International Association of Universities
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  • Read the new edition of our biannual magazine - IAU Horizons

    Presenting the new issue of IAU Horizons and inviting you to a launch webinar on 18 May

    The magazine presents you with a series of articles related to the IAU key priority areas of work, including new projects and initiatives.

    In particular the In Focus section of this volume is dedicated to the theme Democratising Knowledge: Open Science in a Closed World? and features a series of thought-provoking papers discussing different aspects of Open Science from the perspective of universities around the world. This resonates with the preparation by UNESCO of a Recommendation on Open Science representing a global commitment towards the subject, while also contributing to creating a common understanding of what it implies.

    The magazine was officially launched in a webinar on Open Science in a Closed World co-organised by IAU and the Center for International Higher Education (CIHE), Boston College, on 18 May. Four of the authors who have contributed to the magazine shared their thoughts on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead on the road to Open Science.



  • ISAS Impact Evaluation Survey 2020 Report

    ISAS Impact Evaluation Survey Report is now available

    Conducted in partnership between IAU and the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, the ISAS impact evaluation study investigates the efficacy of the Internationalization Strategy Advisory Services (ISAS) and its successor ISAS (2.0) on internationalization initiatives at higher education institutions. Research objectives of this study are three-fold:
    1) To identify progress institutions have made at the suggestion of ISAS;
    2) To identify the reason for gaps between recommendations and implementation, defined as barriers to internationalization;
    3) To analyze and share results that inform the development of IAU’s future advisory services.

    Twelve of the 17 institutions that undertook an ISAS or ISAS (2.0) service participated in the study. The results show that all of them found ISAS to be useful in advancing their internationalization initiatives, which is a clear endorsement of the program on their part. In their quest for internationalization, all institutions inevitably face challenges. Overcoming those challenges requires a clear, strategic approach, one that is responsive and in alignment with the core mission and values of the institution. IAU through its advisory services stands ready to help institutions in refining or progressing their internationalization priorities built on an inclusive, fair, and ethical process.

    For further details, please contact Giorgio Marinoni at


  • New Publication on SDG 5: Gender Equality

    On the occasion of International Women’s Day, IAU presents a new publication focusing on SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

    Gender Equality is a crucial issue for society in the 21st century, with more than half of the world’s population being women. Around the globe, universities and other higher education institutions, their leadership, academic and administrative staff, and students, are increasingly mobilised for the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 5, in particular, is receiving more and more attention, due to its crucial role for the advancement of all of the SDGs and society. IAU and the University of Bologna, Italy, SDG 5 Lead in the IAU Global HESD Cluster, have jointly collected examples of best practices undertaken by universities around the world on this topic. The publication is part of a series of publications on university actions for the SDGs, with the overall aim of building new synergies and capacities to act while informing higher education more broadly. Furthermore, it provides evidence to policy and other decision makers in order to stress the important role of higher education for the SDGs.


  • Deadline extended! Call For Papers: IAU – E4J Grants Programme for Young Researchers

    IAU - UNODC joint call for papers for young researchers working on issues related to SDG 16: peace, justice and strong institutions

    The International Association of Universities (IAU) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) are delighted to announce the launch of the IAU – E4J Paper Competition for Young Researchers: Higher Education engages with SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, within the framework of the Education for Justice (E4J) initiative. This grants programme aims to support young scholars (up to the age of 35 years) to conduct research on topics related to SDG 16 and the rule of law, to provide them with a platform to present their research, and to foster networking between young scholars working on related themes at the international level, while at the same time strengthening cooperation between academia and the United Nations.

    Interested young scholars are invited to submit a short paper outlining the core idea latest by Sunday, 14 March 2021. Only authors of selected abstracts will be notified latest by 19 March 2021. Full papers (6000-8000 words, including graphs and tables, excluding references) need to be submitted by 23 April 2021. All submissions will undergo review by a team of academics selected by UNODC and IAU. Up to 15 proposals will be accepted, and each selected proposal will receive 500 US$ upon submission of the full paper. Authors will be recognised in a press release and the awarded papers will be featured in a special issue of the IAU HESD publication series on SDG16.

    Please carefully consult the eligibility criteria, submission and selection process. Incomplete submissions will be disregarded.

  • Contribute to the Next Edition of IAU Horizons

    Contribute to the Next Edition of IAU Horizons

    The In Focus section of the next issue of IAU Horizons will be dedicated to the topic Democratizing Knowledge: Open Science in a Closed World?

    In these unprecedented times, the use of digital technologies in higher education has increased massively. The question then arises whether the process of discovery and development of solutions around the world could be accelerated if scientific results and data were shared more openly. Has the current context accelerated progress towards more Open Science initiatives? What opportunities and challenges can one expect moving forward? Who are or should be the key actors of transformation in the field and what levels of action or systemic changes are required if Open Science is to move from ideal to action within universities?

