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IAU Horizons

Published twice a year, the magazine features IAU Activities, upcoming events and specific projects the IAU has undertaken; IAU Collaboration and Networking; Membership News; New Publications; and a global Calendar of Events. Each issue is also devoted to a special ’In Focus’ topic of interest and debate for the higher education community worldwide. IAU Horizons is available in English, in paper format and electronically.

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  • IAU Horizons, vol. 24, no. 2, 2019

    This issue offers detailed information about IAU’s most recent activities and suggests ways to get involved. It also presents the topic of the next IAU General Conference in Dublin, Ireland next year on 3-6 November, as well as the various festivities that IAU is preparing as part of the celebrations of its 70th Anniversary.

    The In Focus section features contributions on the theme Transforming Higher Education for the Future, which is the topic of the IAU 2019 International Conference on 13-15 November in Mexico, in order to offer additional perspectives that inform the conference deliberations.

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  • IAU Horizons, vol. 24, no. 1, 2019

    This issue offers detailed information about IAU’s most recent activities and suggests ways to get involved. It presents the topic of the IAU 2019 International Conference on 13-15 November and the Global Meeting of Associations on 12-13 November in Puebla, Mexico: Transforming Higher Education for the Future.

    The In Focus section features contributions to sustainable development from the lead institutions in the IAU Global Cluster on HESD. We hope that this will inspire other universities to join the effort towards achieving a more sustainable present and future.

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  • IAU Horizons, vol. 23, no. 2, 2018

    This new issue details IAU’s most recent activities and the ‘In Focus’ section is themed ‘Higher Education Partnerships for Societal Impact’. 11 contributions from university leaders and scholars worldwide explore topics such as community engagement and higher education as a common global good.

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  • IAU Horizons, vol. 23, no. 1, 2018

    The May 2018 issue of the newly redesigned Magazine IAU Horizons presents a selection of IAU activities.
    The ‘In Focus’ section is themed ‘Technology for Higher Education: Opportunities or Bridging Divides?’. Contributors from around the world examine where universities are heading using technology in teaching, learning and research.

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  • IAU Horizons, vol 22.2
    Focus on Academic Freedom & University Autonomy under Threat

    This issue presents IAU projects and initiatives, focuses on the results of IAU 2017 Conference. It details results and opportunities linked to the IAU key thematic priorities of work; presents the new Members and the various projects IAU is involved in. The In Focus section offers a series of papers on « Academic Freedom and University Autonomy under Threat » of authors from around the world.

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  • IAU Horizons, vol. 22, no. 1, 2017
    Focus on corruption in higher education

    This issue presents IAU projects and initiatives, focuses on the preparations for the IAU 2017 International Conference and the Global Meeting of Association VII to take place in Accra, Ghana, in October. It provides a report on the 15th General Conference; details results and opportunities linked to the IAU key thematic priorities of work; presents the new Members and the various projects IAU is involved in. The In Focus section offers a series of papers on « Corruption in Higher Education ».
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  • IAU Horizons, vol. 21, no. 4, 2017
    Focus on Leadership for a changing public private higher education funding landscape

    This issue, devoted to the presentation of IAU projects and initiatives, focuses on the preparations for the IAU 15th General Conference; details results and opportunities linked to the IAU key thematic priorities of work; presents the new Members and the various projects IAU is involved in. The In Focus section is dedicated to Leadership for a changing public private higher education funding landscape

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  • IAU Horizons, vol. 21, no. 3, 2016
    Special focus : The blurring divide between public and private higher education: where does it lead?

    This issue is fully devoted to the presentation of IAU projects and initiatives. It focuses specifically on the preparations for the IAU 15th General Conference; provides a full report of the outcomes of the IAU 2015 International Conference and details results and opportunities linked to the IAU key thematic priorities of work. As well please read about the new Members welcomed since October ; read the papers selected for two dossiers, one on The blurring divide between public and private higher education: where does it lead?, with papers from Pakistan, France, Saudi Arabia and the US and the second on the initiatives developed to assist Refugees wishing to integrate higher education. The magazine also lists a series of books from around the world focusing on a variety of higher education issues.

  • IAU Horizons, vol. 21, no. 2, 2015

    Published twice a year, the magazine features IAU Activities, upcoming events and specific projects the IAU has undertaken; IAU Collaboration and Networking; Membership News; New Publications; and a global Calendar of Events. Each issue is also devoted to a special ’In Focus’ topic of interest and debate for the higher education community worldwide. IAU Horizons is available in English, in paper format and electronically.

  • IAU Horizons, vol. 21, no. 1, 2015

    Published twice a year, the magazine features IAU Activities, upcoming events and specific projects the IAU has undertaken; IAU Collaboration and Networking; Membership News; New Publications; and a global Calendar of Events. Each issue is also devoted to a special ’In Focus’ topic of interest and debate for the higher education community worldwide. IAU Horizons is available in English, in paper format and electronically.

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