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University of Liège - WORLD CLIMATE DAY30 November 2022
The University of Liège (Belgium), supported by AUF and IAU, is organising a “WORLD CLIMATE DAY/JOURNÉE MONDIALE DU CLIMAT” on 8 December, with an interactive session from 2-3pm CET to calculate the carbon footprint and discussions (two parallel sessions, one in French, one in English). The session is open to all interested HEIs.
A description of the event can be found here: https://www.iau-hesd.net/news/5732-join-world-climate-day-8-december-2022.html
Donatella Sciuto is the new rector of the Politecnico di Milano28 November 2022
Donatella Sciuto was elected Rector of the Politecnico di Milano for the 2023/2028 term. She will be the first woman to lead the institution. Professor Sciuto, who graduated in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano in 1984, is full professor of Information Processing Systems at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering. The current rector Ferruccio Resta will remain in office until 31 December 2022. Read more here (in Italian)
AULP was elected to the Vice-Presidency of the Executive Committee of the UCCLA22 November 2022
The Association of Portuguese Language Universities (AULP) was elected to the Vice-Presidency of the Executive Committee of the Union of Portuguese Language Capital Cities -UCCLA for the biennium 2022-2024.
Read more at: https://aulp.org/aulp-eleita-para-a-vice-presidencia-da-uccla/ (in Portuguese) -
2023 HETL Aberdeen Conference - Call for papers21 November 2022
The International Education Teaching and Learning Association (HELT) launches a call for papers for the conference: Re-Imagining Education: Collaboration and Compassion.
This conference aims to bring together Higher Education professionals and students from across the world and to provide a platform for discussion, debate, networking and collaboration on all aspects of teaching and learning in Higher Education. The conference will focus on Re-Imagining Education: Collaboration and Compassion. This will be broken down into "Inclusive", "Interdisciplinary", "International" and "Sustainable" themes for the conference programme.
Submit your Abstract and join them in the wonderful city of Aberdeen, Scotland. Deadline: 9 December 2022. -
University of Cyprus - KIOS Open Positions10 November 2022
The KIOS Centre of Excellence of the University of Cyprus (UCY), is inviting applications for a:
- Research Infrastructure Manager position, for full-time employment. Info: bit.ly/3epU2IC - Deadline: 11/11/2022
- Research Associate position, focused on Cybersecurity, for full-time employment. Info: bit.ly/3TWymn5 - Deadline: 2/12/2022
More information about open positions: https://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/open_positions_categories/open-positions/
IAU New Members - October 20228 November 2022
We are pleased to welcome four new Members:
GLA University (India)
University of Messina (Italy)
Abrar University (Somalia)
Manouba University (Tunisia)IAU thanks them for joining the Association and for their engagement toward the Higher Education Community.
For more information about becoming an IAU member please refer to the IAU Membership page : https://www.iau-aiu.net/Members
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas - Conference on the Internationalization of Higher Education - JIES 20227 November 2022
The Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH), will organize a Conference on the Internationalization of Higher Education - "Jornadas de Internacionalización de la Educación Superior" (JIES 2022), from November 15 to 17, 2022. This event will take place through digital platforms and will be broadcasted from the UNACH headquarters in Tuxtla Gutiérrez.
The meeting will bring together experts from Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Spain, the Netherlands, the United States, and Venezuela who will speak about: The internationalization of HE after the pandemic; Global tendencies in the internationalization of HE and the biggest challenge from virtual models to hybrid models among other topics.
The Conference is free of charge, registration should be made for each day of activities. Contact : sari@unach.mxFor more detailed informations and registration here (in Spanish). The complete program is attached below in pdf file.
Study with CIHE - M.A. in International Higher Education & Executive ED.D. in Higher Education4 November 2022
If you are looking to move into a professional position or into a leadership role, CIHE’s academic programs offer high-quality, flexible opportunities to study higher education practice and policy in international perspective.
The M.A. in International Higher Education offers a comparative, global perspective on the fast-growing field of international higher education and centers the importance of a research-informed understanding of the trends that influence global higher education today.
PROGRAM FORMAT: Fully online, in-person, or hybrid
* The Scholar-Practitioner Track prepares you for a career in higher education leadership or policymaking.
* The Research-Intensive Track prepares you for doctoral studies and/or careers with a heavy research focus.
REQUIREMENTS: 10 courses / 30 credits
If you are studying on campus, you can fund your studies and gain professional experience by working as a graduate assistant.EXECUTIVE ED.D. IN HIGHER EDUCATION
The Executive Ed.D. in Higher Education develops agile college and university leaders through an intensive doctoral program that combines the convenience of online coursework with weeklong summer residencies at Boston College and in Dublin, Ireland. The cohort-based program emphasizes socially just leadership, data-informed innovation, global perspectives, and iterative design thinking.
PROGRAM FORMAT: Online, with three one-week summer residencies
REQUIREMENTS: 14 courses / 48 credits
LENGTH: 3 years
COHORT SIZE: 15 students
CIHE offers a three-course concentration in Catholic Higher Education, the first of its kind among U.S. graduate programs.Interested in learning more? Register for an Information Session on Tuesday, November 8 at 12 p.m. ET.
Contact: internationalhighered@bc.edu or executiveedd@bc.edu -
American Council on Education - Mapping Internationalization on U.S. Campuses: 2022 Edition4 November 2022
The American Council on Education (ACE) released the Mapping Internationalization on U.S. Campuses: 2022 Edition. Conducted every five years, Mapping assesses the current state of internationalization at American colleges and universities, analyzes progress and trends over time, and identifies future priorities. The report has received a lot of media attention. Please follow some of the stories here: Inside Higher Ed, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Higher Ed Dive, and Times Higher Education.
As part of the release, ACE invites you to attend their Panel Discussion on November 8. Experts will analyze the findings to unpack the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on internationalization and the implications for institutions, policy, and higher education. Register here. -
Joint webinar by HBMSU and UPOU2 November 2022
Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU) and University of the Philippines – Open University (UPOU) in partnership with the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) are organizing a free webinar.
The virtual panel discussion “Benchmarking Framework for Online, Open, Smart, and Technology-Enhanced Higher Education: Sharing Best Practices of Asian Universities” will be held for quality assurance experts in the field of higher education, faculty, teaching and administrative staff of universities and university associations on 10 November 2022 at 11:00 AM Dubai time.
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