. We invite you to explore the website and register now.

    Conference Website Programme and Presentations Conference Photos

    IAU Member Organizations were invited to also participate in the Global Meeting of Associations held immediately before the International Conference on Saturday 25 November.

    With any other questions, please contact the IAU Events team

  • Launch Announcement : IAU-SOS Responsible Futures International Pilot

    Launch Announcement : IAU-SOS Responsible Futures International Pilot

    The IAU is pleased to announce its partnership with Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK), for the international adaptation of the Responsible Futures programme, that SOS-UK already has been conducting with further and higher education institutions for almost 10 years in the UK.

    Responsible Futures is a whole-institution approach to embedding holistic sustainability across the formal and informal curriculum in higher education. It is a supported change programme and accreditation mark that works to put sustainability at the heart of student learning. The Responsible Futures framework assists in creating an environment for staff and students to work together, in partnership, to embed sustainability throughout teaching and learning. The programme legitimises and mainstreams education for sustainable development (ESD), ultimately helping to ensure students leave education with the knowledge, skills, and attributes needed to create a more just and sustainable society. The framework facilitates a close working partnership between student representatives and their institutions through a set of criteria drawn from good practice across the sector. Thirty-nine partnerships across the UK have joined Responsible Futures since its launch in September 2014. Collectively, they represent nearly 700,000 students. For more information see the RF programme website.

    International Pilot Launch Workshops
    With two workshops taking place online on 3rd and 5th October, the IAU and SOS UK successfully kicked off the international pilot of the RF programme with the first group of universities. The universities participating in the pilot are IAU members who have been invited on board in recognition of their existing commitment to sustainable development and working with an SD strategy at the whole institution. Pilot universities will play a leadership role in working with IAU and SOS to co-create an international RF framework and shape how the international programme is designed and delivered. Around 35 participants joined over the two days, next to SOS UK and IAU facilitators, staff and students from the following universities:

    • Mohawk College , Canada
    • Murdoch University, Australia
    • Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
    • Queens University, Canada
    • The University of the West Indies (UWI), Caribbean
    • Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
    • Women’s University of Africa (WUA), Zimbabwe

    Furthermore, representatives from the University of Derby and the University of West of England, both institutions have been involved in the UK Responsible Futures for a number of years, shared how RF created new possibilities and developed initiatives with lasting impact for coordination of institution-wide sustainability engagement.
    Participants reported on existing sustainability activities and challenges to reach all part of the institution. The programme aims to support them in overcoming institutional barriers and putting systems in place that will encourage the development of lasting sustainability initiatives. In addition to introducing participants and defining aims and objectives, the workshops served to review of the RF framework and exchange experiences.

    Erica Clother-Joseph, President of the UWI Global Campus STAT Corp, University of the West Indies, stated after the workshop: "We are looking forward to Responsible Futures pilot and the collaboration across campuses and faculties and departments on ESD. This will really bring a sense of unity to our work and bring our university closer together as we work toward this important initiative.”

    Heather Aldersey, faculty member at the School of Rehabilitation Therapy and Special Advisor to the Principal on the UN SDGs, Queen’s University, believes that: “The programme will be helpful to learn from international colleagues around their efforts and through student involvement. The RF framework is useful to look at our baseline and how we’ll move forward in the coming years.”

    Sarah-Jane Cullinane, ESD fellow at Trinity College Dublin, believes that “the programme [will] give us a mechanism to support our students to lead on ESD and to have some transparency around the process as well.”

    Why Responsible Futures international?
    In her welcome words, IAU Secretary General Hilligje van’t Land stressed how universities are already transforming towards sustainability and how this links to the RF international pilot. “The joint IAU and SOS UK Responsible Futures International Programme is an accelerator on the highway to successfully working with sustainability at the whole institution and can help students, staff and leadership at universities work more closely together” she said.

    The IAU strongly advocates for the role of higher education for the 2030 Agenda and for the importance of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a backdrop for action in HE. The IAU decided to endorse the Responsible Futures programme based on its focus on student engagement and co-development so as to accelerate and ensure both medium- and long-term success of sustainability initiatives at the participating universities. Thanks to the diverse group of institutions from different countries, higher education systems, and backgrounds involved in the pilot group and framework co-design process, the IAU is convinced that the international RF programme will be beneficial and help HEIs to advance their sustainably efforts.

    Next steps
    Next steps will include further individual meetings with institutions, support consultations, and preparing a possible audit. This first round of the IAU-SOS Responsible Futures pilot will conclude in summer 2024, and its results will be presented at the IAU International Conference 2024 in November 2024 (more details will be announced shortly).
    IAU Members interested in participating in the Responsible Futures International in 2024 are invited to contact Isabel Toman to receive further information on requirements and timelines.

