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Sunungurai Dominica Chingarande

Sunungurai Chingarande is a professor of Sociology who holds a PhD in Sociology, a Master of Science in Sociology and Social Anthropology and a BSc Honours in Sociology from the University of Zimbabwe. She has been the Women’s University in Africa Vice-Chancellor since 2021. When she came to join Women’s University in Africa, she arrived from Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University where she was the Vice Chancellor. Professor Chingarande has also served as the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University and a lecturer and head of the Sociology Department at the University of Zimbabwe. She is Zimbabwe’s representative on the African Vice-Chancellors’ Forum as well as a gender resource person, facilitator and expert for the African Group of Negotiators, a think tank of experts and practitioners that provides evidence based technical support to African governments for effective engagement in the international and national climate change policy formulation. She is a gender expert with over 20 years of experience in gender equality, women’s empowerment and social inclusion programming in Africa. She has done gender and social exclusion assessments and evaluations for many international agencies in various sectors. Sunungurai is a renowned administrator and academic who is an external examiner and a board member for various institutions, including the Centre for Zimbabwean Studies at Rhodes University.

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