IAU Horizons 29.2 - Call for papers on The University: Shaping Values and Shaped by Values |
IAU Horizons 29.2 - Call for papers
IN FOCUS: The University: Shaping Values and Shaped by Values
In today’s dynamic, complex, and ever-evolving global landscape, universities often find themselves on the front lines of social tension, economic and environmental uncertainty, and political change. These challenges transcend geographical boundaries, impacting universities worldwide irrespective of their size, traditions, cultures, or operational styles. Against this backdrop, this issue of IAU Horizons wishes to investigate the pivotal role of values, exploring both the ways that universities shape the values of their students and the values that universities themselves rely on for guidance in their decision-making, ethical conduct, strategic outlook and meaningful engagement.
This issue of IAU Horizons invites contributions that discuss the values that are needed to address the great challenges of our time. It also invites reflection on whether, amid our rich and diverse set of cultures and traditions, higher education institutions around the world share a set of distinct values? What will be the future of traditional academic values, such as autonomy, academic freedom, and research integrity? What role do values play in the social trust accorded to universities?
To discuss these important questions, the IAU calls for thought pieces of a maximum 800 words.
Read the full call for papers here.
Please submit a proposed abstract by 1 June 2024
The deadline for submission of the full opinion piece is 1 July 2024.
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