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AAU - Publication On The Future Of Higher Education In Africa13 May 2022
The AAU is pleased to share it’s latest publication titled - “The Future of Higher Education in Africa–A Summary of Conference Subthemes”.
The publication succinctly captures the key presentations, discussions, scientific papers, and contributions made by stakeholders during the Association of African Universities’ 15th General Conference, hosted virtually on July 5-8, 2021.
The six (6) chapters of this publication, which were also the sub-themes of the conference focuses on the follow:
Sub-Theme 1: The Future of African Higher Education Post-COVID-19
Sub-Theme 2: Contributions of African Higher Education Institutions to Addressing the Challenges linked to the COVID-19 pandemic
Sub-Theme 3: Contributions of African Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
Sub-Theme 4: Funding of African Higher Education Institutions in the face of unpredictable Economy
Sub-Theme 5: Mainstreaming e-learning and the digital divide
Sub-Theme 6: Contributions of the Diaspora to African Higher EducationAAU hopes that this publication helps to enlighten all stakeholders on the conference proceedings and the key next steps identified by the 4,344 participants and stakeholders – from Africa and beyond.
Kindly click on the link provided here to access the publication - https://bit.ly/3L4v4sM
For further enquiries, contact the Communications and Publications Officer of the AAU, Felicia Nkrumah-Kuagbedzi, via email: fnkrumah@aau.org / info@aau.org -
Sohar University - Public Lecture Transformation in Higher Education - May 30, 202213 May 2022
A Public Lecture organised by Sohar University (Sultanate of Oman) will take place on May 30. Dr Hillidje van’t Land the Secretary General of the International Association of Universities (IAU) will be the Guest Speaker. She will reflect on the on the challenges facing higher education and present potential means to respond to those challenges. She will share ideas on possible transformations for higher education systems such as policies and structures as well as for the institutions themselves in order to develop higher education and research for the future.
Register here -
2022 HETL TÜZDER International Conference on Innovation in Basic – Higher Education9 May 2022
The International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL) together with TUZDER a professional non-governmental organization, invite you to attend the 2022 International Conference on Innovation in Basic – Higher Education, to be held on September 8-11, 2022 in İstanbul, Turkey. Register here.
This conference will provide you an opportunity to experience the remarkable city of Istanbul, to enjoy the company of educators from around the world, and to explore mutually beneficial connections. For attendees, the conference will consist of exceptional speakers and programs which will allow you to stay abreast of the latest developments in basic and higher education. For presenters, the conference will allow you to share your research with an international audience of educators. Read more at : https://2022tuzder.hetl.org/
Universities of the Netherlands on Ukrainian Refugees and education5 May 2022
Universities of the Netherlands call on the Ministry to provide access to education at all levels, including higher education, in the Netherlands to all Ukrainian Refugees.
Read more here: https://www.universiteitenvannederland.nl/en_GB/news-items.html/nieuwsbericht/839-p-brief-uaf-vh-en-unl-over-em-toegang-tot-onderwijs-em-voor-vluchtelingen-uit-oekra-iuml-ne-nbsp-p -
CUHK took part in a UNESCO study on virtual student mobility in a post-pandemic world4 May 2022
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) spearheaded a Virtual Student Exchange Programme (VSE) under the auspices of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) and launched the APRU VSE for the Association’s 60 members in August 2020 in response to the sharp disruption to international education. By April 2022, VSE has already offered 650 courses with some 1,800 student enrolments. We have seen the use of online platforms to create international education opportunities gained popularity worldwide. CUHK was invited to join a study led by the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO-IESALC) to look at the trend and how virtual exchanges can form part of a university’s international education strategy.
The report ‘Moving minds: Opportunities and challenges for virtual student mobility in a post-pandemic world’ was recently published. Based on 14 case studies of virtual student mobility that have been implemented by 73 higher education institutions and through partnerships in 38 countries in all regions of the world, including CUHK, the report provides recommendations to incorporate virtual student mobility as an additional form of student mobility and provides insight for other universities and organisations looking to develop or support such initiatives as part of their international education strategy.
Read more the full report of ‘Moving minds: Opportunities and challenges for virtual student mobility in a post-pandemic world’ by UNESCO-IESALC -
IAU New Members - April 202229 April 2022
We are pleased to welcome two new Members :
GNA University, India
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, USA
IAU thanks them for joining the Association and for their engagement toward the Higher Education Community.
For more information about becoming an IAU member please refer to the IAU Membership page : https://www.iau-aiu.net/Members -
Boston College - CIHE webinar on Alternative models of higher education22 April 2022
The Center for International Higher Education (CIHE) at Boston College invites you to join the next CIHE webinar:
Alternative models of higher education
Over the past half century, there has been remarkable convergence across the world around one primary model of higher education, both due to the continuing legacy of colonial structures and to contemporary pressures arising in the context of globalization. However, this story of convergence is only partial, as alternatives to this model have always existed and are also being created, in response to perceived deficiencies with the conventional model. This webinar explores some of these alternatives, posing questions as to where higher education can and should go in the decades to come.
Featuring Udi Mandel and Kelly Teamey (Ecoversities Alliance) and Nhlanhla Thwala (African Leadership Academy)
DATE: Tuesday, April 26, 2022. TIME: 2:30 - 3:30 pm EDT
Click here to register -
UN SDSN Statement on the War in Ukraine20 April 2022
The SDSN Leadership Council has shared a statement with the UN Member States calling for urgent and intensified diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine.
As our community is well aware, the war in Ukraine threatens the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement.
Members of the SDSN community are encouraged to share the statement widely with your networks, local press, and on social media, and to sign on using the form on the SDSN site.UN SDSN encourages you to add your name to this important call to action in pursuit of SDG16 and beyond.
https://www.unsdsn.org/a-message-to-all-un-member-states-and-leaders-of-the-united-nations?utm_source=SDSN&utm_campaign=bcb03336bd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_04_19_08_00&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_2302100059-bcb03336bd-178995471&mc_cid=bcb03336bd&mc_eid=2ecbe45a2f -
University of Cyprus - Call for applications as Special Scientist at FOSS Research Center for Sustainable Energy20 April 2022
The University of Cyprus launches a call for applications for one (1) full-employment contracts or part-time for one (1) year with possibility extension as Special Scientist at FOSS Research Center for Sustainable Energy at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Please find more details on the pdf document attached below. Dateline for sending the applications is Friday, 29th of April 2022. -
University College Cork - IASAS Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services 202220 April 2022
The IASAS (International Association for Student Affairs and Services) Global Summit, will take place at University College Cork, Ireland, from June 15 to June 17. The European Council of Student Affairs and Student Affairs Ireland are delighted to co-host this exciting event with IASAS.
The summit’s overarching theme is Cultivating Graduate Attributes to Empower and Sustain Educational Development. As with previous summits, a position paper will be produced , based on the inputs of all participants, that will be submitted for publication in regional and international publications, the University World News (UWN) and others.
Registration will remain open until May 15. To book a place either in person or virtually please visit: www.saireland.ie.
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