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Call for Papers: IAU Horizons Magazine - Reinventing Higher Education?18 January 2022
Call for Papers: Reinventing Higher Education?
In May 2022 UNESCO is convening the third World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022)) under the overarching theme: Reinventing Higher Education for a Sustainable Future.
The conference concept note introduces the very complex context in which higher education institutions operate worldwide. This context is one of rapidly changing economies, one faced with important environmental challenges, one shaped by the rapid pace of technological developments.
These are just some of the current trends that require new solutions to shape a sustainable future. In this rapidly changing context, the: “WHEC2022 aims to break away from the traditional models of higher education, opening doors to new, innovative, creative, and visionary conceptions that not only serve current agendas for sustainable development but also pave the way for future learning”.
The assumption is that a new vision is needed, a reinvention of what higher education will mean in the future and for society’s future. UNESCO is framing the conversation around the following questions: If higher education and the university appeared today – What would they look like? Who would participate and complete their higher education? How would participants learn? Where would they learn? What knowledge, skills, competencies, and values would they need to develop to work, become global citizens, and live with dignity? What would meaningful research and knowledge production involve? Who would guide these changes: institutional leaders, policy makers, researchers, students, professors, employers, community leaders, civil society groups?
The UNESCO World Higher Education Conference is a multi-stakeholder event, yet, it remains a governmental process. As such, the International Association of Universities (IAU) contributes to this conversation and discussion in the next In Focus section of the Association’s magazine, IAU Horizons, by offering university perspectives on the selected themes.
What needs to change to shape higher education for the future? How would you reinvent higher education? Or question the need to reinvent it? What are the key issues that policy makers must address when they discuss and re-imagine higher education? This is an opportunity for Members worldwide to contribute to the conversation about the future of higher education, which will be part of the IAU response to the World Higher Education Conference.
The articles can address issues related to the governance of higher education at the national or international policy level or discuss topics to be addressed at the institutional level.
Contribute to shaping the conversation on the future of higher education by sharing your aspirations and views or by identifying key challenges. Please submit a short abstract (100 words) explaining the focus of the article.
The deadline for the expression of interest is 15 January 2022. The articles are short opinion pieces of a maximum of 800 words. They are to be submitted to IAU no later than 15 February 2022.
Submit the expression of interest here -
2020- 2021 IAU Annual Report now available12 January 2022
The IAU Annual Report provides an overview of our activities and initiatives developed in 2020-2021, together with relevant facts and figures.
This Annual Report illustrates the quality services and opportunities to engage with the global higher education community IAU Members receive under the four pillars of Leadership, Internationalization, Sustainable Development, and Digital Transformation. These include the launch of the 2nd Global Survey, the drafting of a new policy statement on Transforming Higher Education in The Digital World and the advancement of Agenda 2030 through the global IAU Cluster on Higher Education for Sustainable Development (HESD). You will find details on all our actions, which we continue to build, and in which your voice and participation are welcome.
The report also details our accomplishments during the 70 years celebrations of IAU as the voice of higher education. The year also brought challenges with the ongoing pandemic and possibilities for IAU to adapt, change and grow our global presence.
Download the 2020 - 2021 IAU Annual Report in pdf format
AUN, EUA, and IAU call for continuation and enhancement of the ASEM Education Process13 December 2021
On 13-15 December, IAU will participate in the 8th Asia Europe Education Ministers Meeting (ASEMME8) under the theme “ASEM Education 2030: Towards more resilient, prosperous and sustainable futures” as well as the preparatory 2nd Senior Officials Meeting (SOM2). Both events are hosted virtually by the Government of Thailand. On this occasion, the ASEAN University Network (AUN), the European University Association (EUA) and the International Association of Universities (IAU), reiterate their commitment towards the ASEM Education Process and call for its continuation and enhancement. Read more
The December issue of IAU Horizons offers...9 December 2021
The December issue of IAU Horizons offers insights on value-based leadership in higher education, internationalization and strategies in the (post)-Covid era. Additional topics cover the role of HE and research in sustainable development and the disparities of digital transformation in HE.
The In Focus section features a collection of inspiring papers on Leadership for a Sustainable Future – Higher Education and Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals with contributions from HE leaders from 25 countries worldwide.
