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IAU Annual Report 2017 is now available18 January 2018
The latest IAU Annual report will provide you with a yearly overview of IAU work, including both the IAU 16th General Conference in Thailand and the IAU 2017 International Conference in Ghana.
The latest edition of Higher Education Policy (HEP), IAU’s quarterly peer-reviewed journal has just been released. A special edition, entitled The Role of Higher Education in the Socio-Economic Development of Peripheral Regions, it features papers looking at developments and issues in two distinct national settings within a broader European context, namely Norway and Czech Republic. Papers include a literature review and framework of analysis, the role of institutions in fostering industry clusters in peripheral regions, lifelong learning, cultural preconditions, and third mission.
New Publication IAU-UNESCO IIEP: Quality Management in Higher Education8 December 2017
The UNESCO Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO), in collaboration with the International Association of Universities (IAU), has just published Quality Management in higher education: Developments and drivers. This publication fills a knowledge gap on the state of quality management in higher education institutions. The Authors, Michaela Martin and Shreya Parikh, draw on the responses of over 300 institutions worldwide to map recent developments, drivers, and obstacles in quality management today. As the first truly global survey of its kind, it provides first-hand primary data on this salient issue in higher education reform.
Decision-makers in higher education are increasingly seeking models for state-of-the-art quality management systems, which can help pave the way to improved academic quality and graduate employability. This publication explains the dynamics of quality management, including its various actors, structures, tools, and much more, from a global perspective. Its wealth of insight aims at supporting the implementation of policies enabling higher education to act as a driver for socioeconomic progress and overall sustainable development.
This publication is part of a larger international IIEP research project helping countries develop stronger capacities for more effective quality assurance. It follows the publication of eight case studies from universities with innovative practices who share in great detail the evolution and impact of their quality management systems.
The publication i available in print, and online on the IIEP-UNESCO website.
ISAS (2.0) Planning and Strategy site visit at Shigakkan University6 December 2017
The site visit by the ISAS Expert Panel to Shigakkan University in Japan took place on 29 November - 1 December 2017. The Expert Panel was chaired by Eva Egron-Polak, IAU Senior Fellow, and included Anna Ciccarelli, Fellow of The University of South Australia, Riyuki Takemura, former Senior Coordinator, Office of International Affairs, Hokkaido University, Japan, and Giorgio Marinoni, IAU Internationalization Manager. During the three day site visit, the Expert Panel had very fruitful discussions with members of the whole academic community of Shigakkan University. Based on these discussions, the Expert Panel will submit a report to the university at the beginning of January 2018. During the next six months, the Expert Panel will provide the institution with advice on how to develop an internationalization strategy. Once the university has developed its internationalization strategy, the University will receive the IAU learning badge “Planning and Strategy”.
Welcome to IAU New website22 November 2017
IAU is proud to welcome you on its brand new website showcasing more efficiently IAU activities and partnerships. It also provides more visibility for IAU members’ latest initiatives.
Navigate to discover IAU:
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5th Global Survey on Internationalization22 November 2017
On Friday 17 November 2017, the IAU Secretary General, Hilligje Van’t Land and the Rector of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), Jean-Paul de Gaudemar, signed a Memorandum of Understanding detailing the contribution of AUF to the development of the IAU 5th Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education. AUF will help disseminate the questionnaire in the Francophone world and will translate the final report into French. The IAU is very pleased with this cooperation as it will allow to increase the visibility of this important survey, which will help understand the importance and significance of internationalization of higher education world round. This Memorandum of Understanding is an initial step which will lead to a deeper collaboration between both Associations.
IAU Global Meeting of Associations & International Conference took place in Ghana in October10 November 2017
IAU 2017 International Conference and Global Meeting of Associations (GMA) ended after a week of fruitful discussions on challenges relating to funding of higher education. 170 people coming from 45 countries took part in these events hosted by the University of Ghana in Accra.
The GMA offered the opportunity to 70 representatives from Associations of Universities to share their specific challenges through group discussions.
During the conference, the speakers presented views from different countries and higher education systems to 170 representatives of higher education institutions around the globe.Discover more on the conference website including programme and speakers presentations.
Take a look at the pictures of the Global Meeting of Associations and IAU International Conference.
Contact: Trine Jensen
Apply now to the Bellagio Center Writing Residency!9 November 2017
IAU is pleased to offer its members a unique opportunity to expand their work and put forward the value of academics’ contributions to the development of society.
IAU supports the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Academic Writing Residency Programme which welcomes scholars, researchers, professors, and scientists from a wide array of backgrounds, disciplines and geographies, during a month in a serene and stimulating environment, combining uninterrupted individual day-time and evenings spent with innovative practitioners, writers and artists.
The call for application is now open until 1 December 2017 for residencies in 2018 and early 2019.
New IAU Publication: Higher Education Paving the Way to Sustainable Development9 November 2017
The IAU launches the report of its 2016 global survey on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD).
With this publication, the International Association of Universities wants to underline the key role higher education plays in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By sharing knowledge and promoting international cooperation, the IAU aims at supporting and inspiring higher education leaders to develop HESD strategies. The findings of this publication are based on an IAU survey conducted in 2016, in which 120 higher education institutions worlwide took part. The results underline that universites are involved in sustainable development and integrate it in their strategic development plans. However, there is still room for progress. In the publication, you will find inspiring sustainability initiatives undertaken by IAU Members worlwide. Get inspired and commit to the SDGs!
Download the publication and share it with your networks!
ISAS (2.0) “Achieving Comprehensive Internationalization” at Cardiff Metropolitan University7 November 2017
Cardiff Metropolitan University is the first institution that will be awarded the ISAS (2.0) “Comprehensive Internationalization” badge. The decision was taken after the positive opinion expressed by the Expert Panel that accomplished a site visit to institution on 9 - 11 October 2017. The Expert Panel was chaired by Dr. Madeleine Green, IAU Senior Fellow and included Tim Gore, Chief Executive Officer, University of London Institute in Paris, Eva Egron-Polak, IAU Senior Fellow and Giorgio Marinoni, IAU Manager, HE and Internationalization Policy and Projects. The Expert Panel provided the institution with a final report underlying the accomplishment achieved and suggesting improvements for the future. The badge will be officially awarded to the institution during the 2018 IAU international conference.
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