International Association of Universities
The Global Voice of Higher Education
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  • Sign up for a free webinar on Internationalization strategies post-COVID-19

    IAU Webinar on The Future of higher Education: Internationalization strategies post COVID-19

    IAU, in collaboration with Boston College International Centre for Higher Education, offers a unique opportunity to attend a webinar with higher education experts from different regions of the world who will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on internationalization and the kind of internationalization strategies that higher education institutions may have to develop in the post COVID-19 era.

    Date: Tuesday, 30 June, 2020
    Time: 8:00 am ET – 9:30 am ET / 14:00 - 15:30 CEST (Paris time)


    The webinar will address questions such as:

    • What is the future of internationalization?
    • Is the post-COVID-19 world an opportunity to rethink and reorient internationalization?
    • Will internationalization become more inclusive?
    • Is the post-COVID-19 world an opportunity to foster collaboration rather than competition in research?

    >> Speakers:
    • Chika Seehole, Pretoria University, South Africa, on perspectives from Africa
    • Vidya Yeravdekar, Symbiosis University, India, on perspectives from Asia
    • Irina Ferencz, Academic Cooperation Association, on perspectives from Europe
    • José Celso Freire Junior, UNESP, Brazil, on perspectives from Latin America
    • Robin Helms, American Council on Education, on perspectives from North America

    >> Moderators:
    • Hilligje van’t Land, Secretary General, International Association of Universities
    • Hans de Wit, Director, Centre for International Higher Education, Boston College
    • Giorgio Marinoni, Manager, HE and Internationalization, International Association of Universities

    Recordings and presentations from past webinars are available here.

  • Call for papers in IAU Horizons: Imagining Higher Education in a Post-Pandemic World

    Contribute to the "In Focus" section of the next issue of IAU Horizons (25.2) dedicated to the theme "Imagining Higher Education in a Post-Pandemic World"

    While it is impossible to predict the future, it is important to assess and discuss the risks and opportunities deriving from the disruption and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. From one day to another higher education institutions had to adapt to a completely different situation in order to carry out their mission. They had to rely on agility, goodwill, and innovation alongside digital means in order to minimise the disruptions and continue activities to the extent possible despite drastically changed working conditions. In most cases, the lockdown measures have impacted all levels of activities at institutions from the overall governance, teaching & learning, research, student recruitment and enrolment, assessments and exams to community engagement activities (cf. IAU Global Impact Survey).

    The purpose of this ‘In Focus’ section is not to showcase the temporary measures put in place to deal with the crisis, but rather:

    - to provide reflections and analytical perspectives about how the crisis will influence the future of higher education in a post pandemic world; look at what will be the key priorities emerging from the health crisis and addressing the economic and social crisis that it has triggered.

    - a call for higher education leaders to express their concerns and views on the major risks the sector will be facing moving forward as well as the opportunities emerging from this time of change.

    The degree of the disruptions, the consequences and the long term impact will be diverse in different parts of the world - yet, we believe it is crucial to bring together voices from all regions of the world to discuss what is at stake for higher education moving forward.

    If you wish to contribute to the ’In Focus’ section of the next issue of IAU Horizons, please send your expression of interest (max. 800 words) to Trine Jensen explaining what topic you wish to address and share a few lines about the scope of the article.

    Deadline for expression of interest: 6 July 2020
    Deadline for submission of full article: 15 August 2020

    >> Discover previous issues of IAU Horizons

  • Register for a webinar on the Future of Academic Freedom

    Join IAU’s next webinar, in partnership with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation/CIGQ, on the Future of Acamedic Freedom!

    Academic freedom has emerged as an issue of profound importance during the past few years, especially as we have seen changes in governments around the world. It is receiving even more attention now, given the Covid-19 pandemic and the current social unrest around race and equity.

    The Webinar will debate the contours of academic freedom both as it relates to institutions and quality assurance: What rights and obligations are attached to it from a European, Latin American and Scholars at risk perspectives, and how these concepts are being challenged today?

    - Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2020
    - Time: 8:00 am ET – 9:30 am ET / 14:00 - 15:30 CEST
    - Speakers: Robert Quinn, Scholars at Risk; Marcelo Knobel, Rector, University of Campinas, Brazil; Sjur Bergen, Head of Education Department, Council of Europe

    >> REGISTER <<

    The webinar is free of charge.

    Presentations and recordings from previous webinars are available here.

    For more information about the Council for Higher Education Accreditation/CIGQ, please visit

  • IAU and UNESCO IESALC tie-up to boost the use of evidence in higher education policymaking

    The International Association of Universities (IAU) and the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO IESALC) have teamed up to boost quality and equity in higher education, through a series of joint activities in globally and in particular in Latin America and the Caribbean. The activities are intended to increase the evidence base for better policy-making on higher education, both at national and institutional level.

    UNESCO IESALC and the IAU will cooperate on the publication of regional reports drawing on IAU’s global surveys and thus disseminating the available evidence in critical areas such as the contribution of higher education to the Sustainable Development Goals, the digitalization of higher education, the internationalization of higher education, and the impact of COVID-19 on higher education, among others.

    The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) was created by the UNESCO General Conference in 1997, replacing the Regional Center for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (CRESALC for its Spanish abbreviation) established in 1974. It is the sole specialized institute of the United Nations system with the mission to contribute to the improvement of higher education in member States. Its biennial work program and budget are approved at the UNESCO General Conference. The Institute, established in Caracas (Venezuela) since its inception, is governed by a Governing Board whose members are appointed by the Director General of UNESCO.

    The International Association of Universities (IAU) was founded in 1950, under the auspices of UNESCO. It is the leading global association of higher education institutions and organisations from around the world. IAU brings together its Members from more than 130 countries for reflection and action on common priorities. IAU is an independent, non-governmental organization. It acts as the global voice of higher education to UNESCO and other international higher education organizations, and provides a global forum for leaders of institutions and associations. Its services are available on the priority basis to Members but also to organisations, institutions and authorities concerned with higher education, as well as to individual policy and decision-makers, specialists, administrators, teachers, researchers and students. IAU is an official partner of UNESCO (Associate status) and has been given special consultative status by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

  • IAU 16th General Conference Postponed - New dates announced!

    IAU 16th General Conference: New dates announced!

    Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the International Association of Universities has made the difficult decision to postpone the IAU 16th General Conference initially scheduled to take place from 3 to 6 November 2020. The new dates announced are 26 to 29 October 2021.

    The high degree of uncertainty about the future, about travel opportunities, and about organizing safe gatherings entails that the current conditions do not allow IAU to ensure wide participation from around the world in November this year. The IAU was formed to foster exchange and international collaboration among universities and other higher education institutions. Being able to offer a truly global and inclusive event to leaders of higher education worldwide is thus essential to IAU!

    Please mark the new dates in your calendar and make sure to attend this important event. The theme of the Conference, Relevance and value of universities to future society, remains of utmost importance as we prepare to confront the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Together with their fantastic team, we look forward to welcoming you to University College Dublin (UCD), an IAU Member, in 2021!

    More information about the IAU 16th General Conference will be made available on the IAU Global Events page page in due time. In the meantime, make sure that you are registered for the IAU Newsletter or Twitter to receive the information to attend webinars planned to unfold throughout the year allowing IAU Members and beyond to continue to exchange and discuss important topics of concern online.

  • New webinar on the Future of Higher Education: Sign up now!

    New webinar on the Future of Higher Education: Sign up now!

    The International Association of Universities (IAU) is pleased to continue its series of free webinars on the Future of Higher Education.

    Results of the 1st IAU Global Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education will be presented by Giorgio Marinoni, IAU Manager, HE and Internationalization.

    - When? Tuesday 9 June 2020 - 15:30 - 17:00 CEST (Paris time).

    A panel of HE experts will comment on the results of the IAU Global Survey. The panel members are:
    - Hans de Wit, Director, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College
    - Michael Gaebel, Higher Education Policy Director, European University Association
    - Marta Losada, Dean of Science, New York University Abu Dhabi

    Attendees will have the opportunity to exchange in real time during the webinar!

