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  • Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and UNIMED - 2nd edition of the Mediterranean Student Summit

    The Erasmus Student Network(ESN) and UNIMED, with the support of Abdelmalek Essaadi University, are joining forces to organise in Tangier the second Mediterranean Student Summit event, an initiative that seeks to bring together Higher Education students from both shores of the Mediterranean to foster intercultural dialogue and work together on common challenges.

    The event will take place from 20th to 22nd September 2023 and will be hosted by Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco, under the patronage of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM).

    Read more here

  • NAFSA 2024 Annual Conference & Expo

    NAFSA encourages global and diverse voices at the 2024 NAFSA conference that will be held May 28–May 31, 2024, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The theme is "Resilience. Renewal. Community."
    Several opportunities:
    1/ Proposal reviewers: Sign up to serve as a proposal reviewer. The deadline to sign up is July 31.
    2/ Session, workshop and poster proposals: The NAFSA Annual Conference Committee welcomes proposals on:
    - resilience and wellness for international educators, students, and scholars
    - environmental sustainability in international education
    - global and multigenerational voices, particularly perspectives from the Global South
    - diversity, equity, inclusion, and access
    - world events and geopolitical factors that affect international education
    - artificial intelligence and other new, emerging technology
    - skills and competencies for professional growth and leadership
    - best practices from NAFSA’s Knowledge Communities
    Session and workshop proposals are due by August 30 at 5:00 p.m. (EDT). Poster proposals are due by December 6.
    Visit NAFSA’s website to learn more.

  • Daffodil International University - Research Award Giving Ceremony 2023

    Daffodil International University, celebrated a major milestone with 1000 Scopus/ISI indexed research publications and book chapters in 2022. Nearly 92_lacs taka was distributed among the researchers as recognition of their significant number of publications in highly indexed journals. About 80 percent of papers were published in Q1 and Q2 categories. Professor Dr. Md. Sazzad Hossain, Member of the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh distributed the awards among the researchers at the "Research Award Giving Ceremony 2023" organized by DIU Research Division in the presence of the Honorable Chairman Board of Trustees at Daffodil International University.
    Read more at :

  • UNIMED - FAO | Call for Applications for the Global Youth Dialogue on Sustainable Livestock Transformation

    Global Youth Dialogue on Sustainable Livestock Transformation


    FAO, in collaboration with Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED), is organizing the Global Youth Dialogue on Sustainable Livestock Transformation in parallel to the FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation.
    WHEN: 25–27 September 2023
    WHERE: FAO headquarters, Rome (Italy)

    The Youth Dialogue was co-created by youth, for youth. It will connect and empower young people around the globe to discuss key priorities and challenges and identify innovative and actionable solutions for sustainable livestock transformation.
    The Youth Dialogue will:

    · provide youth across the globe with a platform to express and exchange their ideas on sustainable livestock transformation;
    · provide an opportunity for young people to engage with representatives of FAO Members, producer organizations, research and academia, development agencies, civil society organizations and the private sector;
    · make young people part of the conversation.

    The event will bring together up to 200 young people (21-35 years old) from across the world with a professional and/or academic background in livestock.
    Apply now!

    Deadline for applications is 31 July 2023.

  • EUA-ENLACES statement

    Ahead of EU-CELAC Summit which took place in Brussels on 17 -18 July, 2023, the European University Association (EUA) and the Latin American and Caribbean Space for Higher Education (ENLACES) have published a joint statement (English / Spanish). Read more on EUA’s website

  • 8th EWORA Conference - Global Female Leadership and the Future of Universities

    The European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) launches a call for participations to the 8th EWORA Conference which will be co-organized by EWORA, Kadir Has University, Istanbul and ITU ARI Technopark on 2-3 November 2023. This event will mark the 15th anniversary the European Women Rectors Conference Series.
    The special focus of the conference will be on “Global Female Leadership and the Future of Universities”. EWORA cordially invites women in leadership positions at universities and research organizations, gender experts and members of higher education networks to join them at the conference. Dr. Hilligje van’t Land, IAU Secretary General will be among the keynote speakers.
    Registations open until 15 October, 2023

  • Boston College Center for International Higher Education - IHE - No. 115 now avalaible

    The Summer 2023 issue of International Higher Education - IHE No. 115 is now avalaible.
    International Higher Education (IHE), is a quarterly publication launched by the Boston College Center for International Higher Education in Spring 1995 and published by DUZ Academic Publishers, Berlin. This journal publishes insightful, informed, and high-quality commentary and analysis on trends and issues of importance to higher education systems, institutions, and stakeholders around the world
    You can access the full issue through this link:

  • IAU New Members - June 2023

    We are pleased to welcome 3 new members :

    Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina (Colombia)
    American University of Kurdistan (Kurdistan)
    The New School, (USA)

    IAU thanks them for joining the Association and for their engagement toward the Higher Education Community.
    For more information about becoming an IAU member please refer to the IAU Membership page:

  • AULP - Call for applications for the Fernão Mendes Pinto Prize 2023

    Applications for the 2023 edition of the Fernão Mendes Pinto Prize are open until July 31.

    The value of the Fernão Mendes Pinto Prize is € 8,000 (eight thousand euros) to be awarded in a joint partnership between the Association of Portuguese Language Universities (AULP) and the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) to the winning author, with the digital publication of the work under the responsibility of Instituto Camões.
    Read more at: (In Portuguese)

  • ACA - Erasmus Mundus impact survey

    IAU Members are invited to take part in the #ErasmusMundus #impact survey!
    The Academic Cooperation Association (ACA ) is looking not only for European HEIs but also their international partner institutions that have previously participated in the programme and can share their experience as part of a broader long-term impact study of the Erasmus Mundus programme. The survey is open until the 31 July 2023.
    Read more at:

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