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  • HBMSU-ANQAHE Webinar

    Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU) and the Arab Network For Quality Assurance and Accreditation (ANQAHE) launch a call for participations to the webinar “Benchmarking Framework for Online, Open, Smart, and Technology-Enhanced Higher Education” that will be held for quality assurance experts in the field of higher education, faculty, teaching and administrative staff of universities and university associations on 22 June 2023 at 11:00 AM Dubai time. Contact : |
    Speakers :
    Prof. Nadia Badrawi; President of ANQAHE
    Dr. Mansoor Al Awar; Chancellor of HBMSU
    Dr. Tariq Al Sindi; Secretary General, ANQAHE
    Prof. Moustafa Hassan; Vice-Chancellor for International Cooperation, HBMSU

    Please register at :

  • Universidad Veracruzana - COIL - VIC Collaboration Offer

    Universidad Veracruzana is looking for professors interested in collaborating in Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) from August 2023 - January 2024.
    More information in the message below (in Spanish).

    Oferta académica:

    La oferta de colaboración COIL de los profesores de la Universidad Veracruzana disponibles para el próximo periodo escolar agosto 2023 - enero 2024, que han sido seleccionados y aceptaron integrar la experiencia COIL en sus cursos. Si está interesada en uno o más de los perfiles mostrados, favor de ponerse en contacto a través del siguiente correo electrónico:

    Esta oferta se actualiza constantemente por lo que lo invitamos a revisarla de manera periódica para ver las nuevas colaboraciones. Esperamos puedan ser de su interés y poder compartirlo con los profesores de su institución para que se integren a un proyecto COIL.

  • UNACH - JCCAI 2023 International Academic Cooperation and Collaboration Conference

    The Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH), through the General Coordination of Inter-institutional Relations, is organising the "International Academic Cooperation and Collaboration Conference JCCAI UNACH 2023", which will take place virtually through the digital platforms Zoom and Facebook Live on 14-21 June, 2023.
    The Conference brings together five international experts who will present different strategies and opportunities for international academic cooperation and collaboration. They will also provide information for the participants to reflect on the possibilities of developing joint projects through the various international academic cooperation and collaboration strategies. Roberto Escalante (IAU board member) and Trine Jensen, (IAU Manager, HE & Digital Transformation, Publication and Events), will be part of the speakers.
    For more details please see the programe attached below.

    The conferences are freely accessible through Facebook and the Zoom platform at the following link:
    ID : 842 3808 5117
    Access code: 933440
    Facebook page:
    Note : select each date separately. A certificate will be awarded with 80% attendance.

  • Registration is now open for the 25th IEASA Annual Conference

    IEASA is delighted to announce that registration for the 25th Annual IEASA Conference, themed "Looking Back – Looking Forward", is open.
    Join them for this highlight of IEASA’s silver jubilee celebrations in 2023. After three years of online engagements, IEASA is looking forward to meeting you face-to-face in Durban from 22 to 25 August 2023. Save by registering before the 30 June 2023! Regular Registration: 1 July – 14 August 2023

  • IAU New Members - May 2023

    We are pleased to welcome 8 new members :

    IAU thanks them for joining the Association and for their engagement toward the Higher Education Community.
    For more information about becoming an IAU member please refer to the IAU Membership page:

  • European University Associations - Trends 2024 survey questionnaire

    All higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) are invited to participate in the European University Association’s (EUA) Trends 2024 survey questionnaire. The deadline is 20 June 2023
    Please click here to access the survey, and here for a survey preview (PDF).
    As for previous rounds, you should be higher education institutions which offers study programmes in one or several of the three degree cycles, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral
    There should be only one response per institution, provided by or on behalf of senior leadership.
    Since 1999, EUA’s Trends series has been a key resource in mapping developments and reforms in European higher education institutions. It helps EUA to advocate the position and view of higher education institutions in the ongoing European policy discussions. provide input to discussions on institutional practices and national and European policy frameworks
    The present questionnaire will gather feedback from higher education institutions on developments in learning and teaching, social inclusion, engagement with society and internationalisation, as well as European policy processes and measures, such as the European Education Area and micro-credentials.
    Trends 2024 is timed to be published in the first quarter of 2024, in good time for the Bologna Process Ministerial Conference in Tirana, Albania (tentatively May 2024).
    In case of any question, feel free to contact us at:

  • AULP - Applications is now open for the 2023 Edition of the Fernão Mendes Pinto Award

    The Association of Universities of the Portuguese Language (AULP) annually awards a prize called Fernão Mendes Pinto that rewards a master’s or doctoral dissertation that contributes to the rapprochement of Portuguese language communities, defended during the previous calendar year. The value of the Fernão Mendes Pinto Prize is €8,000 (eight thousand euros) to be awarded in a joint partnership between AULP and the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) to the winning author with the digital publication of the work being the responsibility of the Camões Institute.
    Deadline for applications: July 31, 2023.
    More information at: (in Portuguese)

  • UWI - University of Johannesburg honours Sir Hilary

    The University of Johannesburg conferred on Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, Vice-Chancellor of The University of the West Indies (UWI), the degree of Honorary Doctor of Letters, at its Humanities convocation ceremony on May 9, 2023.

    It was an emotionally moving ceremony of celebration as university students from Soweto and elsewhere, and academics, thanked Sir Hilary for his lifelong work in the advancement of global justice and the bending of scholarship in the service of democracy. Professor Beckles was welcomed home to Africa as a son who continues to fight bravely for his people on both sides of the Atlantic.

    Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, the university orator noted, “has emerged an iconic leader of the global reparations movement, a distinguished Vice-Chancellor in the arena of strategic planning for higher education, a United Nations official for sustainable development advocacy and a world-renowned historian with honorary awards from many other universities. The combination of academic excellence, effective advocacy, and insightful administration illustrates Sir Hilary’s intellectual versatility, passion and commitment for justice, and visionary leadership.”

    Sir Hilary in response thanked the university for its kindness and generosity, and noted how proud he feels to be a graduate of such an extraordinary institution. He informed the gathering that he accepts the honour on behalf of The UWI that has long admired the University of Johannesburg for its intellectual leadership and pioneering research for African development.

  • Launch of the ESN survey

    The Erasmus Student Network has recently launched the last edition of the ESNsurvey, the largest student-led survey focusing on student exchanges and the internationalisation of Higher Education from the student perspective.
    You can find it here:

    The survey is open to students who have been on an exchange during the last two years, all international students who are pursuing degrees abroad (including at our University!) and also students who have not been on an exchange.
    By filling out the survey, you can win one of the 10 Interrail Global passes, 10 Flixbus return tickets and 4 Amazon vouchers for 50 Euros each!

  • Zhejiang University - Applications are still open for the 2023 SDG Global Summer School

    Zhejiang University 2023 SDG Global Summer School will take place from July 31 to August 14 in a virtual format. The two-week program will allow undergraduate and graduate students to take credit-bearing courses themed on SDGs under the mentorship of prestigious professors from ZJU and partner universities. This year, we provide FIVE academic modules including Data Visualization, Carbon Neutrality, Smart City, Inclusive Development and Networked Autonomous Systems. Each module contains over 30 hours of courses and addresses the most critical issues for a sustainable future. Applications are now open online and will close on May 31, 2023 (GMT+8).
    Please visit SDG Global Summer School ( for application details and more.

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