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2022 WES-CIHE Summer Institute - Call for proposals4 March 2022
The WES-CIHE Summer Institute offers graduate students and early career researchers the opportunity to share their ideas about innovative and inclusive approaches to internationalization with seasoned professionals and senior scholars from around the world.
Running for the second time in an entirely virtual format, this year’s Summer Institute, will be a dynamic and truly international space, attracting participants from around the world. If you are new to the field of international higher education, we hope that you will consider joining us for this exciting and interactive event, scheduled for June 1-3, 2022
The call for proposals is now open! Any graduate student or other early career researcher is invited to submit a paper for inclusion in the conference program. Submissions must be received no later than March 31, 2022.
Scholars at Risk (SAR) - Solidarity with the people of Ukraine and Ukrainian higher education4 March 2022
Scholars at Risk stands (SAR) in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and with people around the world, including in Russia, in condemning the ongoing acts of aggression against the Ukrainian people and territory by the agents and armed forces of the Russian Federation. Please find the SAR statement on Ukraine in its entirety:
https://www.scholarsatrisk.org/2022/03/solidarity-with-the-people-of-ukraine-and-ukrainian-higher-education/?emci=ce2e57c1-349b-ec11-a22a-281878b85110&emdi=5ac26207-4e9b-ec11-a22a-281878b85110&ceid=525061 -
UNESCO statement following the adoption of the UN General Assembly resolution4 March 2022
Please find the UNESCO statement following the adoption of the UN General Assembly resolution
https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/ukraine-unesco-statement-following-adoption-un-general-assembly-resolution -
AULP Mobility Program - Call for application3 March 2022
The Association of Portuguese Speaking Universities (AULP) launches a call for application for the AULP Mobility Programme, the first academic mobility programme that exclusively covers student exchanges between institutions from Portuguese-speaking countries and Macao (MSAR).
Deadline for application 1 May 2022.
More information at: https://mobilidade-aulp.org/ -
UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022)3 March 2022
The UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022) will take place from 18 to 20 May 2022 in Barcelona, Spain. The WHEC2022 is organised by UNESCO in partnership with GUNi/ACUP, with the support of the Government of Spain, the Government of Catalonia, the Barcelona Provincial Council and the Barcelona City Council. GUNi/ACUP are very honoured to be UNESCO’s main partner in the organization and celebration of such an event.
You will find more information on the GUNi website and on the WHEC2022 website: https://en.unesco.org/news/unesco-world-higher-education-conference-2022
AAC&U statement on Ukraine2 March 2022
The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine and has isssued the statement below:
Universities UK statement on Ukraine2 March 2022
Universities UK member universities and the UK Government are working together to ensure timely advice and support for students and staff currently in Ukraine and Russia, after the decision of the Russian Government to invade Ukraine.
Please find the Universities UK statement on Ukraine (28 February 2022)
https://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/latest/news/universities-uk-statement-ukraine-28 -
EUA statement of solidarity with Ukraine2 March 2022
The European University Association (EUA), which represents more than 850 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 European countries, stands in solidarity with the university students and staff of Ukraine as well as with the entire population of the country.
Please find below the EUA statement of solidarity with Ukraine (25 February 2022)https://eua.eu/news/834:eua-statement-of-solidarity-with-ukraine.html
Statements of solidarity with Ukraine from Russian Scientists and Science journalits2 March 2022
We would like to share the following statement from Russian scientists and science journalists
Open letter of Russian scientists and science journalists against the war with Ukraine (26 February 2022)
https://trv-science.ru/en/2022/02/we-are-against-war-en/ -
The International Science Council (ISC) Statement on Ukraine1 March 2022
The International Science Council (ISC) has expressed its deep dismay and concerns regarding the military offenses being carried out in Ukraine and warns against the severe outcomes that conflict will have on the research and academic community.
You can read the full ISC statement at: https://council.science/current/news/isc-statement-ukraine/
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