International Association of Universities
The Global Voice of Higher Education
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  • Join UIL Webinar on HEIs supporting local communities during COVID-19

    The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) invites all interested representatives from the higher education sector to a webinar on ’ Higher Education Institutions supporting local communities during COVID-19 ’ on 15 April 2020.

    Many of the 173 UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) members around the world are facing severe challenges due to the coronavirus, including challenges caused by the closure of higher education institutions (HEI). This affects traditional student populations pursuing their undergraduate and postgraduate degrees as well as the ’lifelong learning’ activities of HEIs, including learning provision for local communities and learners of all ages.

    Higher education institutions supporting local communities during COVID-19
    Date: 15 April 2020
    Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
    Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar, Webinar ID: 849 793 306

  • IAU releases 2019 Annual Report

    IAU is pleased to share its 2019 annual report. The report is available in digital format and provides an overview of IAU activities and accomplishments, for the IAU financial year starting on 1 October 2018 and ending on 31 September 2019.
    Download the report.

  • IAU takes active part in the UNESCO Futures of Education project

    In the current context of Covid-19 pandemic, the future of education is more than ever a question to be addressed. The UNESCO Futures of Education initiative is thus particularly relevant as it aims to rethink education and shape the future of humanity. IAU was pleased to take part in the first virtual Advisory Board Meeting on 12 March 2020. Dr. Hilligje van’t Land, Secretary General of IAU, reminded participants that “values need to underpin the education we want.”

    The UNESCO Futures of Education initiative was launched in September 2019 with the intent to open broad global consultations, foster co-creation, catalyze collective intelligence and generate global and inclusive debates on various education-related themes. In the context of this comprehensive initiative, a global report on the Futures of Education will be released in November 2021.

    More info about the UNESCO Futures of Education:

  • Covid-19 : Enquête mondiale et ressources pour les Membres de l’AIU

    L’AIU surveille de près les divers impacts du Covid-19 sur la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur. Dans cette optique, l’AIU a développé une enquête mondiale sur l’impact du Covid-19. Partagez votre expérience avec la communauté, répondez à l’enquête ! (Disponible en français, anglais et espagnol)

    L’AIU a aussi développé une page de ressources(pdf) pour garder les Membres de l’AIU et toute la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur informés des derniers développements mis en place pendant la pandémie. Nous savons que les université à travers le monde prennent des mesures critiques pour répondre à la situation actuelle. Cette page de ressources sera mise à jour régulièrement au fur et à mesure que nous récoltons plus d’informations.

    Si vous êtes Membre de l’AIU et que vous souhaitez partager les mesures prises par votre établissement pour lutter contre le Covid-19 sur le site de l’AIU, envoyez un email à :

    Suivez-nous sur Twitter @IAU_IAU et utilisez #IAUCOVID19 dans vos tweets.

  • IAU’s 70th anniversary celebratory book: call for contributions!

    2020 is a very special year for the International Association of Universities as it marks its 70th anniversary! To celebrate these 70 years of international collaboration, IAU wishes to publish a collection of essays focusing on relevant themes and challenges in higher education by revisiting the past, analyzing the present, and looking into the future.

    To participate in this unique project, submit your abstract by 10 April 2020!

  • IAU 16th General Conference 2020 : call for contributions

    Updated: 02-Apr-20

    IAU is pleased to announce the 16th IAU General Conference to be held at University College Dublin in Ireland, from November 3-6, 2020. The theme of the conference is ’Relevance and value of universities to future society.’ Registrations will open in May 2020. IAU invites you to contribute to the break-out sessions by submitting a proposal by 15 May 2020 (new deadline) on one the following questions which will be discussed during the conference:

    1. Do the fundamental principles thought to underpin higher education in 1950 remain relevant today? What are the challenges facing university autonomy, academic freedom and scientific integrity, and how can they be addressed?
    2. How can universities contribute to the creation of a sustainable global society?
    3. How do we ensure that universities provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to become the leaders, critical thinkers, decision-makers, innovators, specialists, researchers and responsible citizens who will build a better future society?
    4. What does the digital transformation of society mean for how universities function as organisations and how they educate their students?
    5. How does internationalization support the relevance of universities to society?
    6. What responsibility do universities have to enhance health and well-being, and how can this responsibility be fulfilled?
    7. What is the role of universities with respect to innovation ecosystems nationally, regionally and globally?

    More info about the conference and the call for proposals here.

  • New Site Visit : Asian Institute of Technology

    IAU is delighted to announce the second site visit since the launch of the "IAU Institutional Site Visits" programme in 2019. This year, the visit will take place at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand on 30 Nov - 3 Dec 2020 and the main topic will be "Social Impact with Innovation".
    Don’t miss out this unique oportunity to discover an innovative institute and learn about leveraging technologies for a sustainable world! Learn more and register here. The site visits are open to IAU Members only.

  • IAU releases new global survey report on HESD

    IAU is delighted to announce the release of its 2nd Global Survey Report on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development conducted in June-July 2019. This report shows the importance of Universities and other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and where issues still exist. It is also proof of the commitment and responsibilities of many Higher Education Institutions globally towards the 2030 Agenda.

    IAU received over 530 valid responses from all world regions during the six-week survey. The report analyses how universities engage with the SDGs in particular and how they promote sustainable development more broadly speaking. It is the only survey that maps the contributions of the higher education sector towards the 2030 Agenda at a global level.

    >> Discover the report!

  • The new edition of IAU’s International Handbook of Universities is out!

    IAU is pleased to announce the publication of the 29th edition of the International Handbook of Universities (IHU) describing national higher education systems in 196 countries and listing more than 18,400 acccredited higher education institutions (HEIs) that offer at least a 4-year degree or a 4-year professional diploma.

    This new edition of the IHU is available in print on demand and, new this year - it is also available in e-format! You can order your copy now on the website of our publishers Palgrave Macmillan.

    IAU Members benefit from a preferential rate both on the print and e-book. To get your Member discount code, please contact

  • Sign up for a free webinar on Internationalization of higher education !

    Discover a unique programme : the IAU Internationalization Strategy Advisory Service (ISAS 2.0), designed to help higher education institutions develop their internationalization policies, strategies and programmes.

    IAU invites you to learn more about this advisory service through a free webinar that will present the latest ISAS undertaken at Toyo University, an IAU Member institution in Japan. The speakers will share the internal process that led to a critical self-analysis of the institution’s current internationalization activities, as well as the ways in which ISAS 2.0 encouraged progress towards the goals set in Toyo’s strategy.

    The webinar will include direct testimonials of:
    - Prof. Betty Leask, ISAS expert panel member and Visiting Professor at the Centre for International Higher Education (CIHE), Boston College, USA
    - Prof. Shingo Ashizawa, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Toyo University, Japan.

    Tuesday 28 January at 18:00 CET (Paris time)

    The webinar is open exclusively to IAU Members. It is free of charge, but places are limited.
    To join, IAU, click here.

    Engage with top experts, who will provide you with tools and insights on how to enhance your internationalization activities!

    Registrations are now closed (maximum number of participants reached).

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International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France
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