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  • UNACH - Conference on the Internationalization of Higher Education (JIES 2024)

    The Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH), will organize a Conference on the Internationalization of Higher Education - "Jornadas de Internacionalización de la Educación Superior" (JIES 2024), from November 26 to 28, 2024. This event will take place through digital platforms and will be broadcasted from the UNACH headquarters in Tuxtla Gutiérrez.
    The meeting will bring together experts from Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, the Netherlands, and the United States, who will speak about “Democratizing Access to International Opportunities”, “The Integration of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and Opportunities”, among other topics.
    The Conference is free of charge, registration should be made for each day of activities, please see links below. Contact :


  • IAU - Call for papers HEP

    The IAU has launched a Call for Papers for a Special Edition of its quarterly research journal, Higher Education Policy. The special edition will be entitled International Organizations and Higher Education and abstracts should be submitted before 15 January 2025. More information, and the full Call for Papers can be found on:

  • University of Barcelona - Save the date for the Student Mobility Summit 2025

    The Student Mobility Summit 2025, organized by the European University Foundation and the University of Barcelona, allows participants to unlock their potential to contribute to greener mobility. The event, taking place from February 4 to 6, 2025, at the University of Barcelona, will focus on balancing mobility and sustainability.

    The summit targets international relations professionals who are passionate about internationalization, quality student mobility, and committed to green approaches. It will place particular emphasis on how the green transition affects the work of International Relations Offices (IROs), their responsibilities, and how it influences their daily activities.

    Participants can look forward to a range of engaging topics and programme sessions:

    * PANELS: Learn about top policies and their interactions, the green transition updates, as well as national and European initiatives.
    * HACKATHONS: Work with peers to find new ways to create a possible better balance between international mobility and sustainability.
    * WORKSHOPS: Sustainability considerations are shaping the daily work of IROs. Dive into the most challenging issues of your interest.
    * TRAININGS: Take advantage of the inspiring environment to learn about the practical aspects of greener mobility and be able to drive change.

    Explore the full programme and read more at:

  • Norway University of Applied Sciences became University of Inland Norway

    Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) applied for university status in December 2022. The application was assessed by an expert committee appointed by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT).

    In June, the committee concluded that INN meets the requirements to become a university, and on 12 September, NOKUT’s board decided that INN can receive university accreditation. And it is the King in Council who formally established the new university, on the 8th of November, 2024.

    The new name in Norwegian will be ’Universitetet i Innlandet’. In English, it will be ’University of Inland Norway’. The general abbreviation will still be INN in both languages.

    Read more here.

  • EWORA Seminar at MRU on Combating Gender-Based Violence

    On October 29, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) hosted the European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) seminar titled "Universities as Change Agents to Create Gender-Based Violations-Free Society". The event brought together researchers, academics, and leaders in higher education from various countries to discuss and share experiences on how universities can actively contribute to promoting gender equality and preventing gender-based violence both within higher education institutions and in society.
    The seminar was opened by Dr. Nomeda Gudelienė, Advisor to the MRU Vice-Rector on Sustainable Development, who highlighted the event’s importance and called for collaborative efforts to drive change. MRU Rector Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė welcomed the participants, underscoring the responsibility of universities to address issues of gender inequality and foster social accountability.
    This EWORA seminar at MRU reaffirmed that universities have a crucial role in combating gender-based violence and can drive progress toward a more equal and safe society. Read more here

  • EUA Institutional Evaluation Programme: registration now open all year round

    The European University Association’s Institutional Evaluation Programme (EUA-IEP) is now accepting registrations all year round.
    EUA-IEP has supported institutions in developing their strategic leadership and capacity to manage change for thirty years. We operate free from external influence to offer comprehensive, improvement-oriented institutional evaluations thanks to our experienced peer reviewers providing rigorous, constructive criticism from international perspectives.

    As an independent quality assurance agency, EUA-IEP is listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) and is a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).

    All evaluated institutions are permitted to use the ’Evaluated by EUA-IEP’ icon for a period of five years following the evaluation. Details of how to register are available here.

    For additional resources, including information about how the Programme works, testimonials and videos about the process, please consult the EUA-IEP website or contact the EUA-IEP secretariat at

  • IAU New Members - October 2024

    We are delighted to welcome a new member from Sweden and to welcome back a returning member from Pakistan.

    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
    University of Management and Technology, Pakistan

    IAU thanks them for joining the Association and for their engagement toward the Higher Education Community.
    For more information about becoming an IAU member please refer to the IAU Membership page:

  • FAUBAI 2025 Conference in collaboration with IAU

    Save the date for the FAUBAI 2025 Conference in collaboration with IAU. Join us in Brasilia from April 26th to 30th, 2025.
    Registration will open on December 2nd, 2024

    Please find more details at:

  • HBMSU/ICDE Webinar - Building Collaborative PhD Networks

    Save the date for the free webinar, "Building Collaborative PhD Networks: Advancing ODFL Research through the Global Doctoral Consortium," jointly organized by the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) and Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU). The webinar will take place on 7 November 2024 at 15:00 UTC+1.

    This event will explore how the ICDE Global Doctoral Consortium (GDC) enhances research capacity and fosters global collaboration among institutions offering PhD programs. Attendees will gain insights into PhD research on Quality Management in Open, Distance, Flexible Learning (OFDL), highlighting the significant contributions of doctoral scholars in advancing the field.

    Event page:

  • Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management - Conference on Sustainable Economic Development

    The Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management (TSIEM) invites teaching staff of higher educational institutions to participate in the scientific and practical conference “Sustainable economic development: international practice and perspective directions of development”, which will be held online on November 29, 2024.

    We are confident that this conference will provide an opportunity for the exchange of mutually beneficial scientific and practical knowledge and experience. Everyone wishing to take part in the conference must send abstracts of speeches before November 15, 2024 by e-mail: The Organizing Committee has the right to issue the best abstracts.

    Conference working languages: Turkmen, English and Russian.

    The international scientific and practical conference will be held in 4 sections:
    I section. Perspective directions of sustainable economic development.
    II section. The role of the financial mechanism in ensuring sustainable economic development.
    III section. The role of marketing and management in sustainable economic development.
    IV section. Accounting and analytical support of organizations in conditions of digitalization of the economy.

    To participate in a scientific conference, please send theses, annotations and reports to the organizing committee (report for 5-10 minutes, theses no more than 1.5 pages, annotations - 0.5 pages in Times New Roman, font 14, text spacing - single).
    You can find details of the conference requirements in the PDF document below and all additional information at:

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