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  • Saray Córdoba-González

    "Universities are one of the main research organizations in the world, this is the most relevant idea that the Expert Group must take into account to design and propose a roadmap based on UNESCO Toolkit."

    Saray Córdoba-González is a retired professor from the Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). She holds a Master’s degree in Adult Education and in Library Science from the Universidad de Costa Rica. Saray’s research focuses on the areas of Scientific Communication, Open Science, and Open Access and teaches about journals’ scientific quality for scholars both in Costa Rica and Central America. She co-coordinates the CLACSO working group “Open Science as a common benefit”, and is a Latindex honorary member since 2017 and REDALyC Scientific Council member.

  • Sahida Amadou Djibo

    Sahida is currently interning under the Information Center, working particularly on updating and developing the WHED (World Higher Education Database) for universities in the African region. She is a junior at Cornell University where she is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Economics. This semester, she is completing a study abroad program in Paris at the Sorbonne Schools of Economics. Sahida’s career interests lie in the intersection of Economics, Development and Data Science.

  • Ignacio Sánchez Díaz

    UC Chile’s President Ignacio Sánchez is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC). He completed his medical studies at UC and then majored in Pediatrics at the same institution. He completed a Pediatric Respiratory Disease Subspecialty Program at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.

    He has been head of the Department of Pediatrics. In 2004 he became director of the School of Medicine, and in June 2008, he was elected Dean of the School of Medicine.

    He was appointed President of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in March 2010, succeeding Dr. Pedro Pablo Rosso. In 2015, he was confirmed for a second term, and on March 5, 2020, he assumed his third five-year term as President.

    His academic and research work has been focused mainly on the study of cystic fibrosis, asthma, and lung function in children. He has published the book "Clinical Approach to Child Respiratory Diseases" in two editions and several hundred scientific articles in international and national journals. He is also co-editor of the book "Pediatría de Meneghello," the primary publication in the area of ​​Spanish-speaking pediatrics.

    He has published a series of books on Higher Education issues and numerous reflection articles on challenges in specialized magazines in Chile and abroad in recent years. He is a permanent guest to speak at the most important forums on Higher Education.

    He presides over the Chilean Chapter of Catholic Universities. He is part of the Executive Committee of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities-CRUCH-, currently being its alternate vice president.

    In the past, he chaired the Network of Non-State Public Universities (G9). At the international level, he is Vice President for the Southern Cone Region of Oducal. He is a member of the Executive Committee at the Universitas 21 network and the International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC).

  • David Quigley

    David Quigley is provost and dean of faculties at Boston College where he is also professor of history. A scholar of the nineteenth-century American city, Quigley received his BA in American studies from Amherst College and his MA and PhD in history from New York University. His research explores the history of race and democracy in the urban United States between the Revolution and Reconstruction with a particular focus on New York City. Among his works are Second Founding: New York City, Reconstruction, and the Making of American Democracy and Jim Crow New York: A Documentary History of Race and Citizenship, 1777-1877. Between Amherst and NYU, Quigley taught high school social studies in the New York City public schools at John Jay High School in Brooklyn in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

    Quigley joined the Boston College History Department in 1998, and earned the University’s Distinguished Teaching Award in 2007. Between 2008 and 2014, he served as dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, during which time he oversaw the hiring of 160 new faculty colleagues and helped lead the design and construction of a new 180,000-square-foot humanities building.

    As provost, he has co-chaired the University Strategic Planning Initiative that resulted in Ever to Excel: Advancing Boston College’s Mission (2017) that identified academic priorities for this decade. Since the Board of Trustees approved the plan, over 250 new faculty have joined the University, a number of new programs have been launched including in engineering and public health, and the undergraduate core curriculum has been renewed.

    Quigley has initiated a bachelor’s degree program for the incarcerated at a prison in Massachusetts and is helping start a new two-year, residential associate’s degree program. He has chaired the New England Commission on Higher Education, the regional accrediting body for all colleges and universities in the New England states as well as more than a dozen international member institutions.

  • David Julien

    Dr David Julien currently acts as Secretary-General of the Inter-American Organization of Higher Education (OUI-IOHE) and Executive Director of the Conference of the Americas on International Education (CAIE). Based in Montreal, Canada, he coordinates a network of 350 higher education institutions across the Americas and speaks the four official languages of the continent (English, French, Portuguese and Spanish). He owns a Doctorate and a Master’s degree in Organizational and Intercultural Psychology from the University of Sherbrooke where he was appointed Ambassador of his Faculty in 2022. He also owns a Bachelor’s degree from Laval University and has taken courses in leadership and management at Harvard University and McGill University. He has accumulated 20 years of management experience in three distinct organizations including the IOHE, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and UNESCO where he has been responsible for developing inter-governmental partnerships and different capacity building programs in education and sports. He has taught at the Confucius Institute in Montreal, University of Sherbrooke, Marie-Victorin College, Universidad del Valle (Colombia) and Kaifeng University (China). He has also offered training seminars in various Latin American universities where he travels frequently.