    >> REGISTER NOW! <<

    Recordings and presentations from previous webinar sessions are available here.

  • IAU Webinar Series on the Future of Higher Education!

    The International Association of Universities, in collaboration with the Boston College Center for International Higher Education, conducted a first series of three webinars on the future of higher education in the light of the global COVID-19 crisis. A new webinar series will take place in June - more information will be available soon.

    If you did not have a chance to attend the webinars you can access the presentations and recordings below:

    Session #1 (05/05/20): The future of higher education: short, medium and long-term perspectives around the world
    - Speakers: Roberta Bassett, World Bank Group; Ahmed Bawa, CEO of Universities South Africa; Ellen Hazelkorn, HE consultant
    - Download presentation / Watch recording

    Session #2 (12/05/20): The future of higher education: short, medium and long-term perspectives in mid- and low-income countries
    - Speakers: Marcelo Knobel, Rector, University of Campinas, Brazil; Eden Woon, President, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand; Wondwosen Tamarat, President founder, St. Mary University, Ethiopia
    - Download presentation / Watch the recording

    Session #3 (19/05/20):The future of internationalisation of higher education: short, medium and long-term perspectives
    - Speakers: Marta Losada, Dean of Science, New York University in Abu Dhabi; Saburo Aoki, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba; Eva Egron-Polak, IAU Senior Fellow and former Secretary General
    - Download presentation / Watch the recording

    For more information, please contact Giorgio Marinoni

    All presentations and recordings from previous webinars are available here.

  • IAU Offers Free Access to the WHED and HEDBIB!

    In these times of global health crisis due to COVID-19, IAU wishes to show its solidarity and support to the higher education community by offering free access to the advanced search function of the World Higher Education Database [1] and the International Bibliographic Database on Higher Education [2] which are normally reserved to IAU Members only, until the end of August 2020.

    Use the credentials below and explore all assets of the WHED and HEDBIB!

    Login: FreeAccess
    Password: IAU2020

    A short survey is also available here to help improve the WHED. Your opinion matters, please share it with IAU!

    [1] The IAU World Higher Education Database (WHED) is a unique online reference portal that provides authoritative information on some 19,400 accredited higher education institutions and on higher education systems and degrees in 196 countries and territories. The WHED has been developed and maintained in collaboration with UNESCO. It is also an important tool for the implementation of the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications.

    [2] The International Bibliographic Database on Higher Education (HEDBIB) is a unique resource of references and publications on higher education systems, administration, planning, policy and evaluation from around the world.

  • IAU releases Global Survey Report on Impact of Covid-19 in Higher Education

    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented health and socio-economic crisis which will mark our times for long. It has thus also severely impacted the entire higher education sector around the world. In order to deliver an overview of the state of play worldwide, IAU launched a Global Survey on the impact of COVID-19 in March 2020.

    The IAU Global Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education around the World was conducted online from 25 March to 17 April 2020. It received 576 replies from 424 universities and other Higher Education Institutions based in 111 countries and territories, especially thanks to Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), European University Association (EUA), Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional (CIN) in Argentina and the Hungarian Rectors Conference and Higher School of Economics in Moscow, which provided much appreciated assistance by promoting the questionnaire among their Members.

    Results of the survey were analysed both at the global level and at the regional level in four regions of the world (the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe).


  • IAU Horizons: the New Edition is Out!

    The latest issue of IAU Horizons (25.1) has just been published.

    This issue offers detailed information about IAU’s most recent activities and suggests ways to get involved. It also presents the highlights of the 2019 International Conference that took place in Puebla, Mexico on 13-15 November, as well as the topic of the upcoming 16th General Conference in Dublin, Ireland on 26-29 October 2021 and the celebration of IAU’s 70th anniversary.

    The In Focus section features contributions from all world regions on the theme ‘ How funding models are influencing the future of higher education’.

    >> Read the new IAU Horizons

    >> Consult former issues

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NGO in official partnership with UNESCO in associate status
International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France
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