International Association of Universities
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IAU counts four categories of Members: Institutions, Organizations, Affiliates and Associates. Members have specific rights and benefits. Each IAU membership category has a specific set of criteria and application process. IAU gathers almost 600 Members (Institutions, Organisations, Affiliates and Associates) from more than 120 countries.


Member Institutions are universities or degree-conferring higher education institutions whose main objective is teaching and research, irrespective of whether or not they carry the name of university. Benefiting from IAU’s complete range of services and able to become active participants in all IAU working groups and activities, they also participate in the election of the President and the Administrative Board.

IAU Observer status can be granted to public or private not-for-profit degree-conferring higher education institutions, which do not yet meet the eligibility condition of having graduated three cohorts of students (they should however have graduated at least one cohort of students and meet all other eligibility criteria). The Observer status is valid until the institution has graduated three cohorts of students, at which point it is admitted to full Institutional Membership. In creating this category, IAU wishes to become more inclusive and to contribute to the development of quality higher education globally.

>> IAU New Members - joined in September 2024

>> IAU Members World Map

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Since the General Conference held in Durban in 2000, IAU counts Member Organizations. Member Organizations are higher education organizations active on the national, regional or international level. Just like Member Institutions, they are granted full benefits, voting rights, and are represented on the Administrative Board. IAU counts 31 Member Organizations.

- International higher education organizations

- National higher education organizations

Association of Universities of Bangladesh

Universités Canada
Université du Québec

Bavarian University Alliance (BUA)

Holy See
Conference of Rectors of Roman Pontifical Universities and Institutions (CRUIPRO)

Hungarian Rector’s Conference

Association of Indian Universities

The Japan Association of National Universities

The Netherlands
Universities of The Netherlands

The National Council of Rectors in Romania

South Africa
Universities South Africa

Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE)

Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF)

American Council on Education (ACE)


IAU Associates are well-known and respected leaders and experts in higher education who share IAU’s goals and values, and wish to enhance their personal collaboration with the Association. Connected to the information dissemination programme, Associates attend conferences and participate in IAU projects.

- Agneta Bladh - Former IAU Administrative Board Member and Former Rector of the University of Kalmar,Sweden
- Stefan Delplace - Honorary Secretary General, EURASHE, European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (aisbl)
- Zoltán Dubéczi - Secretary General, Hungarian Rectors Conference, Hungary
- Etsuko Katsu - Former Vice-President, International, Meiji University, Japan
- Kevin Kinser, Department Head, Education Policy Studies, Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Jason Laker, - Professor, Department of Counselor Education San José State University, San José, CA, USA
- Carmen Lamagna - Vice-Chancellor, American International University, Bangladesh
- Marta Losada - Dean of Science, NYU Abu Dhabi, UAE
- H. Ian Macdonald - President Emeritus (York); Professor Emeritus of Economics and Public Policy
- H. Peter Mascher - Professor, William Sinclair Chair in Optoelectronics, McMaster University, Canada
- Fatima Marinho - Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Porto (Portugal)
- Mirta Martin - Former President, Fairmont State University, USA
- Romeela Mohee - Commissioner, Higher Education Commission, Mauritius, Former Vice Chancellor at the University of Mauritius, Higher Education Specialist, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada
- Pornchai Mongkhonvanit - President, Siam University, Thailand
- Clifford Nii Boi Tagoe - Former IAU Administrative Board Member and Former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana, Ghana
- Is-Haq Oloyede - Former IAU Administrative Deputy Board Member and Former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria
- Daniel Ruiperez - Former Rector, University of Salamanca, Spain
- Ranbir Singh - Former Vice-Chancellor, National Law University, India
- Paul Zeleza - North Star distinguished professor and associate provost at Case Western Reserve University, United States


Eva Egron-Polak, Former IAU Secretary General bio contact

Diana-Camelia Iancu, Associate professor, Public Governance and Dean, Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucarest, Romania bio contact

Jocelyne Gacel-Ávila, Catedra UNESCO, “Internacionalización de la Educación Superior y Ciudadania Global”
Universidad de Guadalajara, México bio contact

Stephen Sterling, Emeritus Professor of Sustainability Education at the Centre for Sustainable Futures, University of Plymouth, UK bio contact

Hans de Wit, Hans de Wit is Professor Emeritus of the Practice and Distinguished Fellow of the Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, USA bio contact

Marcelo Knobel, Former Rector of the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil bio contact

Hans-Georg van Liempd, Secretary of the University, Tilburg University, The Netherlands bio contact

NGO in official partnership with UNESCO in associate status
International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France
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