Analysis francophone and francophile HEIs answers |
5th Global Survey on the Internationalization of HE:
Analysis francophone and francophile HEIs answers
IAU and the Academy for Research and Higher Education (ARES) joined forces to conduct a comparative analysis of general global trends observed within francophone institutions and francophile institutions. This collaboration follows the 5th Global Survey on the Internationalization of Higher Education completed by the IAU in 2019.
The report highlights differences between the trends found in the francophone/francophile target group and the overall global or regional trends detailed in the IAU report and also between the francophone and francophile sub-groups. The 5th IAU Global Survey collected 907 replies, with 254 answers from francophone and francophile institutions. The analysis described in this report is based on these 254 answers. The report is available in French for download.
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