    We invite Higher Education leaders to share your thoughts and opinions on the subject by submitting a paper, which will be featured in the magazine. Please send your expression of interest in submitting a paper to Trine Jensen by Friday, 19 February. This should include a brief abstract outlining the scope and angle of the proposed article. Authors retained for publication will be informed by Wednesday, 24 February.

    The articles are short opinion pieces of maximum 800 words. Deadline for submission of contributions is Monday, 15 March. More information available here.

  • Read the Celebratory Edition of IAU Horizons

    Special Edition of IAU Horizons

    On 9 December 2020, we celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the International Association of Universities! Within the context of ongoing festivities, we are pleased to present this collector’s edition of IAU Horizons – a special issue dedicated to each of the remarkable seven decades that paved the way to what IAU has become today, also featuring a series of papers by Higher Education leaders from around the world on Imagining Higher Education in a Post-pandemic World.


  • Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education: Resources

    Update - 24 April 2020

    IAU is closely monitoring the various impacts of COVID-19 on the higher education community. In order to better do so, IAU has developed a Global Survey on the Impact of Covid-19 in Higher Education - the survey is now closed and the data is being analyzed by the IAU team.

    IAU also developed a Resources page (pdf format) to keep our Members and the HE community at large abreast of the latest developments regarding the outbreak. We know institutions around the world are taking critical measures to respond to the current situation. This Resources page will be updated regularly as we gather more information from our Members and from the broader higher education community.

    If you are an IAU Member institution or organisation and have information about your response to Covid-19 that you would like us to share on IAU website, please email it to:

    Follow us on Twitter @IAU_IAU and tweet about your institution’s initiatives to fight Covid-19 #IAUCOVID19

  • IAU, ACU and AUF advocate for Higher Education at the Global Education Meeting

    IAU, ACU and AUF contributed a position paper advocating for higher education

    One of IAU’s main missions is to advocate for solid higher education worldwide. IAU and its partners - the Association of Common Wealth Universities (ACU) and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) - contributed a joint position paper to advocate for higher education and urge UN governments and stakeholders to include higher education in the Global Education Meeting (GEM) Declaration adopted at the GEM Extraordinary session on Education post-COVID-19 on 22 October 2020.

    >> Learn more about the GEM Extraordinary session and read the GEM declaration

    >> Read IAU, ACU & AUF’s position paper

  • Share your initiatives – Deadline extended until 23 November!

    Share your initiatives on SDG14: Life below water

    In the framework of its activities dedicated to Higher Education & Reasearch for Sustainable Development, the IAU has launched, in partnership with members of the IAU Global Cluster on HESD, a series of publications promoting the work undertaken by universities from around the world to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals identified in Agenda 2030 – Transforming our World.

    The first publication in the series was dedicated to SDG13: Climate Action. Published in July 2019 "Higher Education and SDG 13 : Climate Action Through University Teaching, Research and Community Engagement " gathered 15 concrete examples of meaningful initiatives towards climate action. A publication on SDG 5 - Gender Equality will also be released soon.

    A call for contributions on SDG14 - Life Below Water - Deadline extended!

    To coincide with the UN Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030), the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the University of Bergen (UiB), the university leading the work on SDG 14 in the Global Cluster on HESD, will jointly produce a publication on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 -Life below Water- to present examples of activities, best practices and to show how universities engage in Science and Higher Education, and build back sustainably after COVID-19.
    The publication will avoid the silo thinking prevalent in society and encourage thinking across the SDGs, disciplines, borders and of course, across the Ocean.

    The resulting publication will include a wide variety of initiatives representing all world regions and the diversity of higher education institutions.

    Together with UiB, IAU invites its Members to submit papers on the topic “Higher Education engages with SDG 14: Life below water".


    • IAU Members can submit their expression of interest/abstract by Monday, 23 November 2020, midnight CET.
    • Abstracts are to reflect the topics specified in the extended call for papers and demonstrate a clear link to the role of Higher Education for SDG 14
    • All submissions to the publication will undergo review by a team of academics from the University of Bergen and IAU. Final decision on the publication will be taken by the editorial committee.
    • Authors will be notified by 1 December 2020 if their abstract is accepted.
    • Full papers are expected by 15 February 2021.

      Read details and submit a proposal

  • Join IAU at the 2020 UNESCO Mobile Learning Week

    Join IAU at the 2020 UNESCO Mobile Learning Week!

    Mobile Learning Week (MLW) is the United Nations’ flagship event on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education, and has been organized by UNESCO and its partners for eight years consecutively. This year the event is held online from 12 - 14 October 2020 and is dedicated to the theme "Beyond Disruption - Technology Enabled Learning Futures". IAU Manager, HE & Technology, Trine Jensen, is chairing the session on Resources for Distance Learning in Higher Education.

    Conference Agenda:
    Day 1: Effective Policies – Sharing policies and evaluating effectiveness
    Day 2: Innovative Solutions – Showcasing innovative distance learning solutions
    Day 3: The Future – Setting out policy and research agendas to build back better

    The event is free and open to all!

    >> Learn more about the event and attend the sessions!

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International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France
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