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  • Boston College Center for International Higher Education - IHE No. 112 now avalaible

    The Autumn Issue of the International Higher Education - IHE No. 112 is now avalaible.
    International Higher Education (IHE), is a quarterly publication launched by the Boston College Center for International Higher Education in Spring 1995 and published by DUZ Academic Publishers, Berlin. This journal publishes insightful, informed, and high-quality commentary and analysis on trends and issues of importance to higher education systems, institutions, and stakeholders around the world.
    Among the articles in this latest issue:
    Immigration and Higher Education: Competition for Talent
    In-Person or Virtual Study for International Students in the United States?
    Will China Remain a Top Player in the International Education Market?
    Interested readers can find the full issue online.

  • Beirut Arab University - Invitation to the ASCAAD 2022 Conference

    Beirut Arab University invites you to the 10th International Conference of the Arab Society for Computation in Architecture, Art and Design ASCAAD 2022. This conference will be held online via zoom on 12-13 October 2022. The opening Ceremony will start on Wednesday 12 October at 11:00 am (Beirut Local Time). The registration has been extended to 10 October, and here is the link for registration:
    Please find below the link for the ASCAAD 2022 website for more information:

  • IAU New Members - September 2022

    We are pleased to welcome two new Members.

    Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA)
    Luleå University of Technology, (Sweden)

    IAU thanks them for joining the Association and for their engagement toward the Higher Education Community.
    For more information about becoming an IAU member please refer to the IAU Membership page :

  • University of Macau - UM Teaching Excellence Award Seminar: A Teacher’s Journey through Time and Place

    The University of Macau (UM) will host UM Teaching Excellence Award Seminar. A Teacher’s Journey through Time and Place by Prof. Garry Wong Winner of the 2021/2022 UM Teaching Excellence Award. Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, UM on 11 October 2022 (Tuesday) at 3:00pm, at Multi-function Hall, UM Guest House (N1-G014), University of Macau. The lecture will be conducted in English.
    For those who are interested, please register at the following links:
    Registration for the on-site lecture:
    Registration for the Zoom online lecture:

  • UNIMED - Call for participation: Virtual Balkans. Virtual Collaborative Learning in Higher Education

    The VALEU-X project is announcing its final conference "Virtual Balkans. Virtual Collaborative Learning in Higher Education" to discuss innovative virtual teaching and learning settings for academic staff at Albanian HEIs, ICT-based internalisation at home, adaptation and recognising virtual/blended mobility as part of the HEIs` internalisation strategy.
    The conference will take place on November 30th, 2022, from 10.00 am at EPOKA University, Tirana, Albania. The conference is co-organized by EPOKA University and UNIMED, Mediterranean Universities Union, with the contribution of all the project partners.
    The official conference language will be English. Know more about the Conference:

  • MRU Honorary Doctorate Awarded to IAU President Prof. Dr. Fredman

    The title of Doctor Honoris Causa of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) was granted to honorable Prof. Dr. Pam Fredman for her "significant contribution to enhancing the role of higher education in strengthening democracy and sustainable social development, for developing education and science policies based on humanism, promoting equal access to education for all and reducing regional and social exclusion in education and science, for her outstanding contribution to bringing the world’s academic community together to address global challenges through research and to promote open access to new knowledge and scientific results, and for consistent support in opening a wide range of international academic cooperation prospects for Mykolas Romeris University" by the Senate of MRU. The awarding ceremony took place on 22nd September, in Vilnus, Lituania.

  • West University of Timisoara will award the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Carlos Moedas

    West University of Timisoara (UVT) will hold a New University Year Ceremony for the opening of the academic year 2022-2023, in Timisoara, on 29 September 2022. At this occasion, Mr. Carlos Moedas will be awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of UVT, in particular for his invaluable contributions to international education and research. Mayor of Lisbon since October 2021, he has also received national and international awards, such as the Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Cork, Ireland, in 2016, and by the École Supérieure de Commerce in Paris, France, in 2018, Carlos Moedas contributed to the advancement of science and technology. in Europe and the world.

  • Ryerson University now renamed as Toronto Metropolitan University

    A new chapter begins for Ryerson University (Canada), now renamed as Toronto Metropolitan University. The renaming process started in Fall 2021, and in April 2022 the university announced the new name. The university is not rebranding; only the name has changed. The university’s values, mission and purpose are not changing. Read more about the renaming process and action plan here:

  • Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie - Fifth International Conference on Olive

    Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie, located in Tulkarem, Palestine, is pleased to announce the organization of the Fifth International Conference on Olive in Palestine 5th ICOP on November 22, 2022 at the Arafat Theatre on the University’s main campus in Tulkarem.
    Significant Dates
    Conference starting date: Tuesday November 22, 2022 at Yasser Araft Theatre, at 10:00 am.
    Registration starting date: Sunday July 10, 2022.
    Deadline for abstracts submission: Thursday October 15, 2022.
    Deadline for submitting full publishing research papers: Tuesday November 01, 2022.
    The exhibition started on Sunday July 10, 2022 and ends on Sunday October 30, 2022.
    More information please visit the conference website :

  • UNACH - Webinars on the University of the Future

    The Autonomous University of Chiapas through the General Coordination of Interinstitutional Relations invites you to participate in the free access Webinars on the University of the Future - Unach 2022. The webinar will be in Spanish.
    Please find the full programme and the registration link below.

    Dates: August 31 and September 7, 2022
    Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p-m. (Mexico City Time)
    Join the Zoom meeting:
    Meeting ID: 872 2351 6091
    Access code: 187873

    You can also register at:

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