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Georgeta Sadlak
Georgeta Sadlak is currently Manager, Information Systems at IAU. She is responsible for the overall technology needs and system requirements at IAU as well as technical support, troubleshooting and data protection and security measures. She holds a MSc. in Public Policy and Management (University of London, SOAS, UK), a BSc (Econ) in Politics and International Relations (London School of Economics, UK). She studied Economics and Computer studies (University of Toronto and the Institute for Computer Studies, Toronto, Canada). She joined the IAU in February 1993 as consultant, Oracle database development and starting 1998 as full time Systems Analyst. She has held her actual position since 2002. Prior to joining IAU she spent several years in different informational technology roles in a private company in Toronto, Canada.
Henrik Øregaard Dam
Vice-Chancellor, University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
Holding a Master of Law (1991), Henrik Dam received his PhD from the University of Copenhagen in 1996. After one year with the Ministry of Health, he returned to the University of Copenhagen where he received his Doctorate in Law (Dr. juris.) in 2005 and was the same year appointed as Professor of Tax Law. The following year Henrik became Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen and a member of the University’s Senior Executive Board. In 2014 he took up office as Vice-Chancellor (Rector) at SDU. As Vice-Chancellor, Henrik is engaged in a wide range of International partnerships including cross-border collaborations and student exchange agreements.
Rector, Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics, Russia
Oleg Smeshko is the Rector of Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics (UMTE), one of the largest private universities in Russia. Oleg Smeshko has started his work at the University in 2000 and became rector in 2014. Under his leadership, UMTE has developed effective system of continuous multilevel education: secondary vocational education - higher education (Bachelor, Master) – Ph.D. studies. The University has created and implemented new innovative training technologies of the educational process, including e-learning. Research and teaching work of Oleg Smeshko is successfully combined with being a member of the Advisory Board of the Leningrad Region Legislative Assembly; the Council of Rectors of Saint-Petersburg universities and the Public Council on the non-state sector of education of the Education Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
Chancellor, The University of Tabriz, I.R. of Iran
Mohammad Reza Pour Mohammadi has been reelected as the chancellor of the University of Tabriz in 2013. He is a Professor of Urban Planning and has held several leading positions within the university, for example Vice Chancellor for Students Affairs and Vice Chancellor for Educational Affairs and Graduate Studies. He earned his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from UWCC – U.K. He has authored and co-authored 91 articles. He has been the member of Oxford Round Table since 2003, and the member of the Board of the Directors of International Universities Council (IUC), Caucasus Universities Association (CUA) and Eurasian Silk Road Universities Council (ESRUC) since 2013, and Deputy Board Member of IAU 2000-2004.
Hasan Sohaib MURAD
Rector, University of Management and Technology (UMT), Pakistan
Dr. Murad is the founding President of ILM Trust and the Rector/President of the University of Management and Technology (UMT). He received bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi and an MBA from Washington State University, USA. He earned his doctorate in Management from the University of Wales, United Kingdom. He is also Chairperson of a nationwide network of colleges and schools consisting of about 200 institutions. The leading brands of ILM Colleges and the Knowledge Schools are serving the middle class by providing them high quality education. He is also founding Chairman of the Institute of Knowledge and Leadership (IKL), Dubai which offers executive development programs in MENASA region.
Rector, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
With undergraduate studies at the University of Grenoble I, University of Grenoble II and the National Polytechnic School of Grenoble (M.Sc. in Physics, 1983, D.E.A in Energy - Economics, 1984, D.E.A in Energy-Physics, 1984 and Ph.D. in Applied Physics, 1986), Prof. Christofides worked as Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Sherbrooke, and as Research Associate & Lecturer, at the University of Toronto in Canada. In 1992 he joined the academic community of the Department of Physics of the University of Cyprus (UCY). As the UCY ViceRector of Academic Affairs (2006-2010), he played an active role in establishing the UCY in the research community worldwide and strengthening the university-industry collaboration. Prof. Christofides has been serving as UCY Rector for two consecutive terms (2010-2018).
President, University of Duhok, Iraq
Prof. Duhoky’s academic career spans 37 years. He graduated with a B.Sc. from the University of Sulaimani, the College of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture in 1976. He did his M.Sc. from the same university in 1978. He obtained his PhD with honor degree in Cytology form the University of Silesia, Poland. Since 2012 he has been the President of the University of Duhok. He has been active in promoting international standing of the University of Duhok by further cooperation with different European, American, Asian and Middle Eastern universities and centers of excellence. He is also member of the Board of Trustees at the American University in Kurdistan (AUK).
Pierre-André PIERRE
President, Université Notre-Dame d’Haiti (UNDH)
Under leadership of Msgr. Pierre since 2008, UNDH has grown to become a seven campus university, offering in seven different provinces a variety of teachings in different fields, to name a few: Medicine and Pharmacy, Nursing, Bio Science and Medical Biology, Education, Psychology and Humanities, Religious studies, Business and Administration, Social Sciences, Economics, Law and Politics, Engineering and Architecture, Agriculture, etc. Msgr. Pierre is a well-known academic and social figure in the country and he has brought UNDH to a number of associations of Universities in the Caribbean and around the world and developed partnerships with a great number of institutions of higher education, in the five continents
Mirta M. Martin
President Fairmont State University, USA
Dr. Martin was the first female president in the University’s 114 year history and the first Hispanic president in the great state of Kansas’ history. Dr. Martin holds a baccalaureate in psychology and political science from Duke University; a master of business administration from the University of Richmond; and a doctorate with an emphasis in strategic management and leadership from Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Martin’s career involves work in both the public and private sectors. As a senior banking executive, Dr. Martin was recognized as a highly effective and innovative practitioner, positioning companies for growth and profitability. She has served in various faculty and administrative positions in academia, establishing herself as strong advocate and a transformative leader for education.
An Environmental Economist by training, Dr Roberto Escalante Semerena obtained his Bachelor’s degree at the National University of Mexico (UNAM) and did his postgraduate degrees at the University of London. He has been involved in academia for some 44 years.
At the moment, he is a full time Professor at the Faculty of Economics at UNAM where he carries out teaching and tutoring of students from the Postgraduate Department within the Faculty. He also conducts research in topics related to communal management of natural resources, such as forests etc. He has also served in managerial roles within the university - from 2002 to 2010 he served as Dean of the Faculty of Economics. Having published extensively in international journals, he has been invited to speak and participate in conferences, forums and congresses in many countries in Latin America and beyond. He is currently the Secretary-General of the Association of Latin American and Caribbean Universities (UDUAL).
He has been involved in IAU for over 10 years as a representative for the Latin American and Caribbean region, and having served as a Deputy Board Member was elected as a Full Board Member in 2016; he also sits on the IAU Executive Committee. He was elected for a second term as a Full Board Member in 2022.