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  • ACA statement: Call for tangible support for the Ukrainian higher education sector

    In these critical times, the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) stands with Ukraine, its citizens and academic community and calls for immediate and tangible actions by the European Union (EU) and the higher education sector to support Ukrainian scholars and students whose academic journeys and lives have and will be affected by the escalating violence.

  • IAU New Members - February 2022

    We are pleased to welcome two new Members:
    Università per Stranieri di Siena (University for Foreigners of Siena) - Italy
    Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (Autonomous University of Baja California) - Mexico

    IAU thanks them for joining the Association and for their engagement toward the Higher Education Community. Retour ligne automatique
    For more information about becoming an IAU member please refer to the IAU Membership page :

  • Mykolas Romeris University shares the Statement of Lithuanian University Rector’s conference, expressing strong support for Ukrainian higher education sector

    The Lithuanian University Conference strongly condemns the military actions of the Russian Federation against the independent state of Ukraine. Lithuanian universities show solidarity with Ukrainian universities, their staff, lecturers, students and the entire Ukrainian nation.

    We are ready to use all available resources at this difficult time to help Ukrainian universities. We will also help Ukrainians who come to seek asylum in Lithuania, giving them the opportunity to continue their studies or research, to settle in Lithuania for a shorter or longer period of time.

    These events demonstrate once again the importance of building an educated, democratic, critical society. Our common responsibility is to develop a young generation that loves and protects its country together.

    Universities are one of the most important institutions in helping the state build a strong fabric of society. The solidarity and common tradition of universities in such hours unite all those who believe in European values, democracy, freedom of speech and thought.

    President of the Conference of Rectors of Lithuanian Universities prof. Rimvydas Petrauskas
    President of the Conference of Directors of Lithuanian Colleges Nerijus Varnas

  • EUA - Registration & Call for contributions: Spotlight on recognition Conference

    European University Association (EUA), in partnership with the Spanish Rectors’ Conference (Crue), the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and Nuffic, the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education will organise a conference as the final event of the Erasmus+ co-funded "Spotlight on recognition" project on 13 May 2022.
    Registrations are free of charge and open until 28 April.

    EUA also launches the “Spotlight on recognition” call for contributions and invites staff working in higher education and with responsibility for the recognition of qualifications, study periods abroad and prior learning to submit a proposal for a poster presentation showcasing good practice, new developments and projects in the field of academic recognition. Deadline : 7 April 2022
    Read more at:

  • EWORA launches a New Initiative: Call for Biographies

    She Figures 2021, the main source of pan European, comparable statistics on the state of gender equality in research and innovation still reports that women remain underrepresented in senior leadership positions of higher education and research.
    Given the statistics, EWORA launches its project "Careers Beyond the Glass Ceiling: European Women Rectors on the Map" (EWR-MAP) that was initiated in January 2022. This project aims to literally put Women Rectors on the map with the aim of raising the visibility of women in academia who cracked the glass ceiling in academia that is still a "gendered sphere". For more details please refer to the following link:

  • AIUB - Invitation to the Final Showcase of Folklore 2022 - Symphony of the World, Season 2

    Please join the Final Showcase of Folklore 2022 - Symphony of the World, Season 2, organized by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), of the American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), to commemorate the International Mother Language Day. Over 30 incredible student performances from 19 esteemed institutions of 9 different countries across the globe will be presented.
    21st of February 2022 (Monday), from 2:00-3:30 PM (Bangladesh Time), on Zoom.
    Please find attached, the digital banner and the tentative program schedule, with the details of the program, including the Zoom and Facebook Live links.

  • Zhejiang University - Call for applications for two positions of Assistant Directors

    The Office of Global Engagement at Zhejiang University (ZJU) is now seeking to appoint an Assistant Director (Global Partnerships) and an Assistant Director (Global Communications). The positions will be assisting the Director in shaping ZJU’s global partnership and communication initiatives in support of its strategic priorities.
    Please send resume / CV and cover letter (in English) by email to:
    Application deadline: until the position is filled. Please see attached below the detailed description of the 2 positions.
    Read more at:

  • Beirut Arab University - 7th International Conference on Contemporary Scientific Research - Call for papers

    Beirut Arab University launches a call for papers for the 7th International Conference on Contemporary Scientific Research that they will be organising on March 3-4, 2022, online and face to face participation.
    Open to all topics of all disciplines
    Disciplinary sessions
    Abstract submission deadline: February 14, 2022
    Program announcement: February 19, 2022 (program includes zoom ID and password)
    Full text submission deadline: March 8, 2022 (full text is not mandatory)
    Proceedings book publication: March 20, 2022

    Application and registration steps
    1- Send your abstract to until February 14, 2022 (word/doc)
    2- If you abstract is accepted by referee you will receive an acceptance mail
    3- Your registration will be done automatically
    4- Programme announcement day February 19, 2022 on web site (check your name at programme)
    5- Join in meeting via zoom, make your presentation
    6- After your presentation you will receive your certificate

    Conference web site:
    This conference is organized by IKSAD Institute of Economic Development and Social Research of Turkey and Beirut Arab University

  • Universidad Veracruzana - Virtual International Collaboration (VIC) 2022

    The International Office of the Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico) launches a Call for participation to the Virtual International Collaboration (VIC) programme, that they will be organizing online through the EMINUS platform from March 7th, 2022 to May 17th, 2022. The aim of the course (30 hours) is to guide participants in the development of an educational intervention with an international partner. The course (30hours) is free with limited availability. Deadline for registration: February 11, 2022. Registration here. Contact: .
    Please find attached more information about the course (English & Spanish), as well as a link to the official video:

  • University of Cyprus - Vacancies at KOIOS Research and Innovation Center of ExcellenceUniversity of Cyprus

    The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence at the University of Cyprus launches a call for application for :
    -  Five (5) PhD Student Scholarships at KOIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence.
    -  Two (2) full-time employment contract for one (1) year with possibility of extension as Research Engineer (Special Scientist) at KOIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence. Deadline for applications is Friday, 18th of February 2022.
    Please refer to the attached PDF files below for detailed information.

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