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Call for applications for the position of Deputy Secretary General6 November 2017
IAU is pleased to announce the opening of a call for applications for the position of Deputy Secretary General. The person to be hired will work in close collaboration with Dr van‘t Land, IAU Secretary General. The Deputy Secretary General will collaborate on the development, implementation and coordination of the ongoing and theme-focused activities of the Secretariat as well as the overall management of personnel. To learn more about this position, please read the full Call for Applications, available here.
Call for papers next issue IAU Horizons, December 20176 November 2017
Theme: the next issue of the magazine focuses on Academic Freedom and University Autonomy under Threat.
Contributions: Authors interested in contributing a paper are invited to submit a proposal including a three line description of the focus of the paper they would wish to contribute.
Deadlines for Abstracts: 29 September 2017
Deadlines for Full paper (700 words max. magazine style): 23 October 2017
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