International Association of Universities
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  • LGEU#7: Applications are Open for the Session in Paris!

    Applications have just opened for the 7th session of Leading Globally Engaged Universities, IAU’s unique professional development programme for socially engaged university leaders!

    This five-day seminar provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about the theory and innovative practices of institutional leadership and management. Participants will engage in peer-to-peer learning, build new partnerships and gain insights about challenges and opportunities for higher education leaders worldwide.



    2 - 7 JUNE 2019

    Hosted by Institut de Management et de Communication interculturels

    The deadline for applications is 5 May 2019. The programme is limited to 20 persons. Apply now!

  • LGEU#6 kicks off in Romania

    This week the 6th session of IAU’s leadership development programme, Leading Globally Engaged Universities (LGEU), opened in Bucharest, Romania. Led by Dr Tom Kennie, leadership expert in HE, and the IAU Secretary General Dr Hilligje van’t Land, the programme addresses the challenges of leading a university in today’s world—integrating at once local and global perspectives.

    The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), an IAU Member, is hosting the five-day seminar for socially engaged university leaders. On this occasion, the university Senate rewarded IAU with the anniversary gold medal ’SNSPA 25 plus 1’, for its contribution to the modernisation of international higher education.

    LGEU participants come from all around the world and include Heads of Institutions, Vice-Presidents, Deans as well as Academic Department Heads, Registrars and senior professional service leaders. The current LGEU session brings together participants from Afghanistan, Egypt, France, Ghana, Moldova, Pakistan, Palestine and Romania. Throughout the week, attendees participate in leadership development exercises, sharing their own insights and institutional approaches to global engagement.

    Mark your calendars for the LGEU#7 – Paris, France!
    IAU is pleased to announce that on 2-7 June 2019 Institut de Management et de Communication interculturels (ISIT) will host LGEU-7.

  • Join the UNICA-IAU Masterclass on Internationalization!

    IAU is pleased to launch its first joint master class together with the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) on internationalization of Higher Education.

    What does it mean to be a Vice-Rector for Internationalization in today’s moving world?

    In the era of globalization, internationalization of higher education has become inevitable. Institutions develop deliberate internationalisation strategies to improve the quality of education, research and service to society. This requires the full engagement of the academic leadership as it is gaining increasing relevance in the strategic decision-making process.



    The master class targets Vice-Presidents /Vice-Rectors for internationalization as well as academic leaders involved in internationalization policies/strategies. Combining keynote presentations with interactive group sessions, the master class will give participants a set of practical tools and techniques in order to effectively plan, monitor and evaluate internationalization activities as well as analyse local and global trends in international higher education.


    Deadline: 1 March 2019
    The number of participants is limited to 30 people.
    Apply now by filling out this online form!


    Dates: 7-10 April 2019 (duration: 3,5 days)
    Host institution: Centre for Advanced Academic Studies, University of Zagreb in Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia


    €700 for IAU or UNICA Members
    €800 for non-Members
    Please note that fees include accommodation at CAAS Residence (3 nights), lunches, breaks, and the social programme. Fees do not cover travel expenses.


    If you have any queries or need additional information, please contact:
    Mr Giorgio Marinoni (IAU Office, Paris):, + 33 1 45 68 48 04
    Ms Aurelie Duchateau (UNICA Office, Brussels):, +32 2 514 79 00

  • IAU launches its Institutional Site Visits on technology - Apply now!

    IAU is pleased to announce that Open University of Catalonia will host its first Institutional Site Visit on technology and higher education. The visit will be dedicated to e-learning and student-centered learning, and will take place on 27-28 March in Barcelona, Spain.

    The purpose of the annual Institutional Site Visits is to create opportunities for Members to exchange and learn from host universities about how to improve higher education using digital technologies. IAU thus seeks to support its Members and build their capacity of adaptation in the ever-changing landscape. The visits will generate new ideas, tools and insights on harnessing digital innovations for the benefit of universities.

    The Institutional Site Visits are exclusively open to IAU Members (all categories) and target those engaged in the digital transformation. IAU charges a coordination fee of 150 € which covers the material and catering during the 2 day meeting. The fee does not include accomodation and travel.

    Applications are being accepted until 8 March 2019. Apply now!

  • Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, IAU Deputy Board Member, Passes Away

    It is with great sadness that IAU has learned of the tragic passing away of Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Founder UMT and esteemed Deputy Board Member of the IAU. We convey our sincere condolences to the Members on staff at the University of Management and Technology and also to his Family and friends. He will be missed in the international higher education community and by the Members of the Board of the IAU. We much appreciated his valuable contributions to the advancement for higher education in Pakistan and the world.

  • Tabriz University Celebrates 70th anniversary

    Tabriz University celebrated its 70th anniversary on 29 August 2018. It is the second oldest university in Iran and one of IAU’s founding members. Giorgio Marinoni, IAU’s manager for internationalization, delivered a speech at the conference dedicated to this occasion. He thanked the Prof.Dr. Pourmohammadi, the President of Tabriz University and IAU Deputy Board Member, for having invited IAU and congratulated the institution on 70 years of dedication to advancing higher education. IAU will continue collaborating closely with Tabriz University for the development of higher education in Iran and abroad.

    Image source:

  • Only a few days left to register for IAU leadership programme in Romania!

    There is only a few days left to register the 6th session of IAU leadership development programme

    Bringing together a cohort of 15-20 university representatives from all parts of the world, LGEU provides a unique opportunity for higher education leaders with an international outlook to engage in peer-to-peer learning in a distinctive, internationally-oriented leadership development programme. LGEU offers a real opportunity to gain new insights into higher education trends and practices in a wide range of countries as well as a chance to build new institutional connections.



    14 - 19 OCTOBER 2018

    hosted by The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration

    The programme is limited to 20 persons - so don’t miss this opportunity! Apply here

  • Register to the first ISAS (2.0) webinar!

    As part of its offer of services in the field of internationalization of higher education, IAU is developing a series of webinars in English and French, each dedicated to a specific topic of importance in the current global agenda. These webinars will expand the range of learning opportunities available to individuals and higher institutions and draw on the knowledge of internationalization experts from different parts of the world.

    The first ever ISAS (2.0) webinar will focus on ‘Developing a Strategic Approach to Internationalization’.
    Participants will be given access to all materials used during the presentation and the opportunity to ask questions live to the speakers.

    The first seminar in English will take place on 4 October at 17:00 CET and be broadcast again on 9 October at 9:00 CET to enable participants from other time zones to take part.

    The number of participants is limited, so please choose your preferred date and register as soon as possible at:

  • Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan passes away

    The IAU joins the worldwide higher education community in extending our condolences to the family and colleagues of Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General from 1997 to 2006. Committed to the cause of education as a foundation for progress in society, Kofi Annan was Chancellor of the University of Ghana, a long-standing IAU Member, from 2008 to 2018.

    “Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.” Kofi Annan.

  • IAU 5th Global Survey is collecting responses!

    IAU Global Surveys on Internationalization provide a unique analysis of global trends on internationalization of higher education. It is the longest running internationalization survey of its type, with the first survey being undertaken in 2003. It has become an invaluable resource for those interested in internationalization of higher education.

    IAU is now conducting its 5th Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education and invites all Higher Education Institutions around the world to take the questionnaire and allow IAU to collect the most relevant data internationally and share with all of you a clear and accurate picture of the global higher education landscape today.

    >> Read more about the IAU Global Surveys

    >> Read the instructions to complete the Survey in:

    >> Take the Survey now in ENGLISH, FRENCH or SPANISH.

    Contact Giorgio Marinoni

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