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  • NUSCT Declaration on Ukraine

    The Network of Universities of Small Countries and Territories, NUSCT, publicly condemns the invasion of the Ukrainian territory and the breach of its sovereignty by the Russian armed forces, and supports the global demands for an immediate halt to the military aggression, for the respect of international law, and for the diplomatic and peaceful resolution of all conflicts.

    Read the entire declaration here

  • American International University of Bangladesh - 3rd AUAP Student Academic Olympiad (SAO) 2022

    The Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) in cooperation with the American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB), Bangladesh, will organize the 3rd AUAP Student Academic Olympiad (SAO) 2022.
    For more information please contact:

    Registration deadline: June 15, 2022 at 12:00 noon, Bangkok time, Thailand.

    Please find the flyer (in PDF format) and poster program attached

  • Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas - Annual Webinar on Internationalisation

    Join the Autonomous University of Chiapas Annual Webinar on "Internationalisation at Home" (“Webinario sobre Internacionalización en Casa (IeC)” which will be held virtually through digital platforms on Wednesday 23 and 30 March, 2022. The webinar features six experts from Colombia, Spain, the Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Uruguay and Mexico who will share their ideas and experiences related to the design, operation and evaluation of internationalisation programmes at home

    Register at the following link: (in Spanish)

  • Boston College - 2022 WES-CIHE Summer Institute call for proposals

    A call for proposals for the annual WES-CIHE Summer Institute on Innovative and Inclusive Internationalization in Higher Education is now open.
    Deadline: March 31, 2022.
    Read more at:

  • Viewpoint from Ole Petter Otterson, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden: Time for a long-term strategy on Russian science relations and academic collaborations
    10 March 2022

  • UNESCO: Launch of nominations call for UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education 2022

    The UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education honours outstanding and innovative contributions made by individuals, institutions, and organizations to advance girls’ and women’s education.
    The 2022 Call for Nominations is open until 20 May.
    For further information about the Prize and the nomination process, please visit:
    For any enquiries, please contact the Prize Secretariat, e-mail:

  • 2022 EUA Annual Conference

    Take part in the 2022 EUA Annual Conference, “University values: what, why and how?”, on 28-29 April at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in Hungary

    Registrations are open until 13 April; the deadline for early-bird registrations is 15 March.

  • EUA Suspends Membership of 12 Russian Universities Following Statement by University Leaders

    The Russian Union of Rectors (RUR) has issued a statement (in Russian), which supports the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. The European University Association (EUA) Board has therefore taken the decision to suspend the membership of those universities whose leaders have signed this statement, as it is diametrically opposed to the European values that they committed to when joining EUA. Read more

  • International Women’s Day - Webinar Series co-organized by EWORA, IAU and ESSA

    Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA), European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) and the International Association of Universities (IAU) have come together for International Women Day 2022 to launch a global conversation on: Women in Leadership in Higher Education: Global and Regional Perspectives, with a special focus on Europe and Africa. The emphasis during this initial conversation will be on gender-sensitive institutional structures and policies. Tuesday, 8 March | 13:30 – 15:00 UTC. Register now

    More information at:

  • MCO Statement on Ukraine

    The Magna Charta Observatory has 87 signatory universities in Ukraine and stands with them and with all universities in Ukraine at this time.

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International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France
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