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  • Journal of Studies in International Education (JSIE) - Call for papers

    European Association for International Education (EAIE) has launched a call for papers for the Special Issue of the Journal of Studies in International Education (JSIE) under the theme: "Environmental Sustainability and Internationalization".
    Please find the attached flyer for detailed information regarding the scope and potential angles to be covered. Deadline for submissions: 01 April 2022. For queries regarding this special issue please contact the Guest Editors:
    Laura Rumbley: Douglas Proctor:

  • MoU renewal signed between two IAU members AIUB and SU

    With a strong history of proactive and constructive collaboration, the American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB) and Siam University (SU) Thailand, renewed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the institutions.
    Dr. Carmen Z. Lamagna, the Vice Chancellor of AIUB, visited Siam University on the 12th of January 2022, where she met with Dr. Pornchai Mongkhovanit, the President of SU and Ms. Yhing Sawheny, the Deputy Director for International Affairs at SU.
    Dr. Lamagna and Dr. Pornchai renewed their joint commitment to further pursue and develop academic and co-curricular initiatives. AIUB and Siam University are both IAU members and both leaders are IAU board members. Both contribute actively to the preparation of the upcoming IAU 16th General Conference to take place at UCD in Dublin, in October.

  • 2nd EWORA Workshop

    The European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) invites women in leadership positions at universities/research organizations, gender experts, members of higher education networks and interested academics to join them at the 2nd EWORA Workshop "Envisioning the Future of Higher Education: Expectations, Opportunities and Challenges for Leadership", which will be held at the University of Valencia, Spain on 2-3 May 2022. Deadline for registration 25 March, 2022. For more details please refer to the following link.

  • Boston College Center for International Higher Education - IHE Winter Issue No. 109 (2022)

    International Higher Education (IHE), is a quarterly publication launched by the Boston College Center for International Higher Education in Spring 1995. IHE is published by DUZ Academic Publishers, Berlin. This journal publishes insightful, informed, and high-quality commentary and analysis on trends and issues of importance to higher education systems, institutions, and stakeholders around the world.
    The new issue of the International Higher Education: IHE # 109 is now avalaible, it can be viewed and downloaded at : International Higher Education - No. 109-Winter Issue 2022

  • ACA’s flagship seminar: What’s New in Brussels? - Registration now open!

    Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) launches a call for participations for the two-day seminar "What’s New in Brussels?" that they will organise virtually on 3 and 4 February 2022. This year’s seminar will focus on latest developments in European higher education with special attention given to the upcoming European Strategy for Universities and expectations for the European Universities Initiative. Find more about the programme here.
    Registration deadline: 27 January 2022. Registrer now

  • IAU New Members - December 2021

    We are pleased to welcome four new Members:

    European Women Rectors Association, Belgium
    Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway
    International Education Association of South Africa, South Africa
    State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan

    IAU thanks them for joining the Association and for their engagement toward the Higher Education Community.
    For more information about becoming an IAU member please refer to the IAU Membership page:

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