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Hilligje van’t Land
Dr. Hilligje van’t Land serves the global higher education community as Secretary General of the International Association of Universities (IAU) - a global NGO with UNESCO Associate Status. The IAU will celebrate its 75th Anniversary in 2025.
Dr van’t Land fosters the key role of higher education in societal transformation. She supervises the overall programme activities of the IAU, develops the Association’s strategic plans and oversees the everyday work of the secretariat.
She positioned the IAU as partner in UNESCO work on Education for sustainable development and in the UNESCO Futures of Education initiative, and higher education as a key stakeholder for the UN Agenda 2030 – Transforming our world. Hilligje van’t Land strongly believes in the importance of international cooperation and intercultural understanding and has developed multilateral projects supporting this vision. If you’d like to join an online casino VIP program, read our article and browse through the best.
She represents IAU at conferences around the world and in various working groups and expert committees, including at UNESCO, the UN, the Council of Europe. She contributes to the UNESCO Futures of Education Initiative and Mission 4.7; the UNESCO ESD for 2030 Program; the Council of Europe (CoE) Working Group on Higher Education; the CoE Steering Committee for the Promotion of Academic Integrity; the Advisory Board to Sulitest; The Advisory Boards of two European University Alliances ERUA and CircleU; the Administrative Board of Université Paris-Saclay.
Hilligje van’t Land published on higher education issues of relevance locally and globally. Recent publications as author, editor or co-editor include: The Promise of Higher Education; Higher Education’s Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic; Building a More Sustainable and Democratic Future, published as part of the Council of Europe Higher Education Book series. Higher Education and SDG 14: Integrating Ocean Research for the Global Goals, 2021; Global Survey Reports on the impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education around the World; IAU-UNODC Young Scholars Competition: Higher Education engages with SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; IAU HESD global survey Reports
She holds a PhD in comparative francophone literature, held T&L and Research positions at University of Groningen, the Netherlands, Université Laval, Québec – Canada, and Université d’Avignon et des Parys du Vaucluse, France; she speaks six languages.
Message from Dr. van’t Land:
If your university or association is already a Member of IAU, I look forward to meeting up with you soon at one of the IAU events online or face to face. If your university or association is not yet a member of the IAU, please encourage your decisionmakers to consider joining. We are open to membership by recognised not-for-profit universities and university associations from around the world, with an inclusive membership fee structure. Consequently, we have a unique and much needed diversity of membership, providing universities with the opportunity to work with like-minded institutions from all regions of the world. Learn more about IAU Membership.Contact: To contact the IAU Secretary General please get in touch with het assistant: Jessica Huang at: j.huang [@] iau-aiu.net
Secretary General, Hungarian Rectors Conference, Hungary
Dr. Zoltán Dubéczi graduated as a lawyer from the University of Miskolc in 1995 (legal bar exam 1998) and has been working as the Secretary General of the HRC since 2006. During the past 10 years, as the operative head of the unique representative body of the Hungarian Universities, he has been involved in all the strategic and legislation processes regarding higher education reforms in Hungary and gained comprehensive experience in international projects. Since 2014, he is honorary associate professor of Szent István University. In addition to his position at the HRC, since January 2015, he is the Director for Education at the Central Bank of Hungary, managing higher education programmes together with different universities in the fields of economics and social sciences.
Inga Žalėnienė
Professor Dr Inga Žalėnienė has been Rector of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) - the largest public university in Lithuania specialized in social sciences - since March, 2019. Inga started her academic career as a lecturer at MRU, defended her doctoral thesis "Representation in Civil Procedure (Theoretical and Practical Aspects)" and obtained a PhD in Law in 2006. In 2009, she was appointed as Vice-Dean of the Law Faculty at MRU and was responsible for the development of education policy, formation and coordination of research groups, organization of scientific project activities, planning and accounting of scientific results. Inga Žalėnienė was appointed as Vice-Rector for Research in 2010, for Research and International Relations in 2012, then, in 2017, as Vice-Rector for Education and Research. As Rector, Inga Žalėnienė devotes her efforts to implementing the whole institutional approach towards sustainability, to enhance the accomplishment of the University’s mission to promote socially balanced progress of society based on innovative science, to develop independent, creative, responsible, committed to critical thinking and lifelong learning individuals, to open the way to personal and professional success for every member of the community.
Dr Žalėnienė completed traineeship courses in “Management and Leadership in Education” in Harvard Graduate School of Education (United States) and senior executive programme “Leadership in Higher Education” in Oxford Academy for Education and Development (United Kingdom) in 2013, and accomplished IAU program in “Leading Globally Engaged Universities,” (Ireland) in 2016. In 2022, Prof. Inga Žalėnienė was awarded a honorary title of Dongseo University’s (Republic of Korea) Doctor Honoris Causa. Inga Žalėnienė was first elected to the IAU Administrative Board in 2016, and she was re-elected for a second term in 2022. During this second term, she was elected as a Vice-President in 2023, and now supervises one of the IAU priority areas – Internationalization of Higher Education. She is also a member of the European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) Board of Directors since 2021. She has published over 40 scientific publications and conference papers. Her research interests include civil procedure law, education law, higher education management, gender equality studies.
