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  • Birzeit University - Call for applications for the Palestine and Arabic Studies (PAS) program - Fall Semester 2022-2023

    Birzeit University launches a call for applications for the Palestine and Arabic Studies (PAS) program for the Fall term (2022/2023)
    The Palestine and Arabic Studies program (PAS) is a comprehensive and accredited academic program at Birzeit University. It offers international students the opportunity to combine the study of the Arabic language with social science courses about Palestine and the Arab World. “Learn Arabic, live the culture and enjoy the food”. More details about how to apply here . Apply now!

  • General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - 15th Annual International Research Conference

    General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka is pleased to announce the 15th Annual International Research Conference organized under the theme of “Economic Revival, National Security, and Sustainability through Advancement of Science, Technology, and Innovation” on 29th and 30th September 2022.
    This dynamic event is aimed to provide an international forum for researchers and professionals to exchange ideas and share latest findings across a broad range of disciplines. The conference seeks to foster networking and collaborations within and between academia and industry at the national and international levels and be a catalyst to encourage the innovation and the creativity of enthusiastic young researchers.
    The 15th International Research Conference will be held at General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University in Ratmalana. The Conference will feature pre-conference workshops, plenary sessions, poster presentations and technical sessions of eleven disciplines including Defence and Strategic Studies, Built Environment and Spatial Sciences, Computing, Criminal Justice, Engineering, Law, Management, Social Science and Humanities, Medicine, Allied Health Sciences, Basic and Applied Sciences and Technology.
    Please read more at :

  • AULP - Call for papers for the International Journal of Portuguese Language (RILP) IV series Nº 43

    The Association of Portuguese Language Universities (AULP) will edit the International Journal of Portuguese Language (RILP) IV series Nº 43, where research, scientific and cultural works on Communication and Politics will be published.
    The articles presented in the Journal are authored by professors and researchers from higher education institutions in Portuguese-speaking countries.
    AULP invites educational institution and scientific community to participate in this call for open papers until September 30, 2022.

    RILP is indexed / listed in the Latindex Catalog – International Information System for Scientific Journals, Qualis (B5) – CAPES journal classification system, of the Ministry of Education of Brazil, ERIH PLUS – European Reference Index for the Humanities of European Science Foundation (ESF), Google Scholar, Publons and OJS /PKP. A decision from the SciELO Portugal catalog is still awaiting.

    RILP is a printed magazine distributed by all higher education institutions that are members of the AULP, and is also available in an electronic format with free access (open access) on the page
    You can consult the rules for submission and publication of articles here: (In Portuguese)

  • August is Science Month at the University of Costa Rica

    The second edition of Science Month will be held in August, organised by the Promotion Unit of the Vice-Rectory at the University of Costa Rica.
    The activities that will be carried out seek to show that science is within everyone’s reach in day-to-day activities, and in this sense we will have activities for children, adolescents, society in general, and we will close with an activity aimed at our research community. In week II, UCR offers activities on the internationalisation of research, organised in conjunction with the Office of International Affairs (OAICE) of the UCR; in week III expert discussions about new infrastructures that the University has been developing and that will undoubtedly have an impact on improving the quality of life of our society.

    Online events will also take place and be livestreamed on the Facebook page of UCR’s research unit (see here The main language of the activities is Spanish.

    Throughout the month, UCR representatives will be visiting educational centres in different areas of the country, with researchers from the University with activities around the themes/questions:

    -  Can you use milk to perform magic?
    -  How does the brain work?
    -  Steam: art, nature and robotics
    -  A theatre play about atoms and molecules, based on the play The Little Prince
    -  Robotics, it’s already a reality!
    Read more at : (in Spanish)

  • University of Lucerne - New Master’s program in Ethics in the fall of 2023

    The University of Lucerne has decided to launch a new Master’s program in Ethics in the fall of 2023, which is new and unique in Switzerland. The new program is aimed at all Bachelor’s graduates from universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education of all disciplines. The ethics master’s program lasts 2 years.
    After a first part on fundamentals, students can choose from three specializations in a second part of the program, all three allow them to deepen their scientific knowledge and open up promising perspectives on the job market:
    - Business, Finance and Corporate Ethics.
    - Health Ethics
    - Ethics of digital Transformation.
    With the Master’s program "Ethics", the University of Lucerne will do pioneering work and offer a unique and innovative course of study in the Swiss university landscape. The Master’s program in "Ethics" can provide students with education and skills that will make them "specialists in complexity" in ethically relevant issues of our time.
    The new program is offered by the Institute of Social Ethics ISE in cooperation with all faculties or the department of the University of Lucerne. Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschläger, head of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE, is the director of studies of the new master program "Ethics".
    Further information at: (only available in German)

  • Chinese University of Hong Kong - Renewal of CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s appointment

    Professor Rocky S. Tuan has been reappointed as the Vice-Chancellor and President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) for a further period of three years commencing 1 January 2024.

    The University is grateful to Professor Tuan for his leadership and dedicated service over the years. The University Council is confident that his continued stewardship will see CUHK scale new heights as it implements its ambitious five-year Strategic Plan.

  • Mykolas Romeris University - Social Innovations Research Conference “SOCIN ’22”

    Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) launches a call for the 11th international social innovations research Conference, SOCIN, that will be held on 22 Oct. 20th, 2022, in Vilnius. They invite academics from abroad and Lithuania to register by Sept. 15th and submit presentations. Each year this Conference brings together academics and researchers analyzing innovations from various countries. Two of the speakers, Roger Petry and Eddi Omcren, are also both part of the IAU HESD Cluster (for SDG 12 and SDG 8 respectively).
    The event will be in English and held in a hybrid manner. Read more at :
    The conference is free. Registration will take place until September 15th and the link is here

  • CIHE - The Summer 2022 issue (# 111) of International Higher Education is now available

    As ever, International Higher Education (IHE) offers analysis on a wide range of higher education topics. In this issue, you will find:
    - Three feature sections - one on resilience and the climate crisis; one on students; and one on the academic profession
    - Articles addressing some of the main challenges of our complex and difficult times, such as geopolitical tensions, the role of edtech, and the importance of sustainable financing models.
    - Contributions addressing particular geographic contexts, including Ireland, Kazakhstan and São Paulo (Brazil)
    The entire issue as well as the individual articles can be found at : International Higher Education - Summer Issue No. 111 (2022)

  • Association of African Universities (AAU) - World Conference on Education and Restitution

    The Association of African Universities (AAU) launches a call for participation to the World Conference on Education and Restitution, which is the successor of the virtual annual AAU Academic Diaspora Homecoming Summit. This Conference is being organized in collaboration with the Pan African Heritage World and UNESCO and will be held from August 30 to September 1, 2022 under the theme: The Past, the Present and the Future: Afrofuturism and Africa’s Development.
    The Conference will be a hybrid model, with the physical meeting held at the Secretariat of the AAU in Accra, Ghana.
    Registration link :
    Conference website :

  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - 2nd open call - 15th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change

    The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens launches a call for abstracts for the 15th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, taking place on 12-14 October in Athens, Greece. Deadline for submission: 5 July 2022.
    More details at:

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