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  • Zhejiang University - 2023 SDG Global Summer School

    Zhejiang University 2023 SDG Global Summer School will take place from July 31 to August 14 in a virtual format. Zhejiang University welcomes students from around the world to the Global Summer School for academic learning and cultural experience opportunities. This two-week program will allow undergraduate and graduate students to take credit-bearing courses themed on SDGs under the mentorship of prestigious professors from ZJU and partner universities.

    Students will be able to choose from 5 academic modules, namely Carbon Neutrality, Inclusive Development, Smart City, Data Visualization and Networked Autonomous Systems, based on their interests. Each module will provide an in-depth understanding of the most critical issues for a sustainable future through interdisciplinary training, thought-provoking case studies, engaging group work, and hands-on experience. Opportunities for cultural immersion will also be provided through various non-curricular activities such as Chinese culture events, virtual tours around ZJU and Hangzhou, etc.

    Applications now open online and will close on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 11:59 p.m. (GMT+8).

    Please visit here for application details and more.

  • AUF - Call for papers for the 3rd International Conference of Scientific Francophonie

    The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) is launching a Call for papers as part of the 3rd International Conference of Scientific Francophonie, which will take place in Quebec from October 31 to November 2, 2023.This call is intended for researchers, teachers of all disciplines, key players in education, economic and development fields.

    Download the detailed and complete Call for papers here (in French)

    Deadline for submitting contributions : April 23, 2023 11:59 p.m. (Paris time)

  • UArctic - 2023 Call for Nominations: Arctic Academic Action Award

    UArctic and the Arctic Circle are pleased to open the call for nominations for the 2023 Frederik Paulsen Arctic Academic Action Award. The Arctic Academic Action Award recognizes the best creative and action-oriented idea addressing the causes or impacts of climate change in the Arctic with a 100,000€ prize.
    The deadline for nominations is April 30, 2023.

    Read the full call and instructions here

  • University of Macau - Call for papers

    17 – 20 October 2023, University of Macau

    The University of Macau launches a call for papers for the 1st International Forum of Chinese and Portuguese Languages that aims to bring together specialists in Portuguese and Chinese, to carry out, in a descriptive or comparative perspective, the presentation and exchange of research results, namely in the areas of Linguistics, Literature, Culture, Didactics and Translation.

    In the Forum, a debate, analysis and exchange will be carried out under the following topics:

    Teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language
    Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
    Studies in Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Translation in Portuguese and/or Chinese
    Portuguese Language Resources Platform of the Academic Library Alliance

    This call for papers is open to members of the "Academic Librarian Alliance for Portuguese Language Resources between the Macao Special Administrative Region and Mainland China" and the "Academic Librarian Alliance between the Macao Special Administrative Region (China) and the of Portuguese Language", which are higher education institutions from Mainland China or come from Portuguese-speaking countries.

    The working languages ​​of the Forum will be Portuguese and Chinese, and articles must be written in one of these two languages ​​(regarding Chinese, authors can choose between Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese). The public presentation in the Forum of accepted articles, lasting 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion, must be carried out in Portuguese or Chinese.

    Submission of abstracts and important dates:
    Abstracts, with an approximate length of 1 A4 page (with the possibility of an additional page for images, graphics, charts and bibliographical references, if necessary), must be sent through this link. All articles accepted for communication in the Forum will subsequently be published in a volume of proceedings. Contact: Forum Secretariat:

    Deadline for abstract submission: April 15, 2023 (GMT+8)
    Communication on acceptance of articles/abstracts: May 20, 2023
    Forum registration: until June 30, 2023 (reduced registration fee: EUR150)
    Until July 15, 2023 (regular registration fee: EUR200)

  • IAU New Member - March 2023

    We are pleased to welcome a new Member:
    Nile University of Science and Technology, (Somalia)
    IAU thanks them for joining the Association and for their engagement toward the Higher Education Community.
    For more information about becoming an IAU member please refer to the IAU Membership page :

  • University of Cyprus - Vacancies at FOSS Research Center for Sustainable Energy

    The FOSS Research Center for Sustainable Energy at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus launches a call for application for :
    - Two (2) full-employment contracts or part-time for one (1) year with possible extension as a Special Scientist.
    Please send your application by Friday, 7th of April 2023, via email to and with subject title: FOSS2023SS-02 Application.
    Please refer to the attached PDF files below for detailed information.

  • Call for Bachelor-level mobility opportunities at UNACH

    The Call for National and Foreign Students of Bachelor Level who wish to carry out an academic stay at UNACH in the Face-to-Face and Virtual Modality in the period August – December 2023 is now OPEN. Deadline for applications: Friday 12 May 2023.
    Information for face-to-face exchange (in Spanish)
    Educational offer available at:
    Information for Virtual Exchange (in Spanish)
    Catalog of Virtual Courses:

  • Birzeit University - Call for participations to the 4th International Staff Training Week

    Birzeit University will be holding its 4th International Staff Training Week from 5th – 9th of June 2023 at Birzeit University, Palestine.
    The main purpose of this professional gathering is to welcome colleagues and international partners for a week of presentations and discussions on a wide range of issues important to our collaboration in terms of ERASMUS + and other bilateral agreements. During this week, participants will share knowledge and experience, enhance shared values, develop mutual future collaboration, and indeed gain an in-depth knowledge of Palestine and its language and culture, as applicants will experience a tour around unique places.
    Read more at : and for registration kindly access this page.

  • EUA University Autonomy Scorecard

    The Fourth edition of University Autonomy in Europe: The Scorecard 2023 published by the EUA on 7 March is now available.

    Read more at:

  • UNIMED General Assembly 2023

    The UNIMED General Assembly 2023, will be held on March 15 and 16, 2023 at the University of Granada, Spain.
    Read more about the programme at:

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