Download IAU Horizons December issue 26.2 Previous issues -
Download the Publication with papers from young scholars23 November 2021
The International Association of Universities (IAU) is an Implementing Partner for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and the two organisations have a longstanding partnership through which they stress the important role higher education can play in promoting and enhancing the rule of law and sustainable development, in particular SDG 16.
Through strong and innovative collaboration, and dynamics in higher education and between higher education and society in general, we can address the global challenges identified in the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and build a more sustainable future together.
Within the framework of the UNODC Education for Justice (E4J) initiative the two organisations developed a Research Grant programme, encouraging young scholars to carry out research linked to SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Thirteen scholars from twelve countries, respecting both regional and gender balance, were selected for the grants, and their papers are organized under three broad themes. Each theme provides a different perspectives on how research, education and overall engagement with SDG 16 can foster sustainability:
1. Inequality, Sustainable Recovery and SDG 16
2. Environment, Legal Frameworks and SDG 16
3. Challenges To Peace and Sustainable Societies and SDG 16The publication was launched on 23 November 2021 during a virtual event with UNODC and IAU representatives, and then discussed with the authors and webinar participants.
Download your free copy here...17 September 2021
IAU Webinar Series - The Future of Higher Education17 September 2021
New Internationalization Partnership Development Grant31 May 2021
IAU is pleased to announce a new Partnership Development Grant awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
A new Partnership Development Grant awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) brings together The Center for International Higher Education (CIHE) at Boston College, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto, and the IAU.
Led by Project Director Dr. Elizabeth Buckner, an Assistant Professor in Higher Education at the University of Toronto, this Future of Internationalization Partnership (FIP) aims to deepen theoretical understanding of how internationalization is changing in response to global pressures.
Through mixed methods research, the three-year project will design a new survey module on external pressures to internationalization and conduct case studies of institutional innovations. The project will also engage scholars and practitioners to discuss effective, equitable, and sustainable forms of internationalization in higher education. One of the most important aspects of the grant will be to translate research findings into profiles of good practice and resources for institutional leaders.
SSHRC Partnership Development Grants provide one to three years of support to institutional and organizational partners to foster innovative research, training and the co-creation of new knowledge, while promoting quality training, mentoring and employability opportunities for students and emerging scholars.
Learn more about IAU Internationalization activities
Click here for more information about the Partnership Development Grant.
Learn more about higher education’s role in sustainable development12 May 2021
IAU is proud to have contributed to the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development
To achieve a more sustainable world, education needs to engage fully with Agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals; higher education’s role in this respect is crucial.
The UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development was held as a virtual conference from 17 to 19 May 2021, organised in cooperation with and supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, and with the German Commission for UNESCO as an advisory partner. It looked at how education could best be harnessed to address interconnected global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, green and circular economies - and participants were called upon to commit to the Berlin Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development that outlines a range of policy measures encompassing teaching, learning, professional training and civic engagement. The Declaration was officially adopted by UNESCO during the Conference.
READ THE DECLARATION IAU led the session on higher education’s role for ESD and its link to the UN SDGs. In this session, university representatives, including those from the IAU Global HESD Cluster and IAU partners, presented wholistic institution approaches to sustainable development and the role of associations and alliances. Building on the discussion in previous sessions, this session focused on concrete ESD actions that could be undertaken by specific stakeholder groups around the five Priority Action Areas of ESD for 2030 and provided best practices and tools that could facilitate the work of the various stakeholders involved. The session recording will be made available soon on the IAU HESD Portal.
New Book in the Council of Europe’s Higher Education Series10 May 2021
Get Your Copy of Higher Education’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Building a More Sustainable and Democratic Future
We invite you to read the book Higher Education’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Building a More Sustainable and Democratic Future , co-edited with the Council of Europe and published in its higher education series. It includes some 31 chapters by more than 40 authors across the globe, including many IAU Members. The book was launched by CoE and IAU during three webinars:
• A first Webinar as part of the IAU Series: Higher Education’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic on 16 March 2021 - watch recording and read closing remarks by Ira Harkavy, AVP and Founding Director, Netter Center for Community Partnerships, University of Pennsylvania; Chair, International Consortium.
• Launch Webinar in Ireland on 21 April 2021, with opening remarks by Minister for Higher Education, Simon Harris, on the role and contributions of HE to society - watch recording.
• Launch in Latin America, in Spanish, on 21 April 2021 - watch recording.In addition, the publication was also announced in University World News.
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