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16 October 2024


  • : Re-Thinking (Higher) Education and Inspiring Transformation for a More Sustainable Future

    IAU Webinar Series on The Future of Higher Education

    There is now an intense focus on the purpose and role of education in times of unprecedented uncertainty, instability and existential crises. UNESCO states that society globally faces a stark choice between “continuing on an unsustainable path or radically changing course". Education is crucial to such transformative change, says UNESCO, but only if education can itself be transformed. In other words, for higher education to be an agent of change, it needs to be a subject of change itself.

    Drawing on his new book Learning and Sustainability in Dangerous Times, Stephen Sterling, Emeritus Professor of Sustainability Education at the University of Plymouth, will outline ten issues which restrict the ability of ESD (education for sustainable development) and parallel movements to fulfil their potential, and ten keys which could unlock the potential of education to help secure a safe and liveable future.

    Please note times are CEST


    Event website

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International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France
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