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EUA - 2022 European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF): registrations open2 September 2022
The registration for the 2022 European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF), is now open. The Forum will take place on 17-19 November in Timisoara, Romania, hosted by West University of Timisoara.
This year’s Forum will focus on the theme of “Shaping or sharing? QA in a value-driven EHEA”. Through a mix of plenary and parallel sessions, EQAF 2022 will combine presentations of current developments in quality assurance (QA) with discussions on research, policy and practice that will take place in paper and practice presentation sessions, and workshops. It will also provide participants with excellent opportunities for networking and exchange on current developments in quality assurance both during and outside of the formal Forum sessions.
By registering, you will join the largest annual gathering of the European community for quality assurance of higher education.
The deadline to register is 4 November 2022.Find more information at : https://eua.eu/events/123-2022-european-quality-assurance-forum.html
2023 «NAFSA» Senator Paul Simon Award | Application process open2 September 2022
NAFSA launches a call for applications for the 2023 Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization. Deadline - 17 October 2022
Read more at: https://www.nafsa.org/about/about-nafsa/simon-award-how-apply -
IAU New Members - August 20221 September 2022
We are pleased to welcome three new Members.
Murdoch University, (Australia)
Preah Sihamoniraja Buddhist University, (Cambodia)
University of Calgary, (Canada)
Duhok Polytechnic University, (Iraq)IAU thanks them for joining the Association and for their engagement toward the Higher Education Community.Retour ligne automatique
For more information about becoming an IAU member please refer to the IAU Membership page : https://www.iau-aiu.net/Members
ZJU’s 125th anniversary - Congratulations from Global Partners29 August 2022
Zhejiang University celebrates it’s 125th anniversary and received video messages from all over the word.
Happy Anniversary to Zhejiang University!
https://www.zju.edu.cn/english/2022/0515/c67705a2546093/page.htm -
Umaru Musa Yaradua University Katsina - International Conference on Chemical & Biological Sciences29 August 2022
Umaru Musa Yaradua University Katsina, Nigeria launches a call for participation to the International Conference on Chemical & Biological Sciences scheduled on September 20-21, 2022.
Abstract deadline: September 4, 2022.
Languages: English, Turkish
Online and Hibrid (face to face) participation
1- Send your abstract to: kongrebasvurusu@gmail.com until September 4, 2022 as word/doc format
2- Evaluation process takes 2 days and the referee results will be shared with you within 2 days.
3- Conference program announcement date is September 12, 2022 (program includes zoom id and password)For more information please visit:
https://www.iensci.org/iccbs -
Webinars on the "University of the Future 2022"24 August 2022
The Autonomous University of Chiapas, with the General Coordination of Interinstitutional Relations, has organised a series of Webinars on the "University of the Future 2022".
At this Facebook Live event, international experts will share their viewpoints on the ethical responsibility of universities in building an inclusive society. They will look at creating and disseminating knowledge, global learning systems, student training for career competencies and new technologies.
The webinar series begins on August 31st with the participation of Giorgio Marinoni, Manager, HE and Internationalization policy and projects. His talk will cover the "Relevance and Value of Universities for the Society of the Future". Dr Adrian Acosta Silva will share his vision of "The Future of College: An approach to governance", and Dr Roberto Escalante Semerena will present "What is needed for us to know we are building the university of the future?".
The webinar will be in Spanish and here you can find the full programme and the registration link
Follow on the UNACH General Coordination of Interinstitutional Relations Facebook page.
Call for Participation 2022 – “Virtual International Collaborations”23 August 2022
Universidad Veracruzana invites faculty abroad to register for the course workshop "Virtual International Collaborations" (VIC) as part of its internationalisation at home program. The university’s educational platform, EMINUS4, will host this 30-hour online course from September 26th to December 9th. The course aims to guide participants in developing an educational intervention with an international partner.
For this intervention, partners will design a course syllabus which will include international and intercultural student learning outcomes, tasks, e-Tools, an evaluation and a calendar. The Universidad Veracruzana plans the course syllabus to be taught between February and July 2023.
The full workshop description is available in English, French and Spanish for download.
Association of African Universities - Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence (ACE Impact) Project Newsletter11 August 2022
As the Regional Facilitation Unit (RFU) for the Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence for Development Impact (ACE Impact) Project, the Association of African Universities (AAU) is pleased to update about the remarkable interventions and achievements by this project in the health thematic area. Read the ACE-Impact newsletter here
For further information on this project, please visit the project website - https://ace.aau.org/ -
Call for host: 2023 EUA Funding Forum11 August 2022
The European University Association is inviting applications from member universities to host the 2023 EUA Funding Forum.
The EUA Funding Forum is a biennial European event for university leaders and managers, policy-makers, as well as researchers, to share, learn, grow and improve in strategic governance and funding matters.
Notably, the Funding Forum seeks to:look to the future of European funding for universities and their challenges;
explore new ideas to bring money into higher education;
help university leaders design adequate strategies in response to funding changes;
discuss both funder and student perspectives on sustainable funding.The deadline for submission of bids is 30 October 2022.
More specific information on the conditions and criteria for hosting this event is available below: -
Leuphana University of Lüneburg - Rethinking Higher Education Dialogue Video series5 August 2022
The UNESCO Chair at Leuphana University of Lüneburg and International Association of Universities (IAU) present a video on conversations with key stakeholders of higher education on challenges, opportunities and scope for higher education to make stronger impacts towards sustainability.
Leuphana University Lüneburg is part of IAU’s Global Cluster on Higher Education for Sustainable Development which seeks to promote the role and potential that HEIs globally have in order to achieve the SDGs and Agenda 2030.Please watch the video here: https://youtu.be/9iRHL25vmhc
For any further information, please write to: unescoch@leuphana.de
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