    About Students Organising for Sustainability

    Students Organising for Sustainability is a student-led education charity focusing on sustainability. We know environmental sustainability cannot be achieved in isolation, so our work spans across issues of social justice and wellbeing as well.

    Through our work we want to see...
    • More students leading on, and learning for, sustainability.
    • An education system repurposed around the climate emergency and ecological
    • Sustainability that is more inclusive, so it is for everyone.

  • IAU Interviewed | Global Citizenship Education Interview Series

    IAU Manager for Internationalization Giorgio Marinoni was interviewed on 3 October 2023 by Dr Emiliano Bosio as part of his Global Citizenship Education Interview Series.

    During the interview, the two discussed global citizenship and internationalization in higher education. Giorgio highlighted the findings of the IAU Global Survey series on the Internaitonalization of Higher Education, and discussed the internationalization advisory services that the IAU offers to Members. Their conversation emphasised the role of internationalization in transcending boarders and developing intercultural competencies.

    Watch the full interview here.

  • IAU Partners with UWN on the SDGs Hub

    The IAU and University World News have partnered to support the work of universities by providing them with adequate and constructive visibility though the UWN’s SDGs Hub.

    In view of the critical importance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), University World News dedicates a news section of their website to highlighting the work that universities, and the higher education sector as a whole, do to contribute to the achievement of the Goals. In light of the IAU’s leadership on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD), IAU and UWN have partnered to further bring visibility to good practices, new research, and important initiatives in the sector. IAU is thus an official SDGs Hub partner.

    IAU Members interested in publicizing their sustainable development achievements on the UWN SDGs Hub are invited to contact the IAU.

    To learn more about IAU’s work on HESD, click here, or discover the IAU HESD Portal here.

    Learn more about the IAU - UWN Partnership here.

    If you wish to become engaged with the IAU’s work on HESD, write to Isabel Toman, IAU Programme Officer for Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development.

  • Executive Leadership Programme (ELP)

    About the Executive Leadership Program (ELP)
    The IAU Executive Leadership Programme (ELP) is unique. It is radically global in its ambition to support university leaders across all higher education systems and types focusing on common issues and challenges. It covers central aspects of higher education management for a sustainable running of the institution, and it empowers university leaders to navigate the contextual and political dimensions of university leadership. In short, the ELP provides a framework with which to confront the big managerial, ethical, economic and societal questions universities are facing or will face.

    Want to learn more or share this opportunity with others? Access the full programme brochure here.

    Modular Topics:

    Transformative Leadership
    1. The Changing Mission of Universities
    2. Building Partnerships Across the Global Higher Education Landscape
    3. Navigating the Strategic Planning Process

    Higher Education Management
    4. Effective Governance, Risk Management, and Oversight
    5. Budgeting, Financial Strategy, and Administration
    6. Diversifying Income Streams and Fundraising Strategies in Higher Education
    7. Creating and Managing Effective Teams

    Values Based Leadership
    8. Leadership in the Transformation of Higher Education
    9. Charting a Sustainable Future for Higher Education
    10. Defining and Communicating the Role of Higher Education in Society

    Learning Outcomes:
    - Enhanced Strategic Thinking and Planning: Gain a new perspective on different aspects of global higher education to improve scenario thinking for the implications for your current strategy and future plans.
    - Understand Your Leadership Capabilities: Gain better knowledge of the different dimensions of strategic leadership to become a globally engaged leader of change.
    - Develop Effective Teams: Explore leadership expectations and improve interpersonal management skills to unlock the full potential of diverse high-performing teams.
    - Build a Global Network of Peers: Create long-term partnerships, connect with colleagues from all over the world, and share experiences to learn from each other.

    Program Details:
    Dates: 25 November 2023 - Autumn 2024. The first session will be held at the IAU 2023 International Conference at Qatar University in Doha.

    Format: In person and online

    Coordinator: Dr. Andreas Corcoran, IAU Deputy Secretary General

    Language of Instruction: English

    Registration: Please register via the following form:

    Register Here

    Meet the program facilitators:
    - Andrew Deeks, President of Murdoch University, Australia and IAU President
    - Pam Fredman, Former Rector Gothenburg University and IAU immediate past President
    - Andreas Corcoran, IAU Deputy Secretary General
    - Tawane Kupe, Former Vice Chancellor, University of Pretoria, South Africa
    - Teri Balser, Immediate past Provost and Vice President,
    University of Calgary, Canada
    - Patrick Deane, Principal and Vice Chancellor, Queen’s University, Canada
    - Chris Brink, Former Vice Chancellor, Newcastle University, UK

  • Higher Education Partnerships to Accelerate Action for the SDGs

    The IAU Global Cluster on HESD promotes the role and potential that HEIs globally have in order to achieve the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. The Cluster encourages collaboration and takes a holistic approach to the SDGs, focusing specifically on the whole-institution approach.