  • Wondwosen Tamrat

    Wondwosen Tamrat (PhD) is associate professor and President of St. Mary’s University (SMU) in Ethiopia. He has a PhD in Higher Education from the University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, three master’s degrees from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, University of Melbourne, Australia and a Graduate Certificate in Quality Assurance in Higher Education from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has taught at tertiary level for more than two decades. He is strongly committed to the revitalization of the African higher education sector which is reflected in his writings and responsibilities at continental and global levels. He is an affiliate scholar of the Program for Research on Private Higher Education headquartered at the State University of New York at Albany, US, a board member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) and coordinator of the sub-cluster for private higher education in Africa under the African Union’s higher education cluster of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA). He is a member of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Education in Ethiopia, member of the International Advisory Board of the International Journal of African Higher Education and a jury at the Ethiopian Quality Award. He has published over 50 articles, and four books (two more in the pipeline). He contributes regularly to global higher education outlets such as University World News, Inside Higher Education and International Higher Education, with more than 100 commentaries to his name. He also reviews articles for several peer reviewed international journals. He recognizes the critical role of partnership and leadership in spearheading improvements in the sphere of higher education at local, regional and global levels. His scholarly output, network and wide experience in the sector can provide additional strength to the IAU Administrative Board.

  • Nana Aba Appiah Amfo

    Professor Nana Aba Appiah Amfo is the first female Vice-Chancellor at the University of Ghana. She is an experienced academic and university administrator, with over twenty years of experience in the higher education sector. She brings a lot of innovation, resourcefulness, and tact to her professional engagements. As Vice-Chancellor, Professor Amfo is driven by two key notions – technology as an enabler and a devotion to human welfare – in all the operations of the University. Prior to her appointment as Vice-Chancellor in October 2021, she served as Acting Vice-Chancellor from August 2021. She was Pro Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for Academic and Student Affairs from November 2019. Professor Amfo was founding Dean of the School of Languages (2014 – 2019), and Head of the Department of Linguistics (2013 – 2014). Professor Amfo’s professional expertise and leadership has been recognized by her peers. She serves on the Consultation Board of the International Pragmatics Association. She is an Assistant Secretary General of the Federation of Modern Languages and Literatures, FILLM (a UNESCO-affiliated scholarly association). She was the President of the Linguistics Association of Ghana. She is a pioneer fellow, senior scholar, mentor, and assessor of the African Humanities Program of the American Council of Learned Societies. She is the Founding President of the African Humanities Association (AHA), an off-shoot of the AHP. She is Co-founder and the Acting President of the African Pragmatics Association. Professor Amfo is a fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences, German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD), Commonwealth Professionals Fellowship, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and the nternational Women’s Forum Leadership Program. Professor Amfo was awarded as the GUBA (Grow Unite Build Africa) Nana Yaa Asantewaa Woman of Enlightenment for her resilience and work in academia which has created knowledge, built confidence and broken down barriers to opportunities.

  • Cristina Sarmento

    Cristina Montalvão Sarmento has been Secretary-General of the Association of Portuguese-Speaking Universities since 2006, founder and Director of the Political Observatory, Professor at the ISCSP of the University of Lisbon and guest researcher at the Laboratory of Power Networks and Cultural Relations at UERJ. Her main areas of investigation are Political Theory, Public Policy, Security Studies and Political Culture. A member of several Political Science Associations, she held academic management roles at FCSH-UNL where she was Deputy Assistant Director for Research and Assistant director of the Cultural History Center where she coordinated the research line in political studies.

  • Miquel Nicolau-Vila

    Dr Miquel Nicolau-Vila is Rector of the University of Andorra, and President of the Network of Universities of Small Countries and Territories (NUSCT).
    Born in 1962, Dr. Nicolau-Vila focused his professional career primarily on higher education, contributing to the field the expertise acquired through his PhD in Electronic Engineering (Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, 1995) and his three Master’s degrees in Science in Intelligent Systems and Parallelism (Ramon Llull University), in Computer Engineering (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) and in Philosophy (University of Barcelona).
    Miquel Nicolau-Vila’s 33-year career in higher education combined teaching and research (languages and computer science - University of Andorra, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Open University of Catalonia, and Ramon Llull University) with managerial positions.
    Dr Nicolau-Vila’s academic experience as lecturer, full professor (up to present) and head of research groups afford him a comprehensive appreciation of the challenges facing academic practitioners which, in turn, has been an invaluable asset in executing managerial responsibilities ranging from Director’s positions (School of Engineering, and IT Department, Ramon Llull University,1995-2002 and 1994-2002, respectively), to member of Executive and Academic Councils (Ramon Llull University, 1998-2002), and Head of Research and Quality Councils (University of Andorra, 2006-2015).
    Leadership roles as Rector of University of Andorra (2015-current), President of the Network of Universities of Small Countries and Territories (2018-current), Andorran representative at the Ibero-American University Council (CUIB, 2016-current) and President of the Vives Network of universities (2017), have shaped and informed Miquel Nicolau-Vila’s vision of the role and responsibilities of higher education in society and in the global community.
    Dr Nicolau-Vila, who speaks more than 6 languages, is a strong advocate of international collaboration for global sustainability and mutual understanding to ensure peaceful coexistence and global prosperity. His commitment to these principles inspired him to lead the constitution of the NUSCT.

  • Henk Kummeling

    Henk Kummeling has been professor of Constitutional Law since 1995 at Utrecht University. As distinguished professor, since 2015, his research focuses on institutions in new democratic constitutional states and the role of international organisations. He has a strong interest in connecting his work with universities in different parts of the world as is visible in his role as extraordinary professor at the University of the Western Cape Town, South Africa, and his involvement in higher education and research in the Dutch Caribbean and with the Anton de Kom University in Paramaribo, Surinam. Between 2005 and 2017 he was president of the Dutch Electoral Council, and he has been Rector Magnificus since 2018.

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