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  • Zhejiang University - 2024 SDG Global Summer School

    Zhejiang University 2024 SDG Global Summer School will take place from July to August on-site. Zhejiang University welcomes students from around the world to the Global Summer School for academic learning and cultural experience opportunities. This two-four week program will allow undergraduate and graduate students to take credit-bearing courses themed on SDGs under the mentorship of prestigious professors from ZJU and partner universities.

    Students will be able to choose 1 among 18 academic modules (more information can be found on our official website: based on their interests. Each module will provide an in-depth understanding of the most critical issues for a sustainable future through interdisciplinary training, thought-provoking case studies, engaging group work, and hands-on experience. Opportunities for cultural immersion will also be provided through various non-curricular activities such as Chinese culture events, tours around ZJU and Hangzhou, etc.
    The tuition fee for the 2024 SDG Summer School is 6000 RMB. For students from Zhejiang University’s partner universities, we provide a complete waiver of tuition fees.
    Applications will close on Friday, March 15, 2024, 11:59 p.m. (GMT+8). Please see poster attached for more.

  • AAU - Invitation to Join the 2024 International Women’s Day Celebration

    The African Women in Higher Education Network (WoHEN), hosted by the Association of African Universities (AAU) in collaboration with the Women’s University in Africa (WUA), will host a webinar to commemorate the 2024 International Women’s Day. The theme for the celebration is “Invest in Women in African Higher Education: Accelerate Progress.” This webinar will take place on Friday, March 8, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. GMT to 12:00 p.m. GMT and will provide the platform to highlight the gender inequalities in higher education institutions in Africa, track progress in addressing these, discuss the best possible ways to invest in women, and promote a gender-responsive and inclusive African higher education community. All stakeholders of African higher education, both men and women, are invited to participate in this important and insightful event and to contribute to the key discussions.
    The registration link is available here for reference by our stakeholders – Read more via the AAU Blog.

  • International Green Gown Awards - Applications are now OPEN

    The International Green Gown Awards, in partnership with Allianz Global Investors, and supported by UN Environment Programme, recognise exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges around the globe. Celebrating their 10th year, applications for 2024 Awards are now open and we invite universities and colleges, worldwide, to put your most innovative and influential sustainability work forward for an International Green Gown Award. Details on how to apply and inspiration from past entries, can be found on the website. With 8 categories to choose from, reward your sustainability journey. Deadline 29 April 2024. Apply now

  • DECODE Project - A Call for Case Studies

    Led by the UNESCO Chair for Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education and funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the DECODE Project is looking for case studies of community or Indigenous-led research that has had policy or practice impact
    For more information or to get involved, contact Maéva Gauthier at
    See flyer attached or learn more at the DECODE Project website

  • Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė was elected Rector of Mycolas Romeris University

    In accordance with paragraph 19.7 of the Statute of Mykolas Romeris University and the procedure for organizing the election of the Rector of Mykolas Romeris University by public competition, approved by resolution No. 1UT-5 of the Council on 6 February 2015, the Council of Mykolas Romeris University elected Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė as Rector of the University on 22 February, 2024. The Rector has been elected for a 5-year term and will take office on March 16, 2024.

  • ARES Academic Cooperation Projects - Call for Experts

    ARES launches a call for experts to integrate an international network of expertise to evaluate ARES academic cooperation projects. If you are interested in joining the ARES international network of expertise, please complete this form.
    Contact: Tanguy Goethals (, Director for Development Cooperation. More details here (in french)


    ARES lance un appel à intégrer un réseau international d’expertise pour évaluer leurs projets de coopération académique.
    Si intégrer le réseau international d’expertise de l’ARES vous intéresse, complétez ce formulaire.
    Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à contacter: Tanguy Goethals ( - Directeur de la coopération au développement
    En savoir plus ici

  • UNINETTUNO - New Post-Graduate Master’s Degree in Sustainable Architecture and Design

    Sustainable architecture and design: a new post-graduate Master’s Degree establishes the strategic partnership between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and SOS School of Sustainability by Mario Cucinella- The First Level Master’s Degree in Architecture and Sustainable Design takes a new shape, starting from the shared vision of both institutions to reimagine the professional figures of architects and designers, bringing together the UNINETTUNO’s skills in the design of academic e-learning programs dedicated to the internatjonal student community with SOS School of Sustainability’s extensive in training experience as an academy focused on sustainable practices founded by Mario Cucinella in 2015. Delivered in hybrid format, both online on the UNINETTUNO e-learning platform and on campus at the SOS headquarters in Milan where students will be able to complete their course of study in Milan, working on their final projects in a highly professionalizing context.

    Read more :

  • Professor Colin Riordan CBE appointed ACU’s next Secretary General and Chief Executive

    Professor Colin Riordan CBE, former President and Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff University, UK has been appointed as the Association of Commonwealth Universities’ (ACU) next Secretary General and Chief Executive following a competitive recruitment process. He served the same position on an interim basis since September 2023 after Dr Joanna Newman, left the ACU after 6 years to take up the role of Provost at SOAS University of London, UK.

    Before joining Cardiff University, Professor Riordan worked as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Essex, UK having been appointed in 2007. Prior to this, he was Pro Vice-Chancellor and Provost of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Newcastle University in the UK since 2005. 
    Professor Riordan taught English as a foreign language at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg in Germany (1982-84) and was Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer in German at Swansea University (1986-1998). He became Professor of German at Newcastle University in 1998, where he remained until his move to Essex in 2007.

    Read more at :

  • UNIMED WEEK in Brussels - Save the date and register!

    The eighth edition of the UNIMED WEEK in Brussels will take place from 16 to 18 April 2024.
    The UNIMED WEEK in Brussels is a forum for discussion and networking, an occasion for our associates to meet European and international institutions and learn more about their current and future programs.

    This year the UNIMED WEEK will be the occasion for our members to discuss with the European Commission about the evolution for the upcoming period 2024-2027 and the policies aiming to foster the cooperation and improve the integration at all levels in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
    The UNIMED activities and projects are increasingly recognized by the European Commission as well as by other international institutions. This initiative will therefore be an opportunity to look at the past, to go on through the course and to further strengthen our network.

    Please register here by April 8th, 2024.
    Read more at:

  • University of Bergen - Science and diplomacy for ocean governance

    The Norway-EU Science Diplomacy Network organises a special ocean science diplomacy event in Brussels on 21 February. The event “Ocean Futures 2030: Science and diplomacy for ocean governance – our common ocean” brings together scientists and diplomats with the EU system to discuss how to protect, explore, exploit, and share the goods from the high seas as the common heritage of humankind. Converging ocean-related themes across the recently adopted Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) with the COP15 framework for biological diversity will be discussed.

    The event is free and open to all. Read more and register here

    The Network and the event are funded by the Research Council of Norway and is led by UiT – the Arctic University of Norway with partners the University of Bergen, Arctic Frontiers, and the EU Science Diplomacy Alliance.

    Photo credits: NOAA

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