    The IAU Global Cluster on HESD brings HEIs from all continents together and encourages them to develop joint initiatives and synergies.

    The Cluster works on all dimensions of the SDGs, combining environmental, social, cultural, and economic dimensions of sustainability, with partnerships as the key enabler for joint action.

    Peer-to-peer learning sparks new ideas and creativity among the Members of the Cluster and will encourage other universities to step up their game towards achieving a more sustainable future. The Cluster helps generate joint and collaborative projects and other initiatives.

    The Cluster is composed of 16 lead Institutions, each championing and working on one specific SDG while at the same time linking it to other relevant SDGs, with additional Institutions invited on board as ‘Satellites’ around each SDG. Currently, around 70 universities (leads and subclusters) are engaged in the Cluster. Work on SDG 17: Partnerships, is led by the IAU and includes working with other organisations in the higher education and sustainable development sphere. The Cluster is supported, monitored and steered by the IAU Working Group on HESD with the Initiatives developed by the Cluster being available to all IAU Members.

    Find the latest report on the activities of the IAU HESD Cluster from 2022-23 here.

  • Survey Closed: 6th IAU Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education

    The sixth edition of the Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education: the Future of the Internationalization of Higher Education is now closed.

    We thank the 740 Higher Education Institutions from 110 countries and territories around the world that replied to the survey.

    The analysis of the results is currently being performed, and the report is expected to be published at the beginning of 2024.

    Read more about the survey HERE, or contact IAU Internationalization Manager Giorgio Marinoni for more information.

  • IAU Horizons

    Call for papers: Countering Global Strife through interculturality?

    In his keynote address at the IAU International Conference in 1990, the UNESCO Director-General Federico Mayor Zaragoza, declared that “universality and diversity are not to be construed as opposition, but rather a dialectic, which has as its synthesis interdependence”. More than 30 years later, this message is more important than ever. We have therefore decided to dedicate the IAU 2023 International Conference to: Higher Education with Impact: The Importance of Intercultural Teaching and Dialogue.

    In connection with the conference, the IAU is pleased to announce that the ‘In Focus’ section of the next issue of IAU Horizons will be devoted to the theme: Countering Global Strife through interculturality?

    Universities have a key role to play in building intercultural competencies, nurturing intercultural understanding, and establishing a sense of interconnectedness in a world that seems increasingly polarised and divided, marked by the erosion of social coherence and human freedoms. How does academic responsibility figure in this context of rising geopolitical tensions and national protectionism? How do we facilitate international collaboration and foster a culture of peace? How can universities leverage their influence and stem breakdowns in civic discourse? And how does this converge with the growing demand on universities to actively engage in knowledge diplomacy? In brief, how can universities sustain and build intercultural ties and empower global citizenship and social responsibility?

    To discuss these important questions, the IAU is pleased to open a call for papers in terms of a thought piece of maximum 800 words.
    As usual, the IAU retains editorial oversight.

    This call is exclusively open to leaders (Presidents, Vice-chancellors and Rectors) of higher education institutions. However, we are open to proposals that are co-authored with a colleague.

    Deadline for submission of abstracts: 9 July

    Deadline for submission of papers: 1 August

    Please submit the abstract here.

    For more information or questions, please contact: Trine Jensen

  • Call for Experts on Open Science

    The recent IAU Policy Statement: Transforming Higher Education in a Digital World for the Global Common Good recognizes the principles laid out in the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, adopted by the UNESCO General Conference in 2021. The latter constitutes a normative and legal instrument adopted by the UNESCO Member States and encourages its implementation - in conformity with the constitutional practice of each State - and it thus serves to influence the development of national laws and practices. The IAU Policy Statement calls for universities to play an important role to shape the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science across the different countries of the world.

    Against this backdrop, The IAU is pleased to announce that it will establish an expert group on Open Science to exchange experience and views on the role of universities in the implementation of Open Science across its different dimensions. Submit your expression of interest to take part in this global peer-learning expert group that aims to discuss opportunities and challenges of universities in the shift toward open science. The call is open until 15 July.

    For more information, contact Trine Jensen, IAU Manager, HE & Digital Transformation

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