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  • New Rector at the University of Faroe Islands

    The Board of the University of the Faroe Islands has appointed Martin Tvede Zachariasen as Rector for the next 5 years. Currently he is Professor of Computer Science and Pro-Rector (Education) at the University.
    He received his PhD at the University of Copenhagen in 1998, and was Head of the Computer Science Department at the university from 2008 to 2014. From 2015 to 2018, he was Dean at the Faculty of Science, University of Southern Denmark, and from 2019 to 2021 Vice Chancellor at the IT University in Copenhagen. Martin succeeded Prof Chik Collins and took up his position on January 1st, 2023.
    For further information about Martin Tvede Zachariasen visit :

  • CIHE - Call for applications for the 2023-24 Hans de Wit Fellowship competition

    If you are you an early career researcher, interested in spending a semester at CIHE, you can apply now for the :
    2023-24 Hans de Wit Fellowship competition
    Applications are due by March 15 each year. Finalist candidates will be invited to interview with the CIHE leadership in April as part of the application process.

  • HETL Conference 2023

    The University of Aberdeen will host the 2023 HETL Conference from 12 - 14 June 2023.
    The conference will focus on: Re-Imagining Education: Collaboration and Compassion. This will be broken down into the following themes for the conference programme:
    The aim of the conference is to bring together Higher Education professionals and students from across the world and to provide a platform for discussion, debate, networking and collaboration on all aspects of teaching and learning in HE. Register now

  • Universiti Malaya - Royal Address program "Shaping University Leadership for the 21st Century Higher Education"

    The Universiti Malaya (UM) in collaboration with the Higher Education Leadership Academy (AKEPT), Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia invite you to participate in the Royal Address program entitled "Shaping University Leadership for the 21st Century Higher Education".
    Hosted by Universiti Malaya (UM), the details of the event are as follows:
    Date : 8 February 2023 (Wednesday)
    Time : 11.00 am (MYT)
    Platform : Facebook Live Streaming [@UniversityofMalaya / @AKEPTMalaysia]

    This program will bring His Royal Highness Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-Lah, the Sultan of Perak Darul Ridzuan and Chancellor of Universiti Malaya as the keynote speaker. You can register by the following link:

  • University of Macau (UM) - UMDF Professorial Fellowship Lecture: Post-Pandemic, Metaverse and Tourism

    The University of Macau (UM) and the University of Macau Development Foundation (UMDF) will jointly host the University of Macau Development Foundation Professorial Fellowship Lecture : Post-Pandemic, Metaverse and Tourism, by Prof. Li MIAO, University of Macau Development Foundation Professorial Fellow of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management. Professor and Head of Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau. On 15 February 2023 (Wednesday) at 3:30pm; at Multi-function Hall, UM Guest House (N1-G014), University of Macau. The lecture will be conducted in English.

    For those who are interested, please register at the following links:
    Registration for the on-site lecture:

    Registration for the Zoom online lecture:

  • IAU New Members - January 2023

    We are pleased to welcome two new Members:

    Graduate University of Mongolia, (Mongolia)
    University of Mostar, (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

    IAU thanks them for joining the Association and for their engagement toward the Higher Education Community.
    For more information about becoming an IAU member please refer to the IAU Membership page :

  • Call for proposals for IEASA’s 25th Annual Conference 2023

    Themed Looking Back – Looking Forward, the International Education Association of South Africa (IEASA), 25th Annual Conference will be held as a face-to-face conference in Durban from 23 to 25 August 2023.
    Read more about the call for proposal (See PDF file below) and please submit your proposal (of a maximum of 500 words) online by 14 February 2023 at:

  • OUI- IOHE - Conference of the Americas on International Education (CAIE) - Call for Sponsorship

    The CAIE’s eighth edition will be taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, from November 6 to 8, 2023.
    CAIE-2023 is being organized as an in-person 3-day event with a projected attendance of 1,000 delegates, making it the perfect venue to learn about emerging paradigms, new strategies, and best practices related to the internationalization of higher education, and to establish strategic connections with representatives from higher-education institutions, associations, and service providers who will take part in the event and Expo CAEI, coming from Canada and the United States but also in large numbers from Latin America and the Caribbean.
    To this conference, IAU will be represented by Giorgio Marinoni our Manager, HE and Internationalization policy and projects.

    For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please refer to the CAIE website and the attached Sponsorship Guide

  • Association of Arab Universities (AARU) - International Conference in Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions - Call for papers

    The Association of Arab Universities (AARU) launches a call for papers for the International Conference : Toward a digital transformation Policy, Progress, challenges and key themes in universities, that will be taking place in Amman Jordan (Mövenpick Hotel), on May 8-10, 2023.

    1. Abstract- deadline Submission: 20/3/2023
    2. Acceptance notification: 31/3/2023
    3. Full Text Article – deadline Submission: 20/4/2023

    Papers should be sent to :

    For more information please refer to the PDF document below.

  • Universidad Veracruzana - Call for Participants for the Virtual International Collaborations March to May Course-Workshop 2023

    Universidad Veracruzana, as part of its internationalization at home program, invites faculty abroad to register for the Course - Workshop “Virtual International Collaborations” (VIC), which is about the COIL Methodology. It will be taught online on the EMINUS4 platform (UVED institutional educational platform) from March 6th to May 16th, 2023.” The course (30hours) is free with limited availability.
    Registration here. Contact:
    Please find attached more information about the course (English & Spanish), as well as a link to the official video:

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