Godehard RUPPERT
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg - University of Bamberg, Germany
After studies of theology, philosophy, pedagogics and media sciences he earned his Diploma-degree in theology from University of Bochum, his ThD from University of Würzburg and his PhD in educational science from University of Hannover. He was Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor of educational science at University of Hanover and since 1991 Full-Professor of religious education (Chair) at the University of Bamberg. Since 1996 Dr. Ruppert serves as member of the University Board, since 2000 as President of the University of Bamberg (four re-elections). Simultaneously he is President of the Virtual University of Bavaria (since 2002). As experienced expert in Higher Education policy and leadership he is member of several national and international organizations and boards
Daniel Hernandez RUIPEREZ
Former Rector of the University of Salamanca
Prof. Daniel Hernández-Ruipérez obtained his degree in Mathematics at the University of Salamanca in 1976. He gained a PhD with his dissertation Duality in Algebraic Spaces. He was then appointed as Associate Professor (1978-1982), Lecturer in Geometry (1982) and Associate Lecturer in Topology (1983), finally obtaining the Chair of Geometry and Topology (1983). Since 1984 he has held managerial positions. He was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Science and also a member of the Governing Board of the University. From 2009 till 2017, he was the Rector of the University of Salamanca. At present, he presides over the Internationalization Work Group of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) and is leading the organization of activities.
Remus Pricopie
Rector, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania
Remus Pricopie is professor and Rector of the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), Bucharest, since March 2012. From December 2012 to December 2014 he served as Minister of Education and Research. His activity within the Romanian Ministry began in 1996, and includes positions such as Spokesperson, Director, Secretary General and Deputy Minister (Secretary of State) for Higher Education, International Relations and Teacher Training. Also, he has extensively worked / collaborated with many international organizations - UNESCO, UNICEF, EU, OECD, World Bank, United Nation University, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie - and ministries of education / higher education and research from more than 100 countries. Prof. Pricopie holds a PhD in Political Science at the SNSPA and he is a Fulbright New Century Scholar alumnus, a World Academy of Art and Science Fellow, a member of the Romanian Chapter of the Club of Rome, and a member of the Atlantis Group. His educational background includes a rich international experience, being educated and trained in five countries and nine higher education institutions, especially in the United States of America and European Union.
Maria de Fátima Marinho
Former Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Culture, University of Porto, Portugal
Maria de Fátima Marinho graduated in Romance languages from the faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Porto, where she has taught 19th and 20th century Portuguese literature since 1976. In 1987, she obtained her Doctorate with a thesis on Surrealism in Portugal. She is a Full Professor and has been Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (2010-2014). She was Vice-President of the University of Porto from 2014 to 2018 and has now returned to her duty as full Professor at the Faculty of Arts. She is also Visiting Professor for PhD in Portuguese Studies of the University of Etvös Lorand in Budapest, Hungary, and Visiting Professor of the University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Andrew Deeks
President and Vice-Chancellor, Murdoch University
Educated at the University of Western Australia (UWA), Andrew received a first-class honours degree in civil engineering in 1984. He worked in industry briefly, before returning to UWA to pursue his PhD and an academic career. He became Winthrop Professor, Civil and Resource Engineering, in 2004 and was Head of School from 2004 to 2009. In 2009, Andrew joined Durham University as Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Science where he led the development of the university’s global presence strategy and extensive international partnerships, particularly in China and Brazil. From 2014 to 2022 he was President of the University College Dublin (UCD), where he led a strategy which saw UCD establish itself as Ireland’s Global University. In March 2022 he returned to Western Australia to become the 8th Vice-Chancellor of Murdoch University. Andrew has been a member of the IAU Administrative Board since 2016 and was elected the 16th President of IAU at the 16th General Conference, held at UCD in October 2022.
Ranbir SINGH
Vice-Chancellor, National Law University, Delhi, India
Founding Vice-Chancellor of ’The National Law University, Delhi’ established by the Delhi Government in 2008, Prof. Singh has been re-appointed for a second 5-year term. Prof. Singh obtained his LL.M. and Ph.D. degrees from ’Kurukshetra University, Haryana’ and joined ’M.D. University, Rohtak’ in 1978 as founding Faculty of the ’Faculty of Law’. In 1996-97 he was invited to ’NLSIU, Bangalore’ as a Professor of Law. In 1998 appointed as founding Vice-Chancellor of ’NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad’, until 2008, when NALSAR was rated as the best law University in India. Prof. Singh is an institution builder and an effective administrator who is one of the longest serving Vice-Chancellors in any public funded Universities in India. He is also a Council member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
President, University of Tehran, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Professor of the School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi got his BSc in Engineering and Sciences of Materials from Shiraz University and his MSc in Identification and Selection of Materials from Sharif University of Technology. He received his PhD degree in Materials Processing from the University of Tohoku, Japan. He has had many administrative managerial positions including: Head of the Metallurgical and Materials Engineers Society and Dean of College of Engineering, University of Tehran. He has gained many outstanding awards and titles such as Exemplary Professor of the University of Tehran, Exemplary Researcher, Winner of the COMSTEC award and Winner of the Second Rank in Khawrazmi Intentional Festival.