The UNIMED WEEK in Brussels is a forum for discussion and networking, an occasion for our associates to meet European and international institutions and learn more about their current and future programs.
Brussels, Belgium
17 avril 2024 |
The UNIMED WEEK in Brussels is a forum for discussion and networking, an occasion for our associates to meet European and international institutions and learn more about their current and future programs.
Brussels, Belgium
Internationalization of higher education as a concept and set of practices is subject to constant reform and re-definition. Having left behind the assumption of virtual delivery as an emergency adaptation, virtual approaches to internationalization have emerged as innovations that complement other approaches. While many practices and approaches, such as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and Virtual Exchange, have flourished recently, a global dialogue across regions, perspectives and experiences is timely.
Please note times are CEST
ONG en partenariat officiel avec l'UNESCO au statut d'association |
Association internationale des Universités, